Author Topic: the problem  (Read 48572 times)

April 23, 2005, 08:27:45 AM
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edit: hey, it isn't about shotguns!

running these thoughts by you guys, if it becomes anything of worth perhaps i'll report on ns forums:

atm everyone sees aliens as the team that pretty much wins unless the aliens screw around and do nothing. which sadly, is very, very accurate. "the games are won by 5 minutes played", is indeed the problem we face. hive two can be put up by 3 minutes if you get ~3-5 kills, depending on rfk and rts. i've gotten it up earlier in a full game, but due to luck of owning marines early into the first minute. but as you can plainly see, its  possible to get 25 res in about two minutes, as the free(skulk), non upgraded lifeform. RFK may be to blame(in that case it is), but this isn't the only problem.

everyone knows marines can turtle, its not even funny how well they can do it. it'll eventually be broken, with the right combo of abils+lifeforms. however, add heavies to the mix, and its that much harder to break. especially with phasegates. they also have shotguns, which are ridiculously good, but i can't call them overpowered due to the netcode issues. so okay, netcode saves aliens often, but sometimes it also kills them("im down the hall yay" bob killed fade with shotgun "..")

so problems from two short paragraphs are: rfk and netcode. on top of those two issues, we also have the alien res system setup. the way it works, as far as i've noticed, is the following:

say you have 3 res towers, 6 people on a team. very easy to get on most maps, and just as easy to hold. every 4 seconds 3 res is distributed. it goes to every player in an order. so, players 1-3 will get one res a piece for that "tick" of the rt. the next one, the other 3 players get 1 res a piece. and repeats every 4 seconds. pretty nice wouldn't you say, 1 res every 8 seconds for holding a hive, something you need to win anyway? then you can throw in the hope that aliens will be holding hive2, or some other rt. just makes it go faster every time.

RFK gives the resources solely to the killer. so lets say jim kills a marine. he'll get 1-3 res at random, and the normal res from the res tower. throw that together how you want to, 1-3 res is an extra speed of 8-24 seconds. 24 seconds is a long time in this game to just obtain for killing a player, something you have to do. as well, every lifeform can obtain RFK. so that gorge laming up that one room gets all the res for his kills, never really getting back its worth(vs good players) for total cost, but defending a room and getting more res faster(8-24 second skips remember!) to defend yet another room.

overflow allows this to become even nicer! its like removing an entire player calculation wise, while retaining his form and usefulness. free upgrades allow aliens to retain their res better than before, as well. gorges can just build without care or worry if the entire team has overflow.

okay so we have the issue, alien res system is insanely good if they hold res towers at all in a 6 player game. obviously the math dies a little if you add 7/8 players, but ns is "balanced at 6", so thats out, but even at 8 players, 3 rts can win the game for aliens.

marines get all their res to one player, yes. but he has to spend it on high cost global upgrades, which can be argued is cost effective, and they are very nice, which they are. but the problem is he has to save up as much as a gorge does to get these things, and he can't ALSO be giving out weapons(like fades and whatnot), and meds/ammo, rts, phasegates. you can have ~4 upgrades going at once depending, armory/arms lab/obs/arms lab#2. most scenarios, comms will just be upgrading the arms lab for the most part. even then, 40 res early on for a1/w1. comes about the same time aliens start hive2. compareable? not really. add the fact that aliens can also have a fade and a lerk and chambers by now. really uncompareable.

the problem i'm having with all of this is that marines can be very, very strong after they get armor3 heavies with hmgs. they can't be touched. ever. siege anything, just owns. only thing that really hurts them is screamed acid rockets, but to do any real armor damage the fade has to be in los of the marines, and can die to a gl+hmgs(GL does hurt a fade, a lot, if it hits) but theres the giant tic tacs(tactics) arguement you can do, but realistically marines will end up siegeing whatever their target is to death.

