Keyser -
You misunderstand what I'm writing. Try and look at it this way -
The rules say "Speed limit 60mph"
A poor driver then drives at 70mph because he's making the most of his 10kph phantom higher limit that is still "legal"
A good driver is going under 60 but above 50 (being the lower percentile).
The good driver reads the rules and acts on them, the poor driver is taking advantage of a loophole in order to speed. Sure, he's not driving excessively fast on paper, but in reality he's motivated to speed as much as possible in order to get a 10-20mph edge on everyone else.
In the case of spawncamping, it would be abusing rules concerning location of the shooter, how many times he tries to actually kill a structure instead of camping, etc. On paper a poor player will try to defend his actions using the law, but his intentions are to exploit. Another possible explanation is someone who uses knowledge of the law in order to exploit the legal system for their own benefit. On paper they're doing no wrong, but in spirit they are exploiting the system.
I hope that clarifies.
If you're worried about shooting a skulk in the hive, alone, then perhaps you really shouldn't be in the hive shooting the skulk. Yes, this sometimes will mean a player has a poor game because noone else is following the game plan, but thats a situation where you would have to lose and deal with it. Big difference between
"I rushed the hive, I had no reinforcements, so I fell back"
"I rushed the hive, I had no reinforcements, I decided to stay and camp because I thought people would eventually come and turn my spawncamping into a rush"
I think you're the one who misunderstood me. Key concept here is reflexes. When you're lerk and you are getting shot at, you are going to move in such a way that will avoid enemy fire. This is true in any situation of any version. You don't think to yourself in that situation "Hmm, I can only fly so fast in the Z direction, so I'll make sure to stay under the speed cap."
Let's face it, the point of any game is to win. That's why we play. Yes we play to have fun, but it wouldn't be a (good) game without a competitive nature to it. Say the rules say you couldn't come within 2 rooms of an active spawning hive. What would you do then? Probably camp the rule outside of the limit so you wouldn't get banned. What would you do if the rules said you could only cap 5 nodes on the map at any time? You would cap those 5 and not go over. Would you cap only 4 for following the 'spirit' of the rule? No, because that is rediculous. The spirit of the law is rediculous when you have the rule set up to block every possible loophole to the poorly thought out rule.
Now with spawncamping, you have to consider the rules before entering the hive with teammates. The team has to consider "Hmm, can we actually destroy structures or hives without camping excessively if we enter?" rather than "How can we use the best teamwork to pull this off?" This is more frustrating than I can put into words, and it hurts the flow of the game considerably.
Same thing with medpack requests. You try to do as many as possible without tripping over the arbitrary line of 'spamming'. Would you let yourself die because you've not quite reached the limit but you really need a medpack?
I'm not sure if you've ever driven before, but a driver doing 60 in a 70 zone will get passed by just about 90% of people on the road. You talk about a bad driver doing 70, when more than half go over the speed limit. God forbid you're driving on a one lane road, if you do 10 miles under the speed limit someone
will commit a rage crime against you. Especially in the city.
I'm not sure where you got the notion that driving the speed limit was bad, but way back in my drivers Ed you got bad marks if you went and stayed more than 5-10 mph under the speed limit for a consistently. It's called impeding traffic.
No, I'm explaining to you that "valid tactic" doesn't necessarily mean one thats in the spirit of the game. Second, if you think those are unfair or unsporting solutions to game problems then you're partway to understanding why some people don't like spawncamping.
No, what I'm saying is play the game the way it was meant to be played, no hacks, no DDOSing the opponents computer, no sending hired assasins, no setting up arbitrary rules, etc... I mean every wacky rule that restricts teams from playing the game how it should be played is another step taken away from how the devs intended the game to played. Pancaking is not a big enough problem that it causes bad lerks to become invincible, unlike where flying cost no energy. I mean if all you do is hit the ceiling and floor, than you won't be contributing anything anyways. Spawncamping is easily prevented with scouting and teamwork (look at that, no spawncamping rules actually hurt alien teamwork o_O ), and 'spamming' rules should only be applied to those who are intentially ruining the game.
Sure, whatever. Fact is however that I'm part of the happy majority who's had no problems. Are we all yes men? Or are we the target audience of LM? I air my disagreements in the proper areas, I make my suggestions in the proper place, I understand my contribution to the server and I understand the influence I can expect to exert on others. I'm something called the average player. I'm something called a realist. I have an imagination, but I can separate dreamland from reality.
Browsing through the ban forums give a good impression of the happy satisfaction, not to mention the legions of names on Archi's list who are community members. Eh?
If you kept tipping your King in chess then eventually noone would play you. You don't see many people tipping their King because "OGM SICILIAN DEFENSE WTFBBQ". Its a nice comparision but flawed and doesn't take into account that there exists a vast amount of tards who F4 the second things don't go their way - and I for one have had the best games when its been an uphill struggle.
The best players often tip their king long before the game is over, and yet they are still considered the best. Eh? People don't play chess for an uphill battle or to experience the thrill of the moment, it is played to match intelligence against intelligence. (hint: this is probably where you should argue the difference) Tipping your king is conceiting, and is widely respected among the best players.
I may be wrong, but if the marine team shotgun rush the hive then aliens will quickly learn the value of defense. In one game, on Lost, we marines trained into the alien hive, totally unopposed, and lmged it down with massed unupgraded firepower. Valuable lesson taught to the aliens. Marines dont need to fear the hive, the only need to fear camping in the hive shooting spawning skulks. Hiding in the vent and building a pg is fine. Rushing it with all hands is fine. Or so I read it.
2 skulks can demolish chew down key structures that the marines will never recover from if they aren't on their guard. What can 2 marines do? Delay the enemy by spawncamping. Whoa, they actually seem sorta equivalent!