Author Topic: REQUIRED READING FOR PLAYERS  (Read 59051 times)

December 13, 2004, 01:36:40 PM
Reply #160


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this should be the rule.

"No marines may enter the hive during any point of the game because to many damn peope keep bitching about the damn thing instead of just enjoying the game."

THERE. I think THAT will fix it.

Nope, I got banned for spawncamping without ever being near the hive. I couldn't even see spawning skulks.  :blink:

December 13, 2004, 01:49:52 PM
Reply #161


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<3 BenjamiN/Benny/MrBen - Washed up clanner, ex-contributor and forum troll.
#lessthanthree on qnet

December 13, 2004, 02:15:15 PM
Reply #162

That Annoying Kid

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this should be the rule.

"No marines may enter the hive during any point of the game because to many damn peope keep bitching about the damn thing instead of just enjoying the game."

THERE. I think THAT will fix it.

Nope, I got banned for spawncamping without ever being near the hive. I couldn't even see spawning skulks.  :blink:

Good point, we need to make it a 1000 unit distance away from all seige spots, that where there will be no camping whatsoever, and MS is untouchable unless the aliens can demonstrate the can end the game without camping.

okay seriously now, were getting a bit to off topic, lets attempt to rejuvenate the discussion before an admin does it for us
MAC DRE: Cold Crest Creeper, a rapper that would dip-n-yoke quicker than he could pimp-n-smoke, flows  that hit your ears harder than Ike hit Tina. Forced to serve a Nickle but would never drop a Dime.
K.C watch out cause the Bay's down like four flats on a Cadilac.

December 13, 2004, 06:02:11 PM
Reply #163


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i too have found myself in a situation where we have been pushing towards the hive, (i have everyone muted because they make so much noise i cannot hear skulks with my crappy headphones) then i find myself totally alone in or near the hive room. i kill a few rushing skulks and then im being presented with the annoying challenge of either falling back (and propably getting killed in the process) or hold the position at least for some time. (edit: and be then accused of spawncamping)

now, what people fail to realise is that there are methods to prevent spawncamping from happening. for instance, get a decent lerk and you will never get spawncamped as long as hes alive. even the best marine cannot hold out against a hivecamping, spore-happy lerk unless he has a hmg or  jp.

skulks in general need to learn to scout ahead and parasite marines as they approach the hive room (or any other place for that matter), then ambush or something. its ridiculous that people stubbornly want to play the game as they see fit and not how it has been made. if you refuse to defend your vital objectives or come up with the proper counters to situations then no rule or plugin will help you win.

which brings me to another point, the umbra-spawn plugin. now there are situations where its good and to some extent evens out the odds. then there are situations where id rather see it go. for example:

marines want to siege a hive. every skulk that spawns gives the hive umbra (i think) and they are affected by umbra for several seconds, so effectively almost every skulk that rushes the marines has double hp. obviously this is not how the game was meant to work.

marines want to kill the hive node. this is just as valid as killing the armory or ip in ms. and you are bound to run into spawning skulks in the process. if theres 2 marines theres no way they can hold out against spawning creatures that have 180 hp, 1/3 of an lmg clip. almost as ridiculous is the "elec-spawn" plugin which i wont comment on any further.

oh, and i have plenty of experience on this matter, i have been spawncamped just as much as any of you here. take it lightly, if you get the marines out they will be back in a minute (better equipped) or they wont. if you cant kill them youve lost and you already did something wrong (or teams were just stupidly stacked, imo those kinds of games arent worthy of playing properly [read: lerk practice :))]).

on bs_:

it is everyones personal choice, it has always been, no? someone tell me why the attitudes started changing :S

i use scripts and im willing to teach anyone about them to the extent of my knowledge. i dnot think them as harmful or cheating, yes they give convinience (what a word) and yes some give an outright advantage (_special). i can play without them just fine as i use mwheel. a much bigger disadvantage is fps and hardware in general. i am at a disadvantage because my mouse is buggy and freaks out for no reason. im also at an advantage because i get 100 fps no matter whats on the screen. perhaps everyone should be restricted to fps_max 30 (if you have over 30 fps, TRY THIS and try to bhop) and ball mice to even the playing field? i think not.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2004, 07:31:31 AM by TOmekki »

December 14, 2004, 05:22:07 PM
Reply #164


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Don't forget that you aren't allowed to camp hive exits while your team is building sieges too as it is unfair.  The skulks should be allowed to chew on the turret factory and turrets while they are being built.  Heck how about just drop all guns before you leave marine start.

Just so I don't get banned this is a stupid joke.  The point though is that we are supposed to leave the decisions on what exactly the rules mean up to admins that have in the past banned people for assinine reasons with little to no warning at all.

Also I was just wondering if I should auth when I join the server seeing as how my consti icon could be construed as an advertisement.

