Author Topic: wtf is with combat  (Read 6602 times)

January 05, 2005, 12:30:59 PM
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hi i'd like to bring up an obvious point on combat servers -- Aliens are winning most of the games.  It's UNBALANCED!!  ONce the sky starts raining with xenocide and the fades/onos, with focus, charge the rines, its GG.  I've seen even the most skilled players on co maps get pwned by nubicide, random fade/onos beatdown, and noobweb.  IT's just sooooo...retarded.

You see, once a signle skulk on the alien team gets xeno, you can kiss your armor good bye and with lerks constantly gassing you, you're guaranteed to get killed by a single focus bite or another xeno shower.  Fades and onos, with their huge hp, are impossible to kill because there's going to be more than one of them by the time you get your hmg.  it takes at least half a clip, if not more from a lvl 1 hmg to kill a cara fade and the entire clip to kill a cara onos.  Once your weapon is empty your screwed!  Also, team attacking is pointless because of xenocide!  OMGwtfhax!!  And I don't know any marine who is going to waste one point on getting a welder when he could spend it on getting weapons upgrades, which are more critical for eliminating the invading aliens.

O and the other thing is the retarded plugins that let you get above lvl 10. WTf?!!  why don't those servers remove those!?!  That gives the aliens a chance to get every possible upgrade there is, rendering them virtually impossible to kill.

January 05, 2005, 01:37:09 PM
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You should play on the 50 lvl combat servers with extra upgrades. Such as self welding, celerety marines, and extra armor. I had so many people think I hack because I was taking insane amounts of focus bites but with my insta weld and 125 armor I was killing everything. Oh and btw

Classic > CO

January 05, 2005, 01:43:35 PM
Reply #2

A Boojum Snark

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You need to have constant hive pressure for the marines to win, your objective while playing should NEVER EVER be to kill aliens, ALWAYS head for the hive over engaging a skulk that doesn't see you.

As much as you may hate xeno and web, they are by no means noob weapons. If you don't know how to use them, you will be no more of a threat that without them.

You don't know anyone who would spend a point on a welder? I have no idea where you are playing...

10+ plugins? Almost always those do not have as large of an effect as you think, they are usually on servers with massivly high maxplayers. Remember what combat's original purpose was? To have a gamestyle for when there are too few players for classic mode, combat is for under 12 players. As simple as it is, going over the number of players reccomended is just as disasterous as with classic.

I have a problem with the large number of higher lifeforms that come back shortly after they die, they were never meant to be "free". I feel this is the fundemental flaw in combat and why combat will never work correctly.

In the end combat was never really the goal of NS, it was made as sort of time-filler for when you don't have enough for classic or whathaveyou reasons, so I doubt it will ever be fully fixed.

January 05, 2005, 02:27:07 PM
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The only way I enjoy CO is when there is a high amount of players and tons of plugins. I  enjoy the epic battles for an hour, I do not enjoy the getting raped by the better guy in a 2v2 in co and getting spawncamped until the timer runs out.

Usually when I play CO, the marines tend win, except the 60 minute 32 player max level of 21 servers which tend to always end in a stalemate. I wonder where degamer has been playing...

I reveal penis I know psychology.

January 05, 2005, 02:48:21 PM
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Marines today won two games, I was one.

Mind you its always helpful to have one guy go in before everyone else, whos not afraid to die.

I do it often, which is why Im always ha :-D

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

January 05, 2005, 05:27:45 PM
Reply #5

Vitamin Lead

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Just say no to CO

January 05, 2005, 08:03:32 PM
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Just say no to CO
and go with the flow
on top of the snow
get presents with a bow...

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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

January 05, 2005, 09:38:59 PM
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I don't see that at all. On normal, unmodified co servers with 10 minute time limits, yes, aliens usually win. With a webbing gorge and semi competent fade, it's hard to win. But on servers with higher levels, and longer timelimits, marines usually win more from what I've seen, ESPECIALLY or large servers. Marines in time can get the firepower to overcome almost any alien attack other than a massive onos rush. The CO servers I frequent when LM is empty (and sometimes when it's not  :ph34r: ) have the 2gl and 2 onos limit, which I like, but the more time there is, the more likely marines can/will pull off a win.
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: why do i have to be a stone? i dont want to be a stone... i want to do some harm.... can i be a exploding stone at least?