so my conclusion on the problem is that the aliens early res flow compared to use is too little. its difficult for marines to start off atm. use a lot of res early, and its usually easily killed since your marines have to be elsewhere taking rts, can't guard everything. if you decide to try the elec strat and elec everything, you're stuck on no upgrades for a good amount of time, usually you're starting a1/mt by the time aliens have hive2 going with chambers up, and a fade or two. but the plus side to that strat is if you push hard enough early, you can take the aliens expansions and hold them for some time, buying you much needed time. but you need what kind of godly marines to do that? clanners probably could do it, but they won't since "gorge healing+skulk = dead elec rt". yea, since it doesn't take them 5 years to do that its a bad idea =]

honestly, only thing marines can do this patch is buy time by going directly for the expansions and holding them. holding them being the hard part, but turrets/elec can handle that at the beginning, which is where the problem is. but again, risk vs reward, you can end up getting owned and have nothing.

moral of my post? ns is unbalanced. the devs want comebacks, which is what the alien res system allows if the marines two hive lockdown but don't get their res, and aliens push back early enough so that marines don't jp or ha the hive to hell and back. so its basically a giant rt battle. for the first 3 minutes. then it really doesn't matter, just as long as you have a few good lifeforms and hive2 out.

i'm not sure how to fix this problem, though. perhaps its the marines fault, for not killing aliens expansions early enough. but in comparison, marines can have 3 rts for the first 3m, all they'll get is pushing to hive2, not what aliens can get(two fades, lerk, hive2, chambers). perhaps vary the tick speed based on the number of aliens on a team? then increase it as the game goes on, or perhaps when a hive goes up, making it so if aliens have 3 hives and 1-2 rts(for whatever random reason, but just an example) they can still come back. i suck at ideas for balancing, so don't take that from the post, just take what im trying to identify as the problem, alien res flow.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2005, 08:28:12 AM by holy_devil »

April 23, 2005, 08:37:27 AM
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Aliens get less res-per-tick as the team gets bigger, but they get more starting res, so i don't know if the whole "speed up the ticks per player" would work, but its an interesting idea.

As for marines, they only lose if their com is lazy and allows that second hive to go up. At 3-5 minutes he should constantly be checking for that lone gorge putting up hive2 and send a rush to take it down asap. As soon as leap, biobomb, and that second chamber come in, he's done for.

Basically the whole game rides on hive2 for both teams. Winning and losing isn't a problem with the res system or balance, its about what the team does with its res.

Its like playing a tower defence map in wc3. If you have 500 gold, you could build 50 towers randomly and it will kill a few enemies. You could also take that 50 gold and build 50 towers into a maze that holds the enemies back longers and kills off a lot more of them.

April 23, 2005, 08:39:52 AM
Reply #2


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The problem as I see it is that the game is won or lost based on the aliens' second hive... primarily through Bile Bomb.  Third hive nowadays (ever since lifeforms were unchained from hives) is just a benny... nobody really cares about it.

So basically, in order to win, rines have to hold base, get res, and lock down two hives within the first three minutes of the game in order to have a =chance= at winning (on average), and even then they have to contend with the Three Minute Wonder Fade.

God, I'm old.

April 23, 2005, 08:43:23 AM
Reply #3


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lol, cheez and I on the same page, kind of.  But really... if aliens wait 5+ minutes to get the second hive started... they're losing already.  I'm usually 'hive bitch', i'm no stellar player, but I can usually get enough res thru mystarter res, rfk, and res tower income to be evolving to gorge for a hive drop before the 3 minute mark.

Sometimes I think they should rechain lifeforms to hives.  Skulks, lerks, and gorges for one hive, add fades only at hive two, and onos at three.
God, I'm old.

April 23, 2005, 08:45:02 AM
Reply #4


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Aliens get less res-per-tick as the team gets bigger, but they get more starting res, so i don't know if the whole "speed up the ticks per player" would work, but its an interesting idea.

As for marines, they only lose if their com is lazy and allows that second hive to go up. At 3-5 minutes he should constantly be checking for that lone gorge putting up hive2 and send a rush to take it down asap. As soon as leap, biobomb, and that second chamber come in, he's done for.

Basically the whole game rides on hive2 for both teams. Winning and losing isn't a problem with the res system or balance, its about what the team does with its res.

Its like playing a tower defence map in wc3. If you have 500 gold, you could build 50 towers randomly and it will kill a few enemies. You could also take that 50 gold and build 50 towers into a maze that holds the enemies back longers and kills off a lot more of them.

good points, aliens *do* get a lot of starting res, i overlooked that. it is what basically allows for the 3 minute fade/hive, i'll think about that some more.

the wc3 reference is nice, yea its how the team uses the res. but compare it to marines, they have to build a few things to get started, left with about enough for 1-2 rts off of starting res. aliens can build 2 rts and still have 4 players with 25+ res, so perhaps that is the problem.

