Well, actually I just googled 'dice', I've never heard of the site that has that image. My own collection of twenty-odd dice is nowhere near that impressive. I have twenty-five (or so) joob-joobs myself (though I did not know them under that name. I like "glass beads", or as I refer to them in the rare cases that I play Magic: "My precious lifestones! Noooo..."). Alongside my die collection, I also have a 4x9 box of d6. I don't consider them part of the collection, as enlarging your collection by buying thirty-six similar dice smells of cheating too much.
Why buy dice? Are you mad? WHY NOT?
He who dies with most dice, wins.
Oh, and thank you guys (smell the sarcasm?) for resurrecting a past addition of mine. Off to the geekpit I go, to part with my money. I can see the happy expression in Dirk's eyes already...
Oh right, that reminds me: I'm not a geek just because I know that the name of the eldest employee of the geekpit (this particular geekpit is called Gandalph (and yes, it is far older than the movies (omg, so many parentheses (or is that parenthesises (omg, even more!)?) inside each other!)). I'm doomed, ain't I?) is called Dirk and have a friend who plays DDR and console games with him regularly, am I?