Author Topic: PSP dilemma  (Read 7597 times)

April 18, 2005, 04:26:39 PM
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Oh noes.  How long has it been since i've posted on these fourms? :o!

During a conversation with my friend, the subject of PSP came up.  Anyways, after talking about it for a while heres what he suggested:

We both split the cost for a PSP value pack
->I get to keep the PSP and everything that came with it (by 'keep' i mean it stays in   my house, or in my possession)

->It being it my custody means that I am responsible for full payment of any peripherals that We or I decide to purchase (games, memory stick, etc).

->In exchange, he would come over/ I would go over to his house to play with it sometimes.  He does not "borrow" it, persay; it will always be in my possession

I was thinking of what a great deal this was.  However I want to be exactly sure, and thus want to ask some questions to clarify some terms of the agreement, however I don't know what to ask.  I, for one, cannot see anything wrong with this deal, but perhaps a fresh set of eyes would say otherwise.

A few things to note:

-> he is a very good friend of mine, and has been so for 3 years.  He in no way has ever tried to decieve me for any reason.

-> He is very "well off".  He is the same age as me, yet his parents already allow him his own car.  He has paid my other friends a large sum of money ($60 CAD/per project) to do several projects for him; he's intelligent, but lazy.

So help me out.  What could some problems be with this deal?
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 04:32:53 PM by Lito »
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Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
aah - Johnny B. GONE
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Thanks to Bijiy for help on the sig
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April 18, 2005, 06:30:57 PM
Reply #1


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At some point he will realize that the deal sucked for him. It might be after you're not in contact with him, or it might be in a couple of days. Hopefully it isn't the latter one (for you). It is never smart to split the cost of something that is expensive even if you are friends. The only way it could ever work is if you guys hang out a lot and don't plan on going seperate ways (college, etc.).

EDIT: It could also work if one of you stops caring about it too.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2005, 06:31:49 PM by Malevolent »
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

April 18, 2005, 06:34:55 PM
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... i mean... seems like a good deal to me... you should probably consider it... although how or why he would agree to this is beyond me... that's still like, 125 bucks right? there's more to the psp than just games... like, listening to mp3s and stuff... seems like he's getting screwed.
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April 18, 2005, 06:45:41 PM
Reply #3


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he probably doesnt care enough to OWN one, or else hed just get one. im sure he just wants to check it out, and this way if he decides its cool he'll have one to play, if not, well what the hell, right?

April 18, 2005, 06:51:10 PM
Reply #4


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Get it in writing, and witnessed by two neutral parties. All four of you should read the agreement.

If anyone has any questions, explain them and then write them into the agreement. Ideally you should have a tech literate and tech illiterate pair of neutral parties. That way you get tech questions, and non tech questions. That alone should catch any loopholes.

Once made out, make four copies of the document, one for each person.

Things to consider are -

What happens if either of you are on holiday
What happens if you stop being friends
What if you dont buy any games he likes
What happens WHEN it is damaged
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

April 18, 2005, 09:35:25 PM
Reply #5


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Sounds like your friend gets the short end of the stick. I don't see why hes willing to pay for half of it just for what should be a given if either one of you had payed full price for it.

This kind of thing usually leads to dispute. But hey, if hes got money to pay other people to do his work, surely he can get one of his own. Perhaps its for your benefit? Keeping his hand in the cookie jar..hmmm?

April 19, 2005, 07:24:41 AM
Reply #6


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Forget the PSP, buy 2 DS' instead.

It seams the main selling point for the PSP is the raw graphical power, where as with the DS you get something much more original.

April 19, 2005, 08:53:06 AM
Reply #7


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Just hope someday the deal doesn't go bad when you two are no longer in contact with one another, and you want to keep it because part of the original agreement was that the PSP would stay in your possession, and then he'll take it to court arguing that since he paid for half of it, it's half his. BUT.. you say he's your friend and well off and all that jazz so maybe in the future when/if you go your seperate ways he just won't care about it anymore.. that or he'll forget.

