Author Topic: For Uranium  (Read 20149 times)

February 03, 2004, 05:50:28 AM
Reply #20

Satanic Monkey

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I can't stand blogs. There is nothing interesting about what you ate for dinner, who you screwed or if your boyfriend/girlfriend dump you for a piece of cheese. This is an example of how all blogs look like. Nobody cares, not even your friends, most people I seen that blog are emos, punks, and skateboarders, based on what I seen. How do I know? Those punk kids after achool talking about their blogs and.....

  Current music: Some crappy EMO song , but I listen to it anyways cause I'm Mainstream

Current Mood: Sad or some feeling


 Well anyways my f*cking mom was b*tching at me and she told me to clean my room, so I cried and when I called my boyfriend, he said Micheal it's over. And the rest of the post will be her whining and moaning and all that crap.

Can't forget about the comments, which only their friends post in.
Don't mess with me punk, I'll post in your

February 03, 2004, 06:24:31 AM
Reply #21


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February 03, 2004, 06:29:05 AM
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That's the first blog I've ever bothered reading that made me laugh :ph34r:

February 03, 2004, 06:38:25 AM
Reply #23

Satanic Monkey

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I'm gonna make my own webblog on how the man inside my nose tells me to kill people and how I have the raccoon penis bone and If I'm allowed, I will post a link.
Don't mess with me punk, I'll post in your

February 03, 2004, 07:42:36 AM
Reply #24


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Trust me, Uranium has watched more anime than just 1 episode of DBZ. My friend Stef and I have made sure of that. ^_^

Things included are Cowboy Bebop, Tokyo Mew Mew (he was clawing at his eyes during it), and some other stuff I forget at the moment. Meh.

And if anyone is getting pissed off at reading his little rant? I've known him personally for 9 years (although the anti-Japan bit only started beginning of high school once I started enjoying the stuff). Imagine how I must have felt ~_^

*goes back to d/ling Fullmetal Alchemist so he can draw a pic of the main character for his gf's bday*

Back to topic

What I find irritating are those people who consider anything they do (be it anime, books, computers, dancing, thug, religion, roleplaying, whatever and etc) so much better than anyone else's activities, to the point of belittling anyone who doesn't subscribe to their point of view.

Y'know those people... they're worse than Uranium's response to Japan-likers: "Your interest in blah blah is completely null, void, and devoid of any sort of meaning just because I hate it! Why don't you?!? Moron!"

They keep using this same voice for anything they encounter that they themselves don't enjoy.

Personally, it irks me when I encounter such people who have such a closed-off mind that I'm afraid of it collapsing on itself and sucking me inwards. I'll listen to a rational person's explanation of why something I do isn't worthy (of course, I don't consider Uranium very rational, just misguided ~_^ ), but when it's just personal attacks? They can take off.

Uranium is entertaining, those kinds of people are not.

Scale of Belittling:

5 - Wow, you do that? Let me try too!
4 - Sounds mildly interesting, but let me show you something else.
3 - Someone who couldn't care one way or the other
2 - Uranium or Doran Bennet (you know him, U! ^_^)
1 - Morons with personal attacks
« Last Edit: February 03, 2004, 07:58:35 AM by BrianL03 »

February 03, 2004, 08:23:09 AM
Reply #25

Black Mage

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it would be funny to see u235's reaction to several consecutive episodes of flcl ... from far, far away

February 03, 2004, 09:22:05 AM
Reply #26


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a few things.

-brian, i like your levels of belittlement, it appeals to my sense of organization :)
-wth is an EMO!??!?!! jeebus.... you kids and your newfangled slang..
"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

February 03, 2004, 09:26:34 AM
Reply #27


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I think EMO is like the replacement for Elmo. Or something.
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February 03, 2004, 09:53:47 AM
Reply #28


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Emo is the name for those kids that like to cry and be overly emotional and suicidal and stuff. I dunno, to me it seems a lot like goths only without the crazy makeup and the "evil" side.