The problem as I see it is that the game is won or lost based on the aliens' second hive... primarily through Bile Bomb.  Third hive nowadays (ever since lifeforms were unchained from hives) is just a benny... nobody really cares about it.

So basically, in order to win, rines have to hold base, get res, and lock down two hives within the first three minutes of the game in order to have a =chance= at winning (on average), and even then they have to contend with the Three Minute Wonder Fade.

third hive allows for acid rocket, which is nice if marines get heavies, but basically as you said, rines have to do an idiotic amount of things in order to stand a chance =/

April 23, 2005, 09:10:51 AM
Reply #5


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Lifeforms chained to hives make comebacks impossible, period. It's no solution. It becomes way too easy to lock down two hives if the aliens can't get a Fade before the second hive is up. And once you have a solid two-hive lockdown, the aliens have no chance at breaking it. You need bilebombs, Fades or Onos to clear out a good electrified turret farm with a PG.

April 23, 2005, 09:11:52 AM
Reply #6

tankefugl (in a tent)

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There are less drastic ways of restoring balance to the forc.. erhm, game :cool:

April 23, 2005, 09:15:05 AM
Reply #7


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Perhaps.  But in the current environment, it just seems wrong that all it takes is one uberfade to carry the whole team.
God, I'm old.

April 23, 2005, 09:30:36 AM
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Perhaps.  But in the current environment, it just seems wrong that all it takes is one uberfade to carry the whole team.

yea, one fade can do a lot. two are near unstoppable, depending. but the only idea i can come up with to fix this would be the following:

add "lifeform expansions". these would be relative to chambers or hives or something, and cost res. they can add health/speed/adren/whatever. perhaps consider immunity to mt as one of them(sensory based). just a random idea. you can then weaken the fade/onos, so they aren't godmode at hive1, they need a second hive to start being effective solo.

also you can mix things, say you need mcs + dcs to get a lifeform expansion that gives you extra innate regen(nullified if you choose regen) and better adren regeneration(not actual amount)

billion ways to go with that, but its the best idea i can think up. you can nerf a lot of things with that considered, and no it won't be overpowered really. if the lifeform dies, the player has to repurchase the lifeform, and the expansion(s). onos would have to wait a while to get them, but it would be more effective for the onos. fades can get one or something after re-fading, maybe two if they had 100 res.

so yea, summary: lfieform expansions that increase lifeforms abilities to some extent, bought with res. allows nerfing to hive1 lifeforms slightly, so you have to spend more to obtain the now version of the fade.

April 23, 2005, 09:38:23 AM
Reply #9


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The issue is very prominent on this server because commanders are making very, very, very big mistakes and the average skill level of a marine is lacking. When a commander is getting armour 1 by the time they have fades then you're never ever going to win regardless of what other tech you have achieved in this time.

Now personally i don't like playing marine on this server, not because of the inbalance, but a) because i don't trust any of the commanders and b) registry is absolutely shocking at 130 ping, 40 choke vs celerity, non-crouch holding, crack hopping skulks with 0 medpacks and a0. It's even funner when the early lerk turns up with celerity and spores you to death whilst you sit there desperately spamming your med bind. In b5 being a marine was exceptionally easy on this server and it was easy to rack up an impressive ratio, but celerity FUBARS the hitboxes and the commanders are just shocking these days.  If i get a medpack i don't request in a fire fight I die of shock. If you put a good commander in the chair and have 1 or 2 competant marines then you'll win, me and a friend of mine did it the other day 3 rounds in a row before we got bored.

The issue is present in other places other than LM, obviously, but here it's just exceptionally bad because of the above reasons. The thing is, you cannot balance for incompetance, if commanders were able to make huge mistakes like they are now and still win, then in a competitive enviroment marines will absolutely dominate.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2005, 09:44:02 AM by Mr.Ben »

<3 BenjamiN/Benny/MrBen - Washed up clanner, ex-contributor and forum troll.
#lessthanthree on qnet

April 23, 2005, 10:16:50 AM
Reply #10


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Well, let's analyze some of the changes made in the most recent version.

