Author Topic: What do I do wrong as Comm?  (Read 8737 times)

April 30, 2005, 01:59:49 PM
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Im not asking for comming tips in general, just what i screw up, if youve noticed anything. I figure ive been comming on lm long enough for people to have noticed my weaknesses and since im on vacation and cant play, ill post instead. Ive got all the important hot keys memorized, and i understand everything pretty well i think.
The only problem i know that i have is that im not mean, and rarely comm rage so non-regs tend not to listen.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

April 30, 2005, 02:15:47 PM
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You must download Comm-Rage 4.02 from Nite.

I don't know, actually, as I don't remember you comming for a while now :|
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April 30, 2005, 02:19:40 PM
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yeah, ive been busy for about a week or two. Im in KC right now and i was just in cancun. Oh, and im in KC for some modeling thing so im surrounded by beautiful young women. My life is hard.

April 30, 2005, 03:20:20 PM
Reply #3


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Well, I haven't seen you comm more than a few times, but I am also a fellow comm failure, so I'll tell you what I tend to do wrong:

1) Not paying attention to Marines. They die without meds or ammo, and every second counts, be it a med or a phase gate.

2) Not keeping track of RTs. Can't win without them.

3) Not keeping track of the hives. Newborn scans them a lot. That is generally a good idea.

4) Forgetting to upgrade. Marines will die without armor or weapon upgrades. HMGs are necessary.

5) Forgetting to give out guns when you need it.

6) Not keeping your general plan in mind. Shooting for a two-hive lockdown? Make sure you get phases up, turrets up, and WATCH the phase gates. Just rushing? Make sure you remember to send people out to get phase gates up.

7) Not giving Marines orders. Generally, Marines should know what to do in specific cases, but you HAVE to let them know what the next plan of attack is, or the team will lose.

April 30, 2005, 11:05:57 PM
Reply #4


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Not directed at you, as I can't remember you comming me ever, but just a general com tip


Some marines can't use voice com for whatever reason.  It is very frustrating when standing guard at an open RT for a whole minute, spamming "request order" and typing "RT HERE COM!!!" to have a guy walk up, say "Drop me this RT com" on voice com, and he gets it instantly. /rant.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2005, 11:06:23 PM by Krytos »
If it moves, shoot it.
If it is still moving, shoot it again.

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Set a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.

April 30, 2005, 11:26:55 PM
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....ignore your marines, unless they fit YOUR strategy.  Don't get caught in the rut of following THEIR strategy.  You're the commander, that means you give orders, and they listen.   That's one thing I have seen too many good comms fall prey to.
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

"I will live to be immortal...or die trying!"

May 01, 2005, 05:43:47 PM
Reply #6


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Marines completely ignoring waypoints... major problem. No way to fix that without a good slap on the rear and a lot of yelling at them via mic.

May 02, 2005, 02:57:23 AM
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Marines completely ignoring waypoints... major problem. No way to fix that without a good slap on the rear and a lot of yelling at them via mic.
The long and short of this is most comms don't know how to drop a waypoint to save thier lifes.  It doesn't help much that having marines selected and dropping a structure WPs them all to that structure, nor that there is a big shiny select all button, but no deselect all button.  If you want marines to follow your WPs then make sure you tell them via voicecom, cause 9 times out of 10 a WP a com plops down is not intended in any way for you.
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May 02, 2005, 06:42:09 AM
Reply #8


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I don't ignore waypoints and if i agree with the commanders decision then i'll go there, but otherwise you should probably just true me to be where i can do most damage to the aliens :) I've seen too many commanders make the mistake of 'omg rambo stop ignoring waypoints' when in actual fact the only reason they're still in the match is someone going 30-1 and carrying them. You might be the commander but it doesn't necessarily mean you know best.

The other big issue is not dropping meds and ammo fast enough. It is what you spend 99% of your time doing. Learn the hotkeys and get medding. It takes ONE second to drop a structure, then you go back to watching your marines. 99% of the time you watch your marines in critical positions, you med on their requests and you med when you see them in trouble. Once you learn the way of the medpack you'll be a loved commander.

<3 BenjamiN/Benny/MrBen - Washed up clanner, ex-contributor and forum troll.
#lessthanthree on qnet

May 02, 2005, 07:32:49 AM
Reply #9


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Speaking of hotkeys, is there a way to bind keys to answer med and ammo requests as comm?  I've been wondering about that for a while, but never asked.  Keys bound directly to meds and ammo drops would be nice as well.
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May 02, 2005, 11:32:34 AM
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from my experience as comm, at least in this version marines chances of winning are around 60-75% if they get control of 2 hives within 7 mins.  This means either immediate lockdown, or ninjaing one going up then securing. After that, more than 7 mins if you dont have both hives, marine chances are more like 10-15%, if takes something pretty special to win at that point.  

Other than that general knowledge, maximize our strength and minimize weakness. If you are going to go for upgrades, don't be afraid to drop alot of meds and guns, they will actually matter then. But if you go for pg straight away, you strength is now putting the most meat in one place faster than aliens can. Therefore you must spawn your marines faster than aliens for this to work. When ever I go pg first I build 3 ip, because I know there are going to be alot of casaulties with less marine upgrades and placing them in harms way faster.

May 02, 2005, 11:56:42 AM
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dont forget to cuss out and call your marines names.
nothing will get a group of rines motivated like a good cussin.

May 02, 2005, 12:51:48 PM
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what you're doing wrong is comming in 3.03. :help:

May 02, 2005, 01:00:05 PM
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nothing will get a group of rines motivated like a good cussin.

and a beatin

May 02, 2005, 05:17:13 PM
Reply #14


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you have to tell the marines how bad of a job they are doing, and make sure to point out all their errors. Those are my favorite comms.

May 02, 2005, 07:41:23 PM
Reply #15


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Back in the 1.04 days, I had great success with sticking IPs right next to the wall where marines would get stuck as they spawned. It didn't help the team much, but it fostered obedience: those that didn't just type /stuck, and instead complained, got a firm talking to. "IF YOU COMMANDER WANTS YOU TO SPAWN IN THE WALL, THEN YOU HAD BETTER DARN WELL SPAWN IN THE WALL! GET IT SOLDIER?" etc. If your team feels like a team, then the eventual loss to the aliens will take longer.

Lunixmonster looks a lot like Linuxmonster. Really.

May 03, 2005, 10:00:33 PM
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I guess I was foolish thinking I was going to hear some sort of great wisdom that id never thought of, thanks though guys. So far at least im 2-1 in this newest version, and we were so close to winning the other. I blame the loss on destroyer, since hell never read this

May 04, 2005, 10:59:58 AM
Reply #17


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I'll be sure to try and point out any glaring errors when you comm, in the most tactful way I can.

Most comm errors come down to, from what I've seen
-not herding well
-not leading
-not attacking alien rts.
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-Richard Feynman

May 04, 2005, 12:00:33 PM
Reply #18


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My main successes so far have been in taking my best players, sticking them in one squad, and relying on them while using the rest of the smacktards for screening troops.

God, I'm old.