« on: January 21, 2005, 06:52:43 PM »
I dunno.
I always hated hour long games because they never really seemed that fun. I always get bored of saving the same RT or Hive Room or choke point for