- Reduced Arms Lab cost - Marines
It may seem like such a useful thing, but keep in mind: That's 5 res you're saving - once, possibly twice (if the aliens like hitting base) during the whole game.
- Reduced Observatory cost - Marines
Again. 5 res, and that's almost a one-time thing... even in the most action packed of games, even against sensory - this will be built 5 times, not more. Marines save between 5 and 25 res - again, during the [/b]whole game[/b].
- Removed Upgrade cost - Aliens
2 res saved - but that's for every player, approximately 10 times per game.
Marine improvement - 10-30 res saving. Alien improvement - 120 res saving.

Yes, the resource systems for both sides are different, but please, don't tell me that that the aliens need 4 times as much res as the Marines - because we all know they don't.

So that's one change for you to look at.

Some of the other problems - hitboxes... NS is a game of luck, now. I've watched countless demos of myself (meaning that there is no lag between what I say real-time, and what the demo recorded). I've fiddled around with my rates a bit, I can safely say that they are the best I could get them to be (including messing with interp and such).
I can't blame the NS devs for lag or whatever - that's beyond the scope of their involvement. However, hitboxes - shouldn't be that hard to fix. If I were one of the devs, I'd first try to fix a problem involved throughout the whole game, involving each and every player rather than reducing the cost of a once-in-a-game structure.
Coming back to those demos. NS is a game of luck - and I'm not saying that this is the case all of the time, but please. It's a guessing game now as to where the hitbox of a fast-moving Alien is located - and I see myself not missing shots which should have hit, while those randomly behind the alien hitting.

Next problem - the shotgun. This doens't even deserve it's paragraph of explanation, it's so damn obvious. Aliens are melee fighters, Marines are ranged shooters. [/end NS dev philosophy]. Problems arise when Marines are taking both roles - with the shotgun being made specifically for, but by no means restriced to, close range. Fades go in for a swipe... 2 marines are there with shotguns. 1 hit by each while the fade comes, 1 hit by each when it escapes. Fade down. Of course, I'm assuming here that all the shots hit - and they just might if the Marines are close enough, and the corridor is cramped.

Next - the commander + the fade. The 2 most important roles in the game, inarguably. The whole game depends on them - not as much on the fade (Alien wins exist with no fades - not many against competent teams, but that's beside the point, as there is mainly a lack of such), although still a lot, but an unbelievable amount of responsibility rests on the commander's shoulders. Bad comm = automatic Marine lose, against an Alien team of comparable skill. And good comm = possible Marine win, again against a similarly skilled Alien team.
There is no sure way to win for Marines - they might win, they might not. If they do everything right, it's up to the Aliens to determine the outcome of the game. It's not the same way vice-versa... and this is where facts go away and opinions come in, at least from me. Aliens can rely on 1 or 2 skilled players to win the whole game. How many times have you seen Aliens lose with [insert name of an extremely skilled fade here on LM]? I'll let you answer that one... since I'm not very sure of the answer.
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April 23, 2005, 10:54:37 AM
Reply #11


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Depends.  I've seen aliens lose with an uberfade simply by virtue of losing all their hives... Either it was a matter of the fade not being able to be everywhere at once, or the fade simply got sloppy, running around racking up kills while rines ninja'd a hive.

God, I wish so much 'strategy' in NS didnt revolve around ninjaing a phase.
God, I'm old.

April 23, 2005, 10:59:23 AM
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There are less drastic ways of restoring balance to the forc.. erhm, game :cool:

I'm sorry tanke, but the utter lack of info coming from the dev team has gone far past just pissing me off. As NS is the only game I play, the only reason I have ever thought of quitting (and currently) is the complete silence of the dev team as to what's being done. I understand how secrets are good for PR, but when there's NOTHING about what is being done, what trends the dev team is trying to fix, and any updates of what's happening, then it's just plain stupid. The consti's get nothing, and without being an absolute forumite there is no way of even hearing the smallest tidbit of info...

With that said, there is a problem. I cant' say what it is. I do know my killscore has gone to pot, and as far as I can tell, I AM shooting the other player. I cannot afford to make ANY mistakes as comm, and even when I don't, we still lose ALOT. The dev team AFAIK doesn't really care to tell us not only what the patch will have, but not even what problems they are trying to fix. They don't tell us if they think aliens are overpowered early game, or if marines aren't getting enough tech for the res and time involved, or ANYTHING. So, HD, great explanation, but as far as I am concerned, no one will actually read or respond to it on that will give you any information. The next release will once again come out and we'll feel like the development team was in a vacuum for the last few months.

