Author Topic: Ever Have One Of Those Nights?  (Read 8127 times)

August 10, 2004, 12:40:44 AM
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Never been so close to hitting the voicecomm button and spouting the foulest diatribe I could think of.

Skills stacked the entire night, with *new* players opting for walker fades, or ramboing off instead of dropping any nodes.

Even when we'd a few good players, the odds were against us. I never fade, for example, so my 50 res was often wasted as we had no free hive. Other people have similar skill holes.

Of course, we end up getting toasted, time and time again. Finally we get some decent skill on our team, when its just at endgame. Server changes, and I end up on rines. Back with the smacktards.

Aliens sens rush, comm decides not to use MT, so we get diced, rush mess hall X times and die to cloaked skulks, noone bothers their backside to reinforce us, etc etc etc....

All in all, the most tedious game. Ever. I wish they had one big throat so I could throttle them all.

Carty knows at least one of the games I'm referring to. So dismal :(
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

August 10, 2004, 01:14:26 AM
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i was that cloaked skulk. it was fun  >:D

August 10, 2004, 05:54:35 AM
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Yeah right, rub it in why don't you.

Happens to anyone, Necro. Just remember that next time you may have a really cool game instead.

August 10, 2004, 08:21:46 AM
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After a few games like this, I'll start hammering the "Who's fade, who's hive, who's chambers?" at game start over and over until we work it out right then. Then I'll harass everyone else to drop an RT and guard the RTs. Of course, not everyone will do it, but with enough people you might barely get enough res flow to support an 8 man team, if slowly. Then if your fade/hive/dc people manage to get their jobs done, you always have a semi decent chance of a good game. (as long as the fade's smart enough to know that he has to defend the weak building hive)

Just remember to harass the team with that next time. "Hive, fade, chambers, hive, fade, chambers." Until they go crazy and figure it out.

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

August 10, 2004, 11:57:25 AM
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Actually I just pretended to hit my mic button, and swore loudly at 5 am. Cos my mic wasn't on, it felt good and noone was offended.

My neighbours might be a bit confused tho..
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

August 10, 2004, 05:51:19 PM
Reply #5

Malibu Stacey

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After a few games like this, I'll start hammering the "Who's fade, who's hive, who's chambers?" at game start over and over until we work it out right then. Then I'll harass everyone else to drop an RT and guard the RTs. Of course, not everyone will do it, but with enough people you might barely get enough res flow to support an 8 man team, if slowly. Then if your fade/hive/dc people manage to get their jobs done, you always have a semi decent chance of a good game. (as long as the fade's smart enough to know that he has to defend the weak building hive)

Just remember to harass the team with that next time. "Hive, fade, chambers, hive, fade, chambers." Until they go crazy and figure it out.

I do this every game on aliens as a matter of course. The balance at the moment means if you don't then you've lost unless the marine team is pretty much incompetent. I guess its like being the Alien team comm but you need to lead from the front instead of sitting in your nice snug CC.
I've also played quite a few games where we've taken Movement or Sensory chambers on first hive and then gone on to win and not just with incompetent marines (ask Bijiy the lunatic). Sensory is hardest to win with on first hive IMO but MC then DC can be fun and just as effective as DC then MC.

August 10, 2004, 06:15:32 PM
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I've always been behind the value of MC first. Every MC upgrade is useful for skulks. (even adren, for node chewing) whereas DC upgrades are pretty useless until you get higher lifeforms. Regen or cara skulks die nearly as fast either way. Silenced or celerity skulks have a much higher life expectancy. The trick is that you have to find someone willing to fade with no DCs, which a lot of people don't like to do.

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

August 10, 2004, 10:25:03 PM
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Bob, I must say that I think carapace skulks last longer. I usually can get more than one kill with carapace, so... but of course it's probably my lag. :p
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

August 12, 2004, 12:14:26 AM
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Bob, I must say that I think carapace skulks last longer. I usually can get more than one kill with carapace, so... but of course it's probably my lag. :p
Meh, cara is 2 extra bullets.  Celer is about half the normal time to kill, plus skulks twice as hard to hit, and silence is pretty much no time to kill at all.
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August 12, 2004, 12:49:15 AM
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Black Mage

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I've always been behind the value of MC first. Every MC upgrade is useful for skulks. (even adren, for node chewing) whereas DC upgrades are pretty useless until you get higher lifeforms. Regen or cara skulks die nearly as fast either way. Silenced or celerity skulks have a much higher life expectancy. The trick is that you have to find someone willing to fade with no DCs, which a lot of people don't like to do.

