« on: May 19, 2005, 06:06:40 AM »
Hive warping is countered by competance and forsight. You know that when the hive is attacked aliens WILL mc in. So you move into the hive, you secure it, if theres an alien on top its a bit more problematic but still not a big issue. If there's no alien in the hive you put a PG up in the hive, if there is just use one that is further back. Place mines, 2 or 3 packs on the floor, best used by people who have an idea of where the spawn spots are. You attack the hive with ONE bullet, aliens MC in, you kill the aliens, once their spawn queue is clogged up you kill the hive.
Making it so that the hive has to be under attack adds an element of teamwork and skill for both sides. Aliens need to maintain a presence in the hive at all times, marines need to control any presence. Making it so you can MC whenever will actually make things retardedly easy and remove an element of control that marines have when fighting MC first aliens. It's not like marines don't have it hard enough as it is, why would you buff the aliens even more? If it's for the people who play on non-FF servers then fine, but the change should be removed when ff is on, or I guarentee the clan scene will have a fit, it'd really **** everything.