EDIT: if you're really that concerned about their being any loop holes or whatever, get a lawyer and make up a written contract. :p
« Last Edit: April 19, 2005, 08:55:26 AM by Mac »

"Why aren't you wearing your eyebrows??"
Everyday you're here is torture to my heart; reminding me of how you'll never be mine..
..I'm going to miss this feeling.

April 19, 2005, 12:54:05 PM
Reply #8


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PSP isnt even worth it!
yes thats right, I said it. PS SUCKS!

mabye if they convert most of the good ps2 games to psp then it would be worth it. why carry a psp around when yu have a ipod or cd player, and why have a portable camera when most people have them on their cell phones anyhow!

April 19, 2005, 01:36:32 PM
Reply #9


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It sounds like he's paying for half of a console system that you will then own. Because if he would already be coming to your house, and you bringing it to his house, he's not really getting anything for his money. That works tho because most of the cost overall will go towards the games.

*edit* Oh, maybe I should have actually read the thread..I didn't realize it was portable. Well, what I said still stands.  :p
« Last Edit: April 19, 2005, 01:38:57 PM by Goldy »
Best thread ever
"You steal a thousand Post-It notes at 12p, and you've made... a profit."

April 20, 2005, 06:35:45 AM
Reply #10

That Annoying Kid

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Get it in writing, and witnessed by two neutral parties. All four of you should read the agreement.

If anyone has any questions, explain them and then write them into the agreement. Ideally you should have a tech literate and tech illiterate pair of neutral parties. That way you get tech questions, and non tech questions. That alone should catch any loopholes.

Once made out, make four copies of the document, one for each person.

Personally I don't like to treat my friends as though I'm a prosecuting attorney signing a plea bargain with a murderous crack-head.  

what if something goes wrong and legal wrangling ensues?!

Get it a handshake deal, but put it in writing
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April 20, 2005, 11:02:38 AM
Reply #11


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It sounds like he's paying for half of a console system that you will then own. Because if he would already be coming to your house, and you bringing it to his house, he's not really getting anything for his money. That works tho because most of the cost overall will go towards the games.

*edit* Oh, maybe I should have actually read the thread..I didn't realize it was portable. Well, what I said still stands.  :p
You are committing sacrilege by not knowing about the PSP.
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

April 20, 2005, 01:26:15 PM
Reply #12


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Steal it.

April 20, 2005, 04:01:42 PM
Reply #13


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When he comes to give you the money, hit him in the head with a billyclub, steal his wallet, and then murder a hobo and plant his wallet on the body. He will go to prison and you will get to own the full PSP without him nagging you about borrowing it.
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April 20, 2005, 04:30:22 PM
Reply #14


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Save your money is what I say.

April 20, 2005, 06:04:47 PM
Reply #15


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It might work if he's your best friend and you will be best friends forever. Otherwise it's just asking for trouble no matter how you do the deal. It's suspiciously like loaning money to a friend. Always bad. Ends with you hating each other. I say save your cash for another few weeks or months and buy it for yourself.

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April 20, 2005, 11:10:39 PM
Reply #16


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If anything what is gonna happen is he is gonna realize how fun the psp is and realize how much this deal sucks for him, so he gonna want his share of the money and he is gonna go out and buy one for himself.

I say give it a month or so.

April 21, 2005, 12:11:37 PM
Reply #17


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When Lito ends up on Judge Judy, you will all remember this day.

Further, a friend is just a stranger you know more about.
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

April 30, 2005, 01:43:12 PM
Reply #18

SuicidaL MonkeY

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If the choice goes towards the paperwork for god knows what ever reason, make sure you get a pre-nup...


oh, and heres some advice i look at life with, keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer. If your friendship gets destroyed because of a piece of machine, its not worth it, because he wont change for you and you wont change for him. Just tell him, your gonna have to eventually. Whether its when you suck it in and tell him or he figures it out and confronts you.