February 03, 2004, 11:11:26 AM
Reply #29

Uranium - 235

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Actually I stopped comparing anime to DBZ a long time ago, but DBZ is still a valid comparison. That's like saying that Counter-STrike doesn't define FPS games. It does you twat, it's the most popular for a reason.

But let's see what 'anime's have characters that:

1) Are supposed to be Japanese but in no way at ALL look Japanese, but are in fact, Caucasian?

2) Have stupid hair that's all crappy and pointy, simply because the creators of anime can't draw anything else (Seriously, 95% of all males in anime have stupid spiked hair, and those that don't are usually drawn as scrawny geeks)

3) Wield rediculously oversized weapons?

4) Scream a lot.

5) Perform massive flying leaps all over the place / defy gravity by falling from high places and landing on their feet?

Number 1 applies to all anime. Number 2 applies to all anime. Number 3 applies to many anime's: Evangalion, Gundam, Big O, Inuyasha, Final Fantasy 7 (I think), Trigun, etc etc the list goes on and on. Number 4 applies to most of those anime's I've listed above, as well as some that DON'T have stupid weaponry. What the hell was that one about the dumbass who stops killing everything and becomes a man of peace? As does number 5. Really, I mean, look at Reign and Aeon Flux. That's just :Ding nuts. And the guy is supposed to be famous or something.

You know, I even forgot the usually unnecessary nudie scenes in the anime's because the animators are sick perverts without girlfriends. Ghost in the Shell, Perfect Blue, etc.

Oh well, classic 'OMG DBZ' from a classic japanophile. Quick, pull 'Unheard of and not very popular anime X' out of your ass to prove me wrong! There's a reason the producers of DBZ are rich.

As for the Japan history, I could embelish on it, but all I'd do is write out ten billion years of 'Dynasty Japanese Guy MCXVVI and Dynasty Japanese Guy XXXVII fought about stupid crap that really has had no bearing on the modern world. They fought a lot with lots of different warlords. Because they're stupid and barbaric.' But the castes were 100% correct and stayed that way for centuries, until their 'cultural revolution' where the Samurai lost power and were persecuted (also see 'The Last Samurai')

BTW: Forgot about that Tokyo Mew Mew... that's like, the embodiment of corruption and evil right there... oh god, the memories.

And yes: I have seen FLCL. I think I sort of understood WHY it was made (appeal to the goofishly foolish, I suppose), but after about ten minutes of episode one, I had to quickly change channels before my IQ started dropping. There's something about a kid with a massive dildo growing on his forehead being attacked by some psychobitch that rides around on a motercycle like Mad Max that, you know, I just couldn't stand...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2004, 11:20:11 AM by Uranium - 235 »

February 03, 2004, 11:11:45 AM
Reply #30


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a few things.

-brian, i like your levels of belittlement, it appeals to my sense of organization :)
-wth is an EMO!??!?!! jeebus.... you kids and your newfangled slang..
Emo, essentially, means emotional.

Over the past few years it's developed into a music genre. Emocore, Emotional Hardcore, whatever. Basically, it's all very heartfelt and emotional, usually to agressive music. Whiney bastards go and cry at their gigs.

Emo bands are the likes of Poison The Well (Sorry, but they are), Funeral For A Friend, Boxcar Racer, 100 Reasons... stuff like that.

However, ignore Architeuthis's comment, emo is nothing like goth. Goth is more about sex and drugs than death and depression, and believe me, i know a damn lot of goths and goth music. :)
Hint: Use Guided Mode for helpful prompts

February 03, 2004, 11:55:01 AM
Reply #31


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Uranium, Uranium, Uranium... I would want to discuss rebuttals right now, but we've talked so much about them before, so I'll just do a quick bullet list.

1) What you don't know is that the Japanese government has been secretly genetically changing its people so that they look more and more like those in the West. This is to allow them to infiltrate the United States and take over. In fact, your neighbors are probably secret Japanese gene pets right now!