Tanke, I'm sorry to vent this on you, but you're group really needs to let us know a little bit more about the current development. At the very least, what is being addressed.
Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important. CS Lewis

: why do i have to be a stone? i dont want to be a stone... i want to do some harm.... can i be a exploding stone at least?

April 23, 2005, 11:22:47 AM
Reply #13


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There are a few things that I see as the problem, here. Mostly revolving around our friend the Fade.

One is how easy it is to hit and run, because of how easy it is to regain health as a Fade, and how hard it is to keep your armor as a Marine. It costs no res whatsoever, and takes minimal time to regain health as a Fade, due to blink. You blink into a room, swipe a couple times at a Marine, and take off. When you come back with full health, he's got no armor, and maybe one swipe left on him. Simple.

On the Marine side, it costs res for medpacks, and it takes player coordination in addition to res for welders to get your armor back. The res dropped on welders and medpacks is small individually, but over time you can blow through a ton of it if you're trying to keep shotgunners alive, or trying to set up a siege spot.

The second is how hard it is to counter this hit and run strategy. Sure, you have shotguns, but you need to be virtually dead on with at least 2 shotgunners to have any effect on a good hit and run Fade. What about HMG's? Well it's 30 res to upgrade the armory, which takes forever to finish. Then you're shelling out res for the HMG's themselves, plus you need at least weaps 2. Now, give me that, and I'll mow down your Fade, but that takes too much time to get to, and too much res invested. Over time, the counter to the Fade costs the Marines far more than 50 res.

Of course there's more to balance, but that's how I weigh in on the Fade.

April 23, 2005, 01:10:06 PM
Reply #14

SuicidaL MonkeY

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Some people might find this far out there but here it goes...

Back when Dc's were our security blanket, we got tired of the same start as an alien that Mc's started to emerge quite more often than not. Which took the aliens A LONG time to lock down, but it has. As far as sensory, I still find it the ultimate poker hand, very little chance to win, but if they do. Now most commanders up until that point had based their stratigies on defense being dropped first, but since aliens have been dropping movement or sensory more often, the marine commander, most of the time, gets the basics but doesnt make much progress map wise, especially when movement is first and marines accidently hit it before pg is up.

The solution?

I wish i could answer, but i know one person wont solve this. However, i will throw my 2 cents in. I do see the marine team winning now and then since there seem to be alot of new stratigies commanders are trying out. A few of them i found suprised and defeated the aliens pretty well.  Many others however do not do nearly as well. I beleve the fate of the marines depends on 2 things.

A Unique Commander Plan

A Marine Team Willing To Watch Each Others Backs

If the marines encounter a fade, and they trap it in a room, 70% of the time the fade dies. Comms now need to be able to think and react quick, now that aliens have regen all the time, MEDPACKS AND AMMO DO ALOT

April 23, 2005, 09:06:41 PM
Reply #15


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I wonder how much of the imbalance boils down to LM's friendly-fire alien crutch for the building hive?  It happens almost EVERY game -- a gorge drops a hive, hangs around, and at the first sign of trouble spits the hive, and it starts raining skulks.

Are we making things too easy for aliens?
God, I'm old.

April 23, 2005, 09:23:24 PM
Reply #16


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If aliens go mc, I Need to get that 2nd hive locked down, with a farm, or else theres no way in hell Im keeping it. Whenever I see mc's first, I lose almost ANY chance of winning, I mean, you have 2 hives locked down, great. 1 gorge, drops the hive, spits it, and entire team of skulks/fades/lerk. and bam ANYTHING you have in  that room will go down almost too fast, and unless you have for-warning to beacon rush all your marines in, there's no way.

Mcs and Scs, game over. 1 fade at a pg will kill anything that comes through it unless you have a lot of meds and armor 3.

maybe making upgrades costing 1 res, would be nice...

But I know LM the server itself, relies HEAVILY on the use of FF, for the fact that when marines attack 1 skulk, they'll hit each other more then the target, and mc rushing to DEATH.

