Actually I stopped comparing anime to DBZ a long time ago, but DBZ is still a valid comparison. That's like saying that Counter-STrike doesn't define FPS games. It does you twat, it's the most popular for a reason.
But let's see what 'anime's have characters that:
1) Are supposed to be Japanese but in no way at ALL look Japanese, but are in fact, Caucasian?
2) Have stupid hair that's all crappy and pointy, simply because the creators of anime can't draw anything else (Seriously, 95% of all males in anime have stupid spiked hair, and those that don't are usually drawn as scrawny geeks)
3) Wield rediculously oversized weapons?
4) Scream a lot.
5) Perform massive flying leaps all over the place / defy gravity by falling from high places and landing on their feet?
Number 1 applies to all anime. Number 2 applies to all anime. Number 3 applies to many anime's: Evangalion, Gundam, Big O, Inuyasha, Final Fantasy 7 (I think), Trigun, etc etc the list goes on and on. Number 4 applies to most of those anime's I've listed above, as well as some that DON'T have stupid weaponry. What the hell was that one about the dumbass who stops killing everything and becomes a man of peace? As does number 5. Really, I mean, look at Reign and Aeon Flux. That's just :Ding nuts. And the guy is supposed to be famous or something.
You know, I even forgot the usually unnecessary nudie scenes in the anime's because the animators are sick perverts without girlfriends. Ghost in the Shell, Perfect Blue, etc.
Oh well, classic 'OMG DBZ' from a classic japanophile. Quick, pull 'Unheard of and not very popular anime X' out of your ass to prove me wrong! There's a reason the producers of DBZ are rich.
As for the Japan history, I could embelish on it, but all I'd do is write out ten billion years of 'Dynasty Japanese Guy MCXVVI and Dynasty Japanese Guy XXXVII fought about stupid crap that really has had no bearing on the modern world. They fought a lot with lots of different warlords. Because they're stupid and barbaric.' But the castes were 100% correct and stayed that way for centuries, until their 'cultural revolution' where the Samurai lost power and were persecuted (also see 'The Last Samurai')
BTW: Forgot about that Tokyo Mew Mew... that's like, the embodiment of corruption and evil right there... oh god, the memories.
And yes: I have seen FLCL. I think I sort of understood WHY it was made (appeal to the goofishly foolish, I suppose), but after about ten minutes of episode one, I had to quickly change channels before my IQ started dropping. There's something about a kid with a massive dildo growing on his forehead being attacked by some psychobitch that rides around on a motercycle like Mad Max that, you know, I just couldn't stand...