2) Hey, it's a good thing to fall back on in a dark alley against a gang.

3) C'mon... you can't beat a cross rocket launcher.


5) All anime characters have been genetically bred with cats.

February 03, 2004, 12:34:19 PM
Reply #32

Uranium - 235

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5) All anime characters have been genetically bred with cats.
Or... something...

February 03, 2004, 12:38:21 PM
Reply #33


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1) I'm not gonna answer this one... but I will mention it's got a lot to do with self-perception and art-style =P

2) you're just jealous you can't have spikey hair like them uranium ^~
We all know you secretly lust to have lushious locks like guile XD
To be honest though, the hair thing is down to character design.  I'm taking a guess here but I suspect I've probably watched a lot more anime than you in the last several years and I can say that spikey hair isn't really even close to 95% of what most male haircuts come under.  The one common trait usually is that it's pretty long, sometimes just let loose, sometimes tied, sometimes gelled or something to make it super spikey.  Course, there's still short-haired male anime chars but we're making blindly outrageous generalisations here right? =3

3) ~shrug~  what's your point?

4) people scream when they're fighting in RL incase you noticed =P
sure they don't cry out the name of their moves, but ignoring silly things like DBZ it's not that uncharacteristic to have a person shriek with rage, pain or determination during a combat scene ^^;

5) That's just a sorta inheritence from fantasy and legend.  Someone who trains their body well can leap impressive distances; sure not the anime heights but we're talking about the culture that have ninjas as part of their heritage, so embellishments on acts of agility and a tendency towards magics is kinda easy to understand.
Seriously... if you're gonna complain about that when people are throwing fireballs at each other I think you're missing the point ^~
Just to be annoying, the more dramatic animes are usually more true to life in the scale of things and so you rarely see the characters in these doing amazing jumps or the like.

Complain all you want but you're really just as well trying to scream about films in general.  Anime is just another media for story telling... sure it comes almost entirely from one country (I'm not gonna get into an arguement of what anime actually is here) but it's still just the same as a live action film or whatnot; influenced by it's origins.
I honestly don't see how people can whine about something like that and not utter a word about the likes of superman.  I mean he's pretty much invincible and his one weakness is an alien rock which means it's pretty rare.  What kind of story is that???  He's one of the most detestably shallow characters I've ever seen and here's you whining about the small selection of anime you happen to have seen =P

If you're gonna watch 'anime' watch the right genre.  If you don't like romance films you don't go to see romance movies right?

If the rant is about people taking an interest in things but without taking the time to actually understand what it is or even liking it outside of reasons that it's fashionable... sure.  Anyone can agree with that, but you're generalising too much when you argue about 'anime fans'.  I got into it long ago, long before it was 'big' when a studio ghibli film called 'laputa: castle in the sky' happened to come on tv...
Didn't even know what anime was back then, I just knew it'd been the most wonderful, epic and heartfelt thing I'd seen.  Soon after I was gripped by porco rosso, laughed at tank police, got baffled by akira and laughed even more at project A-ko =3
After that it started picking up and it got even easier for me to find this new and different kind of story telling.  It wasn't the same dry, cheesy type I was used to from the western films it was something almost mystic... something more like what my imagination came up with.

All I can suggest if you've not seen them already are the studio ghibli works and possibly trigun.  Almost everyone seems to find something they like in amongst that small selection ^^

February 03, 2004, 01:42:49 PM
Reply #34


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"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

February 03, 2004, 02:57:46 PM
Reply #35


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well gem just saved me 10 mins of typing ^_^

February 03, 2004, 06:18:12 PM
Reply #36

Uranium - 235

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1) I'm not gonna answer this one... but I will mention it's got a lot to do with self-perception and art-style =P

All I can suggest if you've not seen them already are the studio ghibli works and possibly trigun.  Almost everyone seems to find something they like in amongst that small selection ^^

So you mean Japanese don't actually realize that they all have jet-black hair? :o I mean, chirst, I have seen a Japanese with blonde / red hair, and it looks... well, awful.