It almost boils down to the fact that the marine team NEEDS to pg rush, and that aliens NEED to mc rush.

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

April 23, 2005, 09:39:04 PM
Reply #17


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It almost boils down to the fact that the marine team NEEDS to pg rush, and that aliens NEED to mc rush.

I'd agree with the former part only - Aliens by no means are restricted to any strategy, while Marines are quickly becoming so.
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. - Jerry Seinfeld

April 23, 2005, 11:41:13 PM
Reply #18


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ass I see it, and i've just started commanding, bile bomb is the biggest problem.  It is really powerful, and if you are comm'ing only a couple good people, it is hard to get them to go through a phase gate sometimes.

BB damage needs to be significantly reduced, and i'm betting i'm not the first person to suggest this.

April 24, 2005, 02:38:08 AM
Reply #19


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The aliens don't need to MC rush.  We just have a backwards ass way of playing this game on LM.

The majority of other servers and/or clan games I play on when you take an area you keep it unless it is vital to the other team for some reason.  On other pubs marine teams don't bother pressuring your vitals, they just sit in base and hold the 4-5 res nodes closest to you until you can heavy train and march the other 2 hives you don't have locked down.  You see these guys on LM every once in a while.  These are the guys who sit and base waiting for you to drop god knows what for them, or do cool things like watching other players build structures.  They also tend to leave the base only with 300 rounds of LMG ammo and 40 rounds of pistol ammo.  I guess on most servers that kind of exquipment is usefull.  But if your on LM and I am your com, you are expendable, and I will make sure you don't get to use that much ammo, you can bet your life on that.  On aliens these players quickly become unknowticable unless they are not there.  They tend to randomly roam the map dropping RTs as a permagorge and the occational one will build a wol somewhere, usually not a very usefull location either, generally somewhere just compleatly random.

Clanners on the other hand know what the hell they are doing on the map.  They don't rambo off when there is large ammounts of marine pressure on the hive, they don't start gorging to drop an RT when people are screaming "GET TO THE HIVE" over the mike, they don't attack MS when it is full of turrets at the same time that the marines are building a PG outside of the hive.  In a clan game every marine is parasited 80% of the time, and the ALIENS control where on the map the marines get to go, NOT the other way around.  Clans that go sensory first win almost every game because once 2-3 sensory chambers are laid in key locations, competent players can hold those locations indefinitely.

On lunixmonster we can't go sensory or DC first because our alien teams are TERRIBLE at defense, and our marine teams are crack rambos.  If someone drops a sensory in a hive location (if it is placed well enough that it also reaches into the siege room) I can generally keep that hive location safe alone as a skulk.  But it seems I am the only player who can do this.  Earlier today we had 3 marines marching on the hive location I had just dropped an SC at and as I attempted to sneak by them when they were just about to stop and drop a PG (so I could healspray the hive if they got in) I had what I can only assume were 3 focus skulks symaltaniously rush the marines within cloaking range of 2 sensory chambers.  Long story short they got wasted by the marines and stray fire ended up hitting me as I was sneaking and they got that gorge kill too.  I'm entirely convinced that if the cloak radius of SC chambers was removed the way many of the clanners suggest, it would make almost NO difference what so ever to play on LM, because we still don't ever use the damn things properly.  On LM the marines dictate to the aliens where they go all game.  The marines rambo here, or there, and the aliens are forced to follow along to prevent thier structures from being destroyed.  2 hive lockdowns were never so easy in B5.  When did that change?

@HD: I would be the first to admit that onos are fairly buggy and crappy in 3.0f, but you didn't even mention them more then passingly in your post.  The counter for HA is onos.  If aliens have the res for onos they have a chance against HA teams.  Otherwize they are just screwed.  A single onos has no trouble soloing a pair of HA if he has stomp.  Just eat one and gore the other to death as fast as possible (only takes seconds).  If you have a full fledged train, get your onos to stomp them.  Stomped heavies are all but useless as they can't stop skulks and fades from tearing holes in thier shiny armor, and they can't heal eachother while they are being massacared.  2-3 decent onos have NO problem taking down all but the most established and well funded siege base, expecially with bilebomb and umbra backup.    If you hear HA stomps you should have players saving for onos, not rushing to fade as soon as possible.  A late onos is more valuble against heavies then an early fade is.
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL