sorry to report, but the autosorter thingy is broken =x, not utterly broken, just buggy... like, it has a 'feature' to autosort every time you pick something up, but of course sorting means it goes through your entire inventory, moving everything, monopolizing your cursor for a few seconds, etc... which really sucks if you just got 1 piece of junk from a corpse while you're in combat...
and the ability to turn off the auto-sort (so that it only sorts on command) seems to not be working atm
but I swear the other features rawk you =P lemme take a quick SS of my interface...
things worth noting: 2 sidebars, quest monitor, DPS monitor, clock, xp monitor/other stats, buff info/timeleft, soulshard monitor (for warlocks), clunky xp bar moved to portrait, macros to attack + send pet to attack w/ 1 button and to use a healthstone w/o dragging it to my toolbar every time I use one...
edit: of course those huge windows aren't always there - everything is fully smart and configurable and the detail windows only come up when you hover over their tiny counterparts.