I'll get straight to the point with this one:
Do NOT, under any circumstances, build ANYTHING directly next to a teammate's cloaked, gestating egg when a Jetpacking Heavy Machine-Gunning guy is shooting at you. EVER.
Now for the details:
Was in a game in ns_hydrosity. The last hive we needed was the one with the res node nearby in its own little room type thing, with the grates around the hive and the ladders and such.
The only thing the Marines had to defend the area was a TFac, four Turrets, PhaseGate, and the Res Node. I walk out of sight of the setup, get cloaking, then proceed to evolve into an Onos. At the same time, a teammate is dropping the hive and a Sensory Chamber below it.
A Marine phases into the area, then hears the building, so proceeds to walk around the corner, as the gorge was coming up near me. He sees the marine, and also sees me there gestating, and for some ungodly reason he decides to drop a sensory chamber. Right there, right directly next to me. Of course its not cloaked when its dropped right away, so the marine knows its there. He shoots at it, hovers over it to finish off the gorge, then comes back to the chamber. Unfortunately, while shooting the chamber, some rouns hit my gestating self and uncloaked me for a second. But just long enough for the marine to know to shoot there.
It could have been a turning point in the battle, my goin Onos to take out one of their outposts, and eventually others. But no. Some god forsaken smacktard had to go and give away my position. So next time you're Gorge, do us all a favor and think before you drop a structure.