or hold off on the fade until 8:00

edit: tale had a nice quote about celetity skulks around somewhere
« Last Edit: August 12, 2004, 12:49:59 AM by Black Mage »

August 12, 2004, 10:15:45 AM
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I've always been behind the value of MC first. Every MC upgrade is useful for skulks. (even adren, for node chewing) whereas DC upgrades are pretty useless until you get higher lifeforms. Regen or cara skulks die nearly as fast either way. Silenced or celerity skulks have a much higher life expectancy. The trick is that you have to find someone willing to fade with no DCs, which a lot of people don't like to do.

or hold off on the fade until 8:00

edit: tale had a nice quote about celetity skulks around somewhere

i've gotten quite a few hives up around the 2:30 mark with both upgrades so it isn't like always wait for 8:00 minutes to fade
er.. which doohickey is the capacitor? and not a FLUX capacitor right?!? cuz then i'd have to put it in my Dolorian..

August 12, 2004, 10:20:35 AM
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Necrosis, take a break from NS when that happens. Because eventually you go INSANE and end up in the LM Newspaper as "crazy Marine escapes from mental institution and kills 20" And then you are caught by the LM cops (admins) and Put in jail! (bant)

August 12, 2004, 03:12:11 PM
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Ive had one of those nights, though the insanity that came from loosing 5 staight games left me only after a few hours of in your face killing.

Im fine now though, wooosssaaaa.

August 16, 2004, 12:31:42 AM
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I hate getting icon stacked more than being kicked from the server especially when Its a bunch of new people or I happed to end up on a rine team with a comm that has never commed before and Holy and Bob are on the aliens team. I don't even wanna play but I stick through and hope we lose quickly.

-- Celerity skulks are better than any defense upgraded skulks but when you happen to not get any chambers until you get a fade you might as well drop dcs because everyone knows regen or cara fades are significantly more powerful than celer fades. This seems to happen a lot more often too, people have gotten really lazy with dropping things, reswhoring is like a fad nowadays...
« Last Edit: August 16, 2004, 12:33:03 AM by JimRaynor »
The difference between obsessive gaming and casual gaming is in the tone of your voice when you die as an onos egg, mine is somewhere around 90db.[/font]

August 16, 2004, 12:39:05 AM
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I've had those nights....we all have.  But we all also get the opposite, so just hang in there, and remember that soon you may be able to kill me again!
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

"I will live to be immortal...or die trying!"

August 16, 2004, 12:47:53 AM
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Hey, welcome to the forums Jim, nice to see new faces around.  Cya on the server (getting owned by me repeditively >:D)
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

August 16, 2004, 12:54:19 AM
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Black Mage

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Hey, welcome to the forums Jim, nice to see new faces around.  Cya on the server (owning me repeditively >:D)


repetetively is spelled with a t
« Last Edit: August 16, 2004, 12:55:02 AM by Black Mage »

August 16, 2004, 01:01:59 AM
Reply #17

a civilian

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Meh, cara is 2 extra bullets.
Four, actually.  Nevertheless I agree that, on Skulks, movement upgrades are more effective than defense upgrades.  The thing is, against decent marines, a one-hive alien team must rely on Fades to control the map.  Upgraded Skulks can fill this role to some extent, but they are not nearly as effective.  And defense upgrades are the most effective upgrades for Fades.

repetetively is spelled with a t
Repetitively is also spelled with an i.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2004, 01:11:03 AM by a civilian »

August 16, 2004, 03:02:33 AM
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Meh, cara is 2 extra bullets.
Four, actually.  Nevertheless I agree that, on Skulks, movement upgrades are more effective than defense upgrades.  The thing is, against decent marines, a one-hive alien team must rely on Fades to control the map.  Upgraded Skulks can fill this role to some extent, but they are not nearly as effective.  And defense upgrades are the most effective upgrades for Fades.

repetetively is spelled with a t
Repetitively is also spelled with an i.
Meh 2, 4 its all the same really, not enough bullets to realisticly get a good amount of extra bites anyways.

and BM has an 'i' in his 'repetitively', the issues is that it is spelled with TWO 'i's
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

August 16, 2004, 09:14:03 AM
Reply #19


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If so many people think mcs are better....WHY DOESNT ANYONE EVER DROP THEM FIRST!!?!?

personally, all the chambers have pros and cons, and i will gladly go with anything first....heck, i'll fade with anything.  Course, i suck at fade anyway, but hey....who cares?  I need the practice.

BTW :  silence blink fade OWNS.  its like leap, but faster, quieter, and for an extendeed period of time.
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