Hey All,
Thought I'd stop by and introduce myself. I've been playing a Lunixmonster for a while now and I guess it's time start visiting the forums.
Some info about me:
* Name: Ben
* Occupation: Java Programmer at Utah State University (USU) Research Foundation
* Education Level: Senior in CS at USU
* Favorite Smiley on this board: :ph34r:
* Blog:
http://pojos-devlog.blogspot.com* Webpage:
http://pojo.us* Favorite Food: Lasagna
* Favoriate Operating Systems: Mac OS X and Linux
* Favorite NS Map: ns_nothing
Anyway, that's about it. I've tried to make my one little mod in HL2, but their documentation is terrible. I've done many little projects, and I've contributed to some opensource proejcts.
I'm going to apply to work at Novell when I graduate, and hope to get accepted. If not, I'll probably go back to running my own business.
See you all in NS!