You get to hear the story of my multiplayer gaming life for this one
In my MUDs I chose the name Elminstar. This was like... 6 years ago, and I didn't know how to spell Elminster too well :p Retired that name and really generally never played online games. I mean, ######, the only options were crap twitch deathmatch games like CS and Quake2, or whatever. So really I avoided the multiplayer scene. This was back in ye days when games included lengthy, well-made single player content. So I survived. I experimented with Starcraft for a bit, but amongst the 10 billion 'OMG DBZ RP OMG JOINWTF SUPERSAIYANVEGITADBZMAADXXXX!!!$!&!(@*' games and 'BGHv848783.9!!!!! BGHGBHGBHG OMG ALL DAY!', the only game I truely enjoyed was Bunker Wars... I was a god at that game :p
My first dedicated multiplayer game was TFC. I believe the name I used was... Monkeybonk? That might be wrong. I played it for so long though, I think I went through several name changes. Monkeybonk was cleverly ripped off someone else who played Age of Empires with my friend :p. I became fairly proficient with soldier class... and I played TFC until...
Tribes 2, where I bounced around with names. From Monkeybonk, to ShrikeStrike (Piloting fun!), eventually settling on Uranium-235. Well unfortunately Uranium-235 was taken. So being the clever little bastard I am I added spaces around the hyphen. Then I found out generally how much better Uranium - 235
looks compared to Uranium-235. Then I founded the now-defunct Atomic Modding and pretty much started a massive trend among mod-modding (Sorta the equivilent of Half-Life plugins). Atomic Modding consisted of me and Plutonium - 239. Eventually we got more coders, then internal strife and source code leaks tore it apart. Having everything we had worked on publically available, we desperately tried to regroup but it just didn't work. I was too burned out to care about modding anymore. (Didn't even get a chance to finish the Black Dragon Project... the biggest, most powerful weapon system ever put into Tribes, hands down. HERCs had NOTHING on this bad boy).
Uranium - 235... only naturally occuring fissile element on earth. Contrary to popular belief, 23
8 is non-fissile without complex enrichment (whereupon it turns into Neptunium, then to Plutonium - 239, fissile) Uranium - 232 does exist, but it is turned into Plutonium.
(Just a note, Plutonium - 239 is still around somewhere... I think Atomic Modding might exist in some form, but really, he's failed at just about every 'project' he's tried without me :p)