January 05, 2005, 10:02:38 PM
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This is so cool! My first "overly chatty penguins" post!

Which team wins CO is largely dependent upon how many newbs there are on each team. 1 newbie skulk that feeds enough exp to a few marines to get sgs early tips the game waaaay in the marines favor if the other skulks haven't been able to get m(any) kills. From there it's only 1 more level to a gl, which I think is the most noobish weapon in the game, even more so than xeno, and equalled only, and this is debatable, by web. Almost no aiming skill is required and even at lvl 1 a single grenade kills a skulk within a fairly large radius. For those who say xeno is lamer than gls I have this to say: it's a 1 use/15 -30 seconds weapon and is incredibly easy to stop(kill the low-hp skulk with a single sg blast or gl), whereas gls are 4 "attacks" every 7ish seconds and much harder to kill thanks to more hp and armor. True a gler is somewhat vulnerable between salvos, but it's still easier for a single gl to spawn kill an entire team with one go than it is for a single xeno skulk to kill an entire marine team after it spawns. Especially since marines have enough armor at lvl 1 to survive a xeno and a skulk with carapace can't survive 2 close lvl 1 gls.

Provided Marines are better at using ranged weapons than aliens are at getting close enough to bite, marines should win. If the aliens are smart and ambush or go from behind rather than waslking in a straight line up to a group of 6 marines early game, aliens should win. Most CO games I play, and granted they aren't all on reputable servers, marines win because they get shotguns early thanks to some newbie front-rush skulks and then get gls or jps. Usually by that point we only have a focus skulk or a lerk at best. I think the play is fairly well-balanced. It's just a matter of using common sense when it comes to getting those first few kills and avoiding unnecessary deaths.

January 06, 2005, 02:57:10 AM
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Maby aliens win more often because in the higher skill level on your average pub, skulking is much more fun then the early rine game because a skilled player effectively feels invincible...  Thus teams tend to skill stack.
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

January 06, 2005, 10:24:04 AM
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Meh, if you think that sucks then you want to be in a game where marines have JPs and shotties.

Door swings both ways.
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

January 06, 2005, 01:01:19 PM
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The only way I enjoy CO is when there is a high amount of players and tons of plugins. I  enjoy the epic battles for an hour, I do not enjoy the getting raped by the better guy in a 2v2 in co and getting spawncamped until the timer runs out.

Usually when I play CO, the marines tend win, except the 60 minute 32 player max level of 21 servers which tend to always end in a stalemate. I wonder where degamer has been playing...

Huh! Me 2!
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January 06, 2005, 02:22:17 PM
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aliens win combat because there is no niteowl comm rage to whip the marines into victory.

January 06, 2005, 03:20:47 PM
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Webs > *
Super fades > *
Super Lerks > *
Super skulks > *
Idiot team mates who throw themselves at a skulks jaw are overpowered
Love happily killing vanilla skulks and not giving away any XP only to have a fade turn up. GG teammates?!
« Last Edit: January 06, 2005, 03:23:51 PM by Mr.Ben »

<3 BenjamiN/Benny/MrBen - Washed up clanner, ex-contributor and forum troll.
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January 07, 2005, 10:48:01 AM
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aliens win combat because there is no niteowl comm rage to whip the marines into victory.

 <3  <3

awwww, the lurve is back!
"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

January 08, 2005, 07:31:42 PM
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I'm starting to realize that, in order for marines to win, they need to group together, make a push, and take down the aliens.  Soloing a group of skulks is suicide as you will most likely run out of ammo from killing 1 or 2.  Teamwork is the key to winning.  Don't try to be the hero.


January 09, 2005, 11:38:33 AM
Reply #16


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Yes, the absolute worst thing you can do is try to solo a skulk army. If you can deny them exp then there's less chance of them picking up focus or related upgrades.

Lot of combat games go pear shaped because the team splits up and the players get trashed by the skulks. Once focus skulks start appearing the aliens will get faster upgrades.

Of course, if you're a very high skill player it might be worth a gamble..
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater