« on: January 23, 2005, 03:32:32 PM »
Some more info for criticismo
I've only had time to type up the very start of the game, which will just leave you with more questions than answers. Sorry about that :rolleyes:
The POV is facing down, keeping pace with someone's legs that fill the
frame. All the while a subtle musical score is the only thing save the
echoing footsteps that fills this place, which observing the bottoms
of the doors that line the corridor you guess is an appartment block.
Through subliminal graduation the eerie footsteps become louder and
louder as they near their destination.
Finally they stop, shuffling to face their chosen door. The POV cuts
to show you the front of the door, head height. It opens and the music
climaxes, the screen filling with bright, white light.
The phrase: "Citadel Utopia" unearths itself from the white screen,
sharpening into focus, blurring, coming into focus again before
disappearing. The briefest of pauses later the text is there, clearly
legible and filling the width of the screen. The white fades to
Fading into your (first person) view is a spartan room, small with a
viewscreen atop a desk and a recess of machinery, marked "SDU"
(Supplementary Dispensal Unit). Behind you are two windows, which upon
closer inspection turn out to be glorified light panels, complete with
blind fittings. Upon the wall, facing the foot of your bed, you see
the Citadel Utopia symbol (utankh) complete with a motto in a language
you are unable to decipher. Towards the corner of the room, the light
trim of the screen begins to pulse and it beeps, beseeching your
Below: Some examples of the immersion I'll be hoping to incorporate into CU
In your room you will find the clothing storage unit, its interior
complete with one set of Citizen Alpha uniform. If you take it a new
one will slide into place from a recess in the wall. If you stay in
your bedclothes and attempt to leave you will see a message upon
pressing the button:
"Your attire is not suitable for outside use, Citizen. Please select a
uniform to change into from your storage unit."
In the corner of your room you will find a toilet and shower cubicle.
If you shower in your uniform and attempt to leave:
"You attire shows high humidity levels, Citizen. Utopian <H&S>
regulations state that this carries a <sickness> factor. Please select
a uniform to change into from your storage unit."
Your thoughts are most welcome, Citizens :p