Author Topic: What Is In A Name?  (Read 9730 times)

October 04, 2004, 10:40:12 AM
Reply #20


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To be honest with you, I think I probably should have kept with NSplayer my first day. But, well, it seemed like a good description of what I was on my first day, and why I was humping the arms lab. After that: I got lazy.

Previous to this i was known as PANTS!   simply cause the word is awesome, and if you put the exclaimation you have to yell it on voice comm.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2004, 10:41:00 AM by confused! »

October 04, 2004, 11:08:24 AM
Reply #21


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I'm a Gemini.  Infact... I'm the perfect stereotype of the Gemini starsign; eccentric, chatty, loves playing with people's minds, often get into multiple things without finishing any of them, etc.

Anyways my old nick though totally original (yup, i was the only one with that name in all of recorded net history) got kinda old because it didn't really represent me anymore; this new idea of having a name based on my personality was a lot more permanent so it could last and I was tired of name hopping ^^;
Jemini was taken about a thousand times as was any other version that sounded half cool until I sorta had a thought out of the blue 'Geminosity'.

Turned out nobody had it and I'm still the Geminosity to this day =D

edit: I guess there could be other reasons behind the name... some people know me under the name 'Jemma' but whether that's got anything to do with RL or not is just another part of the lil mystery ^~
« Last Edit: October 04, 2004, 11:10:42 AM by Geminosity »

October 04, 2004, 07:51:08 PM
Reply #22


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meh.....i'm jsut Kodiac, been that way for oh.....i dunno how long.  But yes, i do know that the bear has a k at the end.  And i did mean to spell it this way.  But bears are just sweet!  There wasw a story about one in alsaka taht got shot something like 6 times and ate a few people....  It should be obviuos by now why i am who i am.

Kodiac teh Pirate Bear
One part comm, one part cheerleader, 3 parts cuddly bear

October 04, 2004, 09:13:15 PM
Reply #23


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I think I'll make up a new story each time one of these threads appears.


And here I thought you were just a really big stoner. :p
« Last Edit: October 04, 2004, 09:13:26 PM by Bijiy »

October 04, 2004, 09:49:25 PM
Reply #24


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omg graygewse =P

Crap, I forget how I got my name, but I think I just randomly changed it during a beta 1.3b DoD game, and people were like "oll kewl name dewd" so I kept it.  Now I have tons of nicknames and people doing variations of " /me cooks/eats/devours/munches on bacon/borkun/bacorn "

I know you all love me >_>

October 04, 2004, 09:59:37 PM
Reply #25


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Well, my name is what it is pretty much because I think penguins are the greatest birds/animals/things on the planet.  I used coolpenguin for old e-mail addys, and eventually when I got into games I wanted to think of something original, so I pulled Gonzo out of the air, and made it CPGonzo (CP for coolpenguin) and played CS with that.

Eventually I got tired of having a name pulled out of nowhere, so I chose EmperorPenguin because the Emperor Penguin is the biggest and most noble of all penguins.

I've played other non-HL shooters as SuperCheese, and RTS games as CommanderKor.
"What is it that makes a complete stranger dive into an icy river to save a solid gold baby?  Maybe we'll never know."

October 05, 2004, 02:05:24 AM
Reply #26

Uranium - 235

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Short short short version - I'm a chemistry geek, Uranium-235 in Tribes 2 was taken so I cleverly put spaces around the hypen. I realized then how cool it looked, and by habit I now put spaces around all my hyphens...

I also e-stalk Jemma ;)

October 05, 2004, 02:36:49 AM
Reply #27


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Athena.  Goddess of wisdom and war.  'nuff said.  Minerva's just another version of Athena.

Occasionally I use the name Hellcat... I don't remember where this originated. ^^

October 05, 2004, 02:53:25 AM
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...and Lady Luck, and Mikoto...

October 05, 2004, 06:21:10 AM
Reply #29


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Occasionally I use the name Hellcat... I don't remember where this originated. ^^
F6F Hellcat fighter?

October 05, 2004, 01:26:49 PM
Reply #30


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Just because I'm rather bored at the moment, I'll not only explain my current name, but also some of the other names I've used.

When I got the internet for the first time, I had to get AIM since all of my friends were on it. At the time, I was into the card game Magic: the Gathering (I still am now, but not as much since I don't quite have anyone to play wtih). I focused heavily on black decks, destroying my opponent's creatures and taking their life points and whatnot. One of my favorite cards has always been Necravolver because it's a fun black card and looks really cool. I decided to modify the name a little and drop the 'e' near the end to avoid running into anyone else online that might use the name. Unfortunately, I got annoyed over time as people called me "Necra", which sounded kind of lame to me, and people couldn't pronounce it to save their lives ("Nevacrawler" and "Neovolver" are two examples that come to mind). That little annoyance would eventually lead me to change the name.

For the longest time, I was addicted to TFC. Some friends had told me to go out and buy Half Life to play TFC with them. They even started a little clan of sorts; Nothing really official, but just a group of us to goof around and have fun. One name that had been in our group before me, but was never, ever active at all, was Grim. One day, my friend (who was technically the 'leader' of our group) cleared out all the inactive people, including Grim. I continued playing under Necravolvr for TFC, but when I got into Natural Selection, I decided I needed a new name. I tend to have a darker look on things, and I've always enjoyed morbid humor and irony. Grim seemed a little plain to me, and I have a little thing about how words seem to fit, a sort of ratio of length to height. Adding an extra 'm' to it added a bit of originality (although not much, as I've found out over time) and seemed to balance it out. It's easy to say, hard to mispronounce, and can't really get any shorter.

I still use Necravolvr for various things; I have a yahoo account under that name, my auth name on Gamesurge is Necravolvr, and some other items/accounts have it as well.

When the Half Life mod 'The Specialist' was released, I got into that right away because I had tried and enjoyed similar, but rather inactive mods like Opera. For some random reason, I liked the idea of creating another new name for this mod as well. Certain names that use unique letters that aren't used often, such as 'z' and 'k', letters with distinct sounds, appeal to me more for some reason. So the name Zodiac came to mind, which I used mostly on TS. I tried alternating to Zodiak, but it looked too odd, and the name Zodiac was uncommon enough to not become a problem running into other people that used it.

Along with the idea of unique sounding letters, I've always liked the name Ezekiel. It's sharp and smooth and just plain cool to me. Following a trend a friend of mine started to use "Savant" in names, his being "Savant Frost" after a sci-fi movie he mentioned about an evil supercomputer. I followed along, and my new AIM name became "Savant Ezekiel". Eventually, it became harder to explain the name to friends, and I wanted something that would fit my main online name better. Seeing as I spend a lot of time joking around and trying to get people to laugh, I created The Grimm Jester, which is my current AIM name, which is especially fun because it's kind of contradictory.

Sometimes you might catch me using a different name in game, either a variation of my current name (Grave, Reaper, etc), or one of my older names like Zodiac.

One name that I have under my control for AIM is Theo Diresong, which I've never bothered to mention to anyone because I forgot about it completely until recently. One day, bored in class, a friend and I began messing around with various anagrams, words that can be mixed up to create other words or phrases. Eventually, being the godless heathens we are, we decided to try the phrase "There is no god" which eventually transformed into Theo Diresong. I don't use the account, but it's there.

Cosmo has been slightly catching on recently due to Anarki discovering that my real last name is Kramer.

Finally, we come to the variation of my moniker that spawned from members of the LM community, although more specifically it was started by AgentOrange. Grimmus is simply adding the 'us' to the end of Grimm, but it's also similar to Grimace, which is basically a frown. Entertainingly enough, it's also the name of the big purple mascot we never see anymore from McDonalds, leading to many fun jokes and photoshops.

And that would be the history of every name I can think of that I've used.

October 05, 2004, 01:41:24 PM
Reply #31


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well, I think Grimm wins for putting the most thought into his nick.  :)

crazy crazy kodiac :)

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

October 05, 2004, 07:33:01 PM
Reply #32


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Yeah, that was the best post yet!
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

October 06, 2004, 10:11:25 AM
Reply #33

Doobie Dan

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I now put spaces around all my hyphens...

I also e-stalk Jemma ;)
God, it's so creamy.

October 06, 2004, 01:29:22 PM
Reply #34


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Lady Luck was when I was playing FFX2 :p

and Mikoto is actually an old nick I used on ... Aniverse IRC I think?  Since my usual IRC handle (Ayane) was already taken :|

October 07, 2004, 07:53:41 AM
Reply #35

tankefugl (in a tent)

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It's a word play from the norwegian version of "thought bird". I thought it was rather clever, so I kept it.

But the reason why I am in a tent can't be disclosed ...

I have been smurfing under various Motorpsycho and GYBE names, though.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2004, 07:54:39 AM by tankefugl (in a tent) »

October 07, 2004, 09:24:14 AM
Reply #36

Black Mage

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was playing cs smurfing as the 8bit theater charachter, some random guy (who has been long lost) changed his name to white mage. a silly clan of mages and other ff charachters formed. i am the only one who kept his name (jefe was RM, shootbang was fighter)