Hrmmm I dont think I never said hello myself
, I R FEWPID, I WANT YOOR PAI! ollolololloololl. Ok now on to how I came about to be here: I started my ns career by joining a clan called IFB, which later merged with the server we always stacked "Now We Donce" which was run by Blahman, then donce kind of died..... then IFB was dying so we reformed into ECN, localhost, an ex-doncer and ECN-member attempted to make a NEW donce which had many a problems, so I spent a lot of my time on the server Nano-Gridlock which was previously run by LB, and my clan got some admin rights to it o/. So I got to know LB and when nano-g switched to ReadyRoom I stayed as an admin with it and supported LB, and now it is Lunixmonster and I'm still here supporting the cause o/.