BTW: Trigun might have POSSIBLY been decent, except for:

1) Steampunk and Cyberpunk don't mix very well. I point to the episode with the runaway steam train being attacked by a guy covered in flourescent lights (like something out of Running Man...). Okay that just made me laugh, and not in a ha-ha-funny way. Furthermore, okay we have this 'omg future' theme, but everyone lives like it's the 1920s, while some blonde haired prick walks around with the death star in his arm. Pretty much ruining the whole idea. Plus, every other episode some monstrosity is attacking a town. It's like Power Rangers.

2) Binary stars are horribly cliche. Plus, a planet orbitting a binary system would either be a radioactive wasteland, or be torn to pieces by gravitational forces.

3) The animation sucked. I don't even know how to describe it, but rather then have a funny moment ha-ha, a tense moment oh-no, they had to f**k around with the drawings. You know the whole 'let's make his mouth 50 billion times larger and out of shape' thing.

4) That dumb^^ stupid :Ding "cat" thing, that looked and sounded just retarded.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2004, 06:18:54 PM by Uranium - 235 »

February 03, 2004, 07:55:40 PM
Reply #37


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WHY ARE YOU COMPARING FICTION TO REALISIM? just becuase japanese people have black slicked hair doesn't mean they can't draw people with blonde spiked hair, its made up, IE not based on real life events, its for entertainment. But i guess a talking bunny or duck is ok.

February 03, 2004, 07:57:06 PM
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BTW: Trigun might have POSSIBLY been decent, except for:

1) Steampunk and Cyberpunk don't mix very well. I point to the episode with the runaway steam train being attacked by a guy covered in flourescent lights (like something out of Running Man...). Okay that just made me laugh, and not in a ha-ha-funny way. Furthermore, okay we have this 'omg future' theme, but everyone lives like it's the 1920s, while some blonde haired prick walks around with the death star in his arm. Pretty much ruining the whole idea. Plus, every other episode some monstrosity is attacking a town. It's like Power Rangers.
Ever heard of alternate universes? Imagination? Hmmm thought not :p

The thing is Trigun doesn't even take place on earth. It was humanities attempt to seed a planet thus much of the new technology is lost.


Vash isn't even a human and those "monsters" attacking town are working for his brother Knives.


So yeah. Most anime you'd have to watch the whole series to understand.

Oh and on the black hair thing. I'm sure the japanese are well aware they have black hair. I'm sure they do not wish to offend you by using some colour to add a little flavor. If everything on tv was just like real life NOONE would ever watch it.
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February 03, 2004, 08:43:11 PM
Reply #39

Uranium - 235

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Yeah you're right, who the hell names their kid 'knives'? That's just ASKING for therapy later in life. No, I know it's on another planet, but it's so :Ding asinine and poorly done. You'll have this town made of I'm trying to swear ban me! and bricks and everyone in it looks like Stump-Jumpin' Jethro and is using something like an old crappy powder rifle. Meanwhile behind them, is some outrageously huge chemical factory. Or you have advanced technology buried in the sands of Khara- I mean... the desert planet (I hope you got that reference...). It's SO stupid! Apparently in the future we'll all be rednecks who scream and throw feces at technology, and those that have it are too stupid or scared to leave to the 'outside world'.

As for Leadz0rz, get a grip, kid. Furthermore, EVERY :DING ANIME IS LIKE THAT. They're set in Japan, and every person looks like they were just shipped in from Seattle.

Hmm... Japanese: Smallish eyes, slanted, usually on the short side, jet black hair, darkish skin.

Anime: Massive perfectly round eyes, white (I don't think I've ever seen a black guy in an anime, now that I think about it), tall, usually with hair that's any color BUT black (purple, green, you name it), really I'm the only one to actually make this connection that evidently the Japanese DON'T want to be Japanese?
« Last Edit: February 03, 2004, 08:51:01 PM by Uranium - 235 »