December 15, 2004, 11:52:16 PM
Reply #165


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In my opinion, any time a skulk gets killed on a rush they would not have been killed on if they chose to do something asside from rushing they have not been spawncamped.  Spawncamping is when you are taking fire the moment after you spawn and you die before you have the chance to either retreat or attack (if they had the chance to retreat but rather died on an attack then they were not spawncamped; although obviously that is an issue compleatly up to admin judgement).  Just stay out of the damn hive if there isn't more than 2 of you, put up your PGs in outside hallways or close by vents unless you are REALLY REALLY well ninja'ed.
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December 16, 2004, 01:44:58 AM
Reply #166


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Don't forget that you aren't allowed to camp hive exits while your team is building sieges too as it is unfair.  The skulks should be allowed to chew on the turret factory and turrets while they are being built.  Heck how about just drop all guns before you leave marine start.

Just so I don't get banned this is a stupid joke.  The point though is that we are supposed to leave the decisions on what exactly the rules mean up to admins that have in the past banned people for assinine reasons with little to no warning at all.

Also I was just wondering if I should auth when I join the server seeing as how my consti icon could be construed as an advertisement.

Smarmy, grumpiness inducing type posts will incur likewise grumpiness towards you when you are on the server gunner.
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December 16, 2004, 08:47:27 AM
Reply #167


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If you read Scooter, Archi said it was ok. EDITED with link.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2004, 01:46:26 PM by Malevolent »
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December 16, 2004, 12:22:35 PM
Reply #168


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TBH I was going to say virtually the exact same thing Hoots said.
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December 19, 2004, 01:23:42 PM
Reply #169


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Smarmy, grumpiness inducing type posts will incur likewise grumpiness towards you when you are on the server gunner.

Hey remember that time I can't even get on the server because someone insta-perm-banned me with no warning the last time I tried to play there.  Yeah that was awesome.

December 20, 2004, 08:20:57 AM
Reply #170


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Actually, what he said was "If other admins have wonderful posts like Uranium's they want to put in here, go right ahead," in response to Uraniums three page, informative, well thought out post.  I hardly think by "wonderful" posts he meant snide, threatening, one-sentence posts like:

Smarmy, grumpiness inducing type posts will incur likewise grumpiness towards you when you are on the server gunner

You have a real problem with authority don't you.

*section removed because of vulgerness * Hoots wasn't being threatening, he was stating a fact. If someone says something that pisses you off on the forums, it's probably also going to piss you off on the server as well.

You have a deep set inability to read and understand most things, don't you?

And now, to balance out Scooter-Blue's irrational, moronic attitude, i for one welcome hoots to this thread and invite him to make any comments he so wishes to. You know why? Because i respect hoots as a player and a good person, not because he's an admin. I personally would read anything that he has to say ** Another section removed**
« Last Edit: December 20, 2004, 02:19:40 PM by GrayDuck »
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December 20, 2004, 09:09:21 AM
Reply #171


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I hardly think flaming's going to add anything valuable to this thread.
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December 20, 2004, 02:13:00 PM
Reply #172

That Annoying Kid

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Swiftspear said it, and we've got carried away

SPAWNCAMPING IS WHEN YOU ARE GETTING SHOT AS YOU FALL FROM BEING SPAWNED AND HAVE NO CHANCE TO RETREAT / ATTACK. If you chose to attack instead of hiding close to hive and waiting for a teamate to spawn to attack with teamwork then it's your fault for getting mowed down by one of the good players who is on the LM who is in the hive.

My personal thoughts have always been hardcore llama spawncamping that is occuring to get higher on the scoreboard should be punished, and camping while attacking stuff, no matter how many people should be legit, as long as you don't shoot aliens when they are falling from being spawned.

Running into hive solo, knifing res node, and then killing a skulk that died in the field and respawned is legit, running into the hive and putting mines on each spawn point is a good definition of camping that will get bant [just pretend the no mines in active hives doesn't exist for the sake of the argument]
« Last Edit: December 20, 2004, 02:50:40 PM by That Annoying Kid »
MAC DRE: Cold Crest Creeper, a rapper that would dip-n-yoke quicker than he could pimp-n-smoke, flows  that hit your ears harder than Ike hit Tina. Forced to serve a Nickle but would never drop a Dime.
K.C watch out cause the Bay's down like four flats on a Cadilac.

December 20, 2004, 02:33:38 PM
Reply #173


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I hardly think flaming's going to add anything valuable to this thread.

Crispy nailed it.  Have your opinions, debate, argue, but keep it all respectful.

December 21, 2004, 12:01:47 AM
Reply #174


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I don't know how long this has been here, and I don't know whether what I say matters at all or not anymore.  But frankly, I'd like to put in my two cents.

When I joined this server, it had a reputation.  It was a big server, heck, maybe even famous.  But it was known for banning vets on small abuses, and for being fairly unlikely to allow new members to join the community.  

Now, heck, I came to LM for a reason, and for the life of me I can't remember it now.  But the reason I stayed was because I felt that no matter what reputation, and no matter what problems a server has, it's not about the server, or about the problems, or the admins, but the other people, the ones you play beside and meet, that make the server a COMMUNITY.

Maybe the admins are a little strict, I havent' been around too much.  But I know I'd be strict, I know from forum modding in other places what my rules are.  One warning, then action.  Frankly, that seems best to me.

Maybe the people are leaving, maybe the game is getting worse.  I dont' know, I don't play it to win all the time.

