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October 14, 2004, 11:11:37 AM
Reply #40


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grimm... assumptions aside you still have a portion of the combat automated and as you said while you can move you can't really dodge.

Don't get me wrong I'm aware of the whole 'skills' thing which is a lot like CoH but it still makes for very slow battles really.
Until we get PSO-level or preferably above combat interaction I think the term 'MMO' still equates with the words stale, slow and limited in the realms of combat.  That wouldn't matter so much if the games weren't usually so heavily orientated around it (even crafting is mainly for the purposes of making items to be used in combat).

Don't take the post fighter put out as being aimed at you though grimmy... sounds like to me more he's explaining his viewpoint which is very similar to mine =3
Well, ok I think DAoC was a steaming pile of crud but aside from that.  I guess lollers hasn't played PSO ^~

still not fantastic but a lot more involved than the usual fair is Maple Story which most of you guys should know from me mentioning it in IRC.
It's a 2d platform action MMORPG.  The collisions are real-time so you can leap over the badguys and stuff to avoid attacks if you're good :)

October 15, 2004, 01:01:38 AM
Reply #41


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I just don't see why people have to go out of their way to post negatively about a game in a posotive thread. I don't try to get people into any games that they seem set on not playing, yet people still have a burning desire to tell me how much the game I enjoy sucks, or how such-and-such other game is better, even if they havn't played the game in question. It just really gets me down; I almost didn't even come back to look at this thread, let alone post in it again, because it's extremely extremely discouraging to even think about it anymore. World of Warcraft is fun for me, and for a lot of others, and that isn't going to change no matter how much the game 'lacks originality or innovation' or 'doesn't have such-and-such feature from such-and-such game', because I'm not looking for innovation or copies; I'm looking for something I can enjoy, which is what I found, and I don't understand why people can't be satisfied with leaving me or any others with our entertainment.

October 15, 2004, 02:22:25 AM
Reply #42

Uranium - 235

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An RPG is defined as a "role-playing game". Some people equate this to stats, but that's far from the truth. A role-playing game is defined as a game where you play a different role. You need to think inside character, act inside character, etc. etc. You're not roleplaying properly before you get into moral conflicts with YOURSELF because you want to do something like kill a deer, only to then remember that you're a druid and can't really do such things. The key to role-playing, then, is immersion, and I'll argue that immersing yourself in a game is far easier when you're actually controlling your character instead of spectating him. Some people are natural-born roleplayers, most have a hard time with it. Developers, extend a hand to 'em. Pretty graphics are not all that immersive by themselves. Make them PLAY the game, not watch it while chatting with their buddies.

Force roleplaying? Yeah that'll work REAL WELL.

By the way, Gem, I'm forcing you to play a Nightelf Rogue with me in Open Beta - You'll love em :)

October 15, 2004, 03:59:43 AM
Reply #43


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I really, really want to get into this beta, mainly because I refuse to pay monthly fees for MMORPGs and so this will be my only chance to try it for free.  If I like it, I'll definitely subscribe.

October 15, 2004, 07:00:03 AM
Reply #44


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I apologize for having caused you any grief, Grimm. It's a part of my vendetta against MMORPGs. They've taken my money and my time, and what they gave me in return was practically worthless. I feel scammed. I hate them. Hate them. And now I'm seeing it happen again, only to OTHER young and innocent, soon to be old and violated, gamers. It fills me with bile and anger, and I couldn't hold it back. While my means were questionable, my motivation was pure: I only tried to save you. I'll leave you alone now.

No, Gem, I never played PSO. I never had a Dreamcast, and I've never hooked a console up to the internet (and I don't know if I ever will). I've tried UO, DAoC, AO and AC2, in that order, and out of those, DAoC had the best combat system. I'm not saying it was good, but it was better than the others.

Force role playing, Uranium? How would you do that? No, there is no way to force role playing. But a modicum of role playing would be nice, considering that "MMORPG" contains "role playing game". The rigorous filters on character names that I hear WoW uses seem like a good start. Nothing spoils roleplaying as much as suddenly having a dwarf called "lolololol668" running across your screen. You can't FORCE players to role play, but you can help them.