Yeah, bought that game a while back. Not the super-great sneakfest it was hyped to be if you ask me, but pretty solid (olo Metal Gear pun!). But there's one thing that couldn't cease to annoy me: Advertisements. The game is full of advertisements. Well, not really full, but there's decidedly too many of 'em. I don't really care that the big boss (isn't he called Campbell or something? I thought that was soup?) drinks from a coffee cup prominently featuring the Ubisoft logo (which looks a lot better than their old logo, by the way). I don't care that Captain Keyes in Halo smokes a pipe featuring the Marathon logo in the intro sequence (few people even know Marathon, so most of you wouldn't even notice). But what the hell does SONY-ERICSSON have to do with a sneaking game, and why do I have to see their ads in A GAME THAT I PAID FOR?
If the game was available for free, it could be chock-full of ads for all I care. Have a flashing neon Coke ad at every street corner. I'd even have fun shooting the ad to take out yet another light that threatens to give away my presence. Heck, even if the ads would reduce the price to, say, twenty dollars, I'd be satisfied. But I'm NOT paying FULL PRICE for a game if I have to endure ads. The reason why pay-per-view is pay-per-view is because we're spared the presence of ads right? (Or is that only in Germany? I doubt it...) Here in Germany, we have two kinds of tv-channels: The public ones that we pay for through our license fees, and the private ones (which, sadly, tend to have the better program) that we pay for indirectly by watching the copious amounts of ads they wedge inbetween (and into) their shows. But for the first time, I'm PAYING to be advertised to. What a sweet deal! The customers AND the advertisers give the publisher money! Why not require a monthly fee for the game as well?