But I came to this place as a vet, and now I hold a res slot.  Heck with what may or may not be happening, I'm here to stay, because this isn't just a server.  LM is a community, and this community is what I have become part of, and here is where my friends are.  That includes people on both sides of almost every arguement, from the lunacy of MrBill to the strict enforcements of Uranub.

This is LM, and nobody can really change where it's going.  But you can definitely make a few friends as you ride the waves.

Edit:  Feel free to argue, but games are for fun, and for friends.  That's my view.  But then, remember.  I'm just a vet. ;)
« Last Edit: December 21, 2004, 12:10:03 AM by Asal »
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
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December 21, 2004, 01:29:13 AM
Reply #175


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I don't know how long this has been here, and I don't know whether what I say matters at all or not anymore.  But frankly, I'd like to put in my two cents.

When I joined this server, it had a reputation.  It was a big server, heck, maybe even famous.  But it was known for banning vets on small abuses, and for being fairly unlikely to allow new members to join the community. 

Now, heck, I came to LM for a reason, and for the life of me I can't remember it now.  But the reason I stayed was because I felt that no matter what reputation, and no matter what problems a server has, it's not about the server, or about the problems, or the admins, but the other people, the ones you play beside and meet, that make the server a COMMUNITY.

Maybe the admins are a little strict, I havent' been around too much.  But I know I'd be strict, I know from forum modding in other places what my rules are.  One warning, then action.  Frankly, that seems best to me.

Maybe the people are leaving, maybe the game is getting worse.  I dont' know, I don't play it to win all the time.

But I came to this place as a vet, and now I hold a res slot.  Heck with what may or may not be happening, I'm here to stay, because this isn't just a server.  LM is a community, and this community is what I have become part of, and here is where my friends are.  That includes people on both sides of almost every arguement, from the lunacy of MrBill to the strict enforcements of Uranub.

This is LM, and nobody can really change where it's going.  But you can definitely make a few friends as you ride the waves.

Edit:  Feel free to argue, but games are for fun, and for friends.  That's my view.  But then, remember.  I'm just a vet. ;)
I agree with most of what you said here.

The one ammendment I would make is to say that although fast action is nessicary, 'action' doesn't nessicarily have to be a perma-ban, exspecially for accidental or unintentional offences.

Like you say, it's a community, and thus I think it is strange that many members are getting 'you screw up once your banned' treatment.  Most people have bad days now and then, and most people make mistakes that may or may not push the limit.  

I remember once reading through one of the old PR bans in which someone was trying to defend thier actions that got them banned.  Because they were new they were kindof awkward in expressing themselfs and ended up contidicting statements they had made a couple times.  The powers that be jumped on it and reemed the hell out of this guy.  I guess the point I'm trying to make here is that you guys don't exactly go through an advanced trial process while you are banning people, I mean I have seen people banned bacause esuna accidentally misused the !admin command before; so if it is so possible for people to be wrongfully banned, why are you treating banned members like they are guilty until proven innocent and not the other way around?

I love the admins here, and respect them upmostly.  It's a great group of people.  But its hard to belive that the rare admin doesn't misuse thier powers occationally in the heat of the moment.  I've never seen it personally (I don't play on the server that much) but alot of people seem to belive they have from reading archi's servey.  Thus I conclude that the "We're always right because we say so" aditude is only hurting this server when it comes to public relation, because common opinons seems pretty clear that you might say your always right, but the public doesn't belive it.
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December 21, 2004, 11:36:27 AM
Reply #176


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I mean I have seen people banned bacause esuna accidentally misused the !admin command before;

Hey now, i used the !admin command properly, it's there to request admin assistance on the server, which doesn't mean "ban from rcon without even bothering to check, nor talking to any other admins (bob) that were looking into it".

I never got to have my say on this issue, fool just washed over it, locked the PR thread and made another thread which was nothing but a blatant coverup for the fact that HE :Ded up, not me. I was not in the wrong, i did nothing but use !admin as it was intended, if anyone is to blame for being to hasty to ban without even bothering to check, it's fool, not me.
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December 21, 2004, 03:01:32 PM
Reply #177

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well, actually when you say !admin, you should give a steamID, player name and a CLEAR reason as to whats going on all in that line.
However there wasnt an official "how to use the admin command" post made before. sooooo whatever.

December 21, 2004, 04:06:23 PM
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I mean I have seen people banned bacause esuna accidentally misused the !admin command before;

Hey now, i used the !admin command properly, it's there to request admin assistance on the server, which doesn't mean "ban from rcon without even bothering to check, nor talking to any other admins (bob) that were looking into it".

I never got to have my say on this issue, fool just washed over it, locked the PR thread and made another thread which was nothing but a blatant coverup for the fact that HE :Ded up, not me. I was not in the wrong, i did nothing but use !admin as it was intended, if anyone is to blame for being to hasty to ban without even bothering to check, it's fool, not me.
Sorry, I didn't really pay any attention to who's fault it was or whatnot, I wasn't trying direct blame at you, quite the opposite really.  The point still stands however, admin actions clearly aren't always flawless.
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL