Author Topic: Tip To Gorges  (Read 10738 times)

December 13, 2003, 03:24:18 PM
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I'll get straight to the point with this one:

Do NOT, under any circumstances, build ANYTHING directly next to a teammate's cloaked, gestating egg when a Jetpacking Heavy Machine-Gunning guy is shooting at you. EVER.

Now for the details:

Was in a game in ns_hydrosity. The last hive we needed was the one with the res node nearby in its own little room type thing, with the grates around the hive and the ladders and such.

The only thing the Marines had to defend the area was a TFac, four Turrets, PhaseGate, and the Res Node. I walk out of sight of the setup, get cloaking, then proceed to evolve into an Onos. At the same time, a teammate is dropping the hive and a Sensory Chamber below it.

A Marine phases into the area, then hears the building, so proceeds to walk around the corner, as the gorge was coming up near me. He sees the marine, and also sees me there gestating, and for some ungodly reason he decides to drop a sensory chamber. Right there, right directly next to me. Of course its not cloaked when its dropped right away, so the marine knows its there. He shoots at it, hovers over it to finish off the gorge, then comes back to the chamber. Unfortunately, while shooting the chamber, some rouns hit my gestating self and uncloaked me for a second. But just long enough for the marine to know to shoot there.

It could have been a turning point in the battle, my goin Onos to take out one of their outposts, and eventually others. But no. Some god forsaken smacktard had to go and give away my position. So next time you're Gorge, do us all a favor and think before you drop a structure.


December 13, 2003, 04:29:05 PM
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This is a good general rule of thumb: If one of your teammates is cloaked, chances are he's trying to stay undetected. Do NOT make noises around his location or otherwise attract attention towards him. I've been seriously ****ed off several times by idiot skulks who chose to hide in the same spot as me, but WITHOUT CLOAKING. Got us both shot, the smacktards.

December 13, 2003, 10:30:31 PM
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god i HATE gorges who come up to me while im cloaked WHILE marines are comming by and heal sprays me i also HATE HATE HATE gorges that "heal spray follow" me while im onos. the only thing they accomplish is KILLING ME! damn blockers <_<

December 13, 2003, 11:58:40 PM
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...i also HATE HATE HATE gorges that "heal spray follow" me while im onos. the only thing they accomplish is KILLING ME! damn blockers <_<
...unless they're like me: When the onos is retreating get out of it's way.
This is going to be some kind of reunion, isn't it?

December 14, 2003, 07:25:27 AM
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... or like me, who knows the approximate range of healspray and how to use it at extreme range. :)

December 14, 2003, 11:06:29 AM
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I can remember my last game of 1.04, on the COFR server.  We were hiding out in powersilo with no completed hives (powersilo was building), waiting for the skulks to finish off the siege  forward base that was in the immediate area.  I noticed that the resource node in the middle was unoccupied, so I waddled my gorge self over there, plopped it down, and was (along with the rest of my team) instantly splattered by a half dozen sieges  ^^

That....was embarassing.  Here's a tip - always play with sound.  Heh...turns out that there's no telling what people will tell you not to do on the voicecomm...

December 14, 2003, 08:06:40 PM
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I commed that game and you almost got away with that hive! Too bad our 4 sieges owned it.

Oh and BTW we had 1 Obs,1PG,Eletric RT,4 sieges,4turrets. That is a really good place to lock a hive.

I ended that game with about 1500 res.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2003, 08:10:00 PM by crack »

December 17, 2003, 08:52:10 PM
Reply #7

That Annoying Kid

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<-- loves gorging

...i also HATE HATE HATE gorges that "heal spray follow" me while im onos. the only thing they accomplish is KILLING ME! damn blockers <_<
...unless they're like me: When the onos is retreating get out of it's way.

something about using the range of healspray to keep out of the big oni's way

proper gorging is something to :ph34r: and <3

MAC DRE: Cold Crest Creeper, a rapper that would dip-n-yoke quicker than he could pimp-n-smoke, flows  that hit your ears harder than Ike hit Tina. Forced to serve a Nickle but would never drop a Dime.
K.C watch out cause the Bay's down like four flats on a Cadilac.

December 17, 2003, 08:55:22 PM
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Should also refer to skulks when your an onos. While your trying to run away and they like to get in the way of your feet. You try to run but you notice your going no where. After 10 marines appear behind you, you die and you notice that a skulk was there.

^Tis evil

December 19, 2003, 03:03:21 PM
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Should also refer to skulks when your an onos. While your trying to run away and they like to get in the way of your feet. You try to run but you notice your going no where. After 10 marines appear behind you, you die and you notice that a skulk was there.

^Tis evil
indeed so true, i really do think sum1 should make a MOD that servers can install that if an onos gets blocked by a skulk or gorge they get crushz0red, and die, teach em a lesson!

December 20, 2003, 01:28:47 PM
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I did suggest a mod like that, once, jokingly. Marines would stare, slack-jawed, at the Onos chasing half his team across the map, punctuated only by the occasional death message of yet another Gorge that got squished.

December 20, 2003, 09:12:30 PM
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Rofl, LF and Diablus, that would completely kick ass! They could make a sprite that looks like Onos feet crushing a Gorge, but it would be green like the teamkill skull.  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 20, 2003, 09:12:58 PM by Grimm »

December 21, 2003, 12:26:38 AM
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Rofl, LF and Diablus, that would completely kick ass! They could make a sprite that looks like Onos feet crushing a Gorge, but it would be green like the teamkill skull.  :lol:
well, what are u all waiting for? MAKE a MOD!