Hi folks....
Just thought I'd waddle in and drop my 2 cents on this thread, hopefully clearing up a few misconceptions on the way...
Starting with the easy stuff..
Hitboxes are not easy to fix.. want proof? We had something that "worked" in B5, as well as B6/3.0 yet PT'ing proved that they didn't work correctly or there were fatal flaws in them. So for each release we've had a solution that simply didn't hold up.
In 3.1 we are again working on some hitbox related things in an attempt to fix them for good. So far the feedback has been positive but who knows what further testing will find.
Which leads nicely in Rad's post... A) if you have questions, ask.. Someone wanted to know about HLTV in 3.1 on the NS forums (
http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=92378) and while I can't say for 100% certain, it's clear we are aware of the issues and are deciding where along the fix time-line they fit.
B) Often features/balance tweaks look completely different when they are designed vs. when they are released (cloaking went through at least 10 permutations), and we've made the decision not to get people's hopes up only to have them dashed (you all saw what happened when we were unable to keep the fixed Hitboxes in, mass confusion where people didn't understand/wouldn't understand). So it's a decision we've made to not release the details of what's being included until things are more finalized..
But I'm certainly not opposed to saying this release (3.1) will have some new movement techniques, some fixes to long time pains, some usability fixes and some other things as well. But also understand we are in the middle of writing this code, so what is on our scope list may change based on time/issues that appear etc..
As bits are completed, and added to the base code for good, we begin deciding how we want to handle PR and releasing of this information. Last time I started giving info out over a month before we were even close to completing the version. (Mappers profiles with new images etc and the first few fixes/changes)
So I'm not sure what I can do to help improve that... (Side note, you know where I live (in terms of IRC etc) PM me anytime with questions...)
TheAdj': Don't know if you noticed but at least 10-15 changes for 3.0f came straight out of the I&S forum, so it's really difficult to claim that no-one's listening when it's blatently obvious we are. Perhaps there's a little hostility because we aren't specifically listening to everyone of your ideas... The scope of 3.1 also contains a fair number of I&S suggestions and I hope they all get in because they are great ideas. (expects a mad dash to the I&S forums now

As well, people were complaining about "happy meal" phases, and we made a change to address that. People were complaining about a lack of start res for marines and while we simply didn't smack an extra 10 res on starting res we adjusted the cost of 2 of the starting buildings, one of which could end up paying more than once. So we even released a patch SPECIFICALLY in an attempt to deal with issues brought up less than a month before....
We aren't as blind as people like to make us out to be, while we specifically don't say "Well person X it's obvious you know more about this than we do", we certainly read everything (actually we have spent a fair amount of time in the clan based balance thread found here
http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index....pic=91959&st=90 as well as balance type threads on many community sites (how do you think I ended up here?)) and discuss things at great lengths.
Hope that helps..