considering you are wearing armor, legs arms and helmat optional.
and toting a rifle pistol and grenades a fall from 2 feet would break your legs.
there is no such thing going into a 3 point stance while falling carrying that much equipment, of course you can always toss your rifle on the ground then jump down to it but good luck having it work properly afterwords.
you just bad mouth FA because its not an easy mod, no one is a instant god, and its obvious that you suck at it.
as leaderzor pointed out we played about 5-6 hours yesterday was a hella time, we both managed to have a 30-10 score most of the times.
he was a medic some times and was fixing my broken legs, cuts and scrapes.
so what i'm saying is dont knock a game you never bothered to put any real time into, FA takes practice, there is a steep learning curve with the weapons but once you get the hang of it you shouldnt have much trouble killing people.
like i said before if it takes you a whole clip to kill someone then you cant aim for peanuts, leaderzor can vouch for this i've killed 4 or 5 guys infront of him with M4 and no markmenship skills by just using semiauto and taking heads off.
Learn the game, dont just critize it because your too stupid to put time into it.
you dont hear me bad mouthing the ship or whatever other crapy mod you are into.
Man how wrong you are.
First off, weighed down with Armor, Rifle, Pistol, 3 Grenades and several clips of ammo, as well as supplies to last in the wilderness for 6 days(aka the standard equipment for combat usage), the AVERAGE(i.e., person not through boot) can survive a fall from 5 feet without broken legs. In fact, it can do 10 feet, if it knows how to hit the ground right. WITH Boot, you can do MUCH higher just by knowing what your doing.
2nd off, I was actually pretty good at Firearms. I'd get top killcount pretty fast thanks to the fact that the maps are designed so terribly its hard not to when your on a certain side. On one of the few maps that isn't designed terribly(and I don't mean they don't look good- they do. Its play that isn't good), I was doing VERY well.
Its just that it doesn't have the polish that things like NS and TS have. And thus, is like eating from In-N-Out, then going to McDonalds- you'd rather not do McDonalds, but when your hungry, it gets the job done.