Anyone got a copy of DoW? It's automatic awesomesauce because it's the warhammer 40k universe. Of course, you may not appreciate this if you don't know what it's like to spend five hours paining one miniature to perfection only to look and realize that you've still got another 30 miniatures in your army that are still unpainted.
But now you too can play, no paint fumes required. (This may be a disadvantage, depending on your point of view) For an RTS, it's actually quite well done. The focus is much more on battle than on resource gathering like, say, WC3. The power resource is gained by building plasma generators, and then just leaving them alone. And then there's a sort of strategic resource that's gained by capping strategic points and holding them. (Kinda like NS res towers) So the team that controls more of the map can build faster, and push out more, and so on. Makes for lots of fast action. Plus, the engine is quite amazing, and seeing a group of 30 space marines go charging into an ork horde, backed up by mighty dreadnoughts and heavy tank support is a sight that makes anyone's inner nerd geek out with glee. You can zoom down to the level of the battlefield and check out the detail on individual faces.
My point being, it's a really fun game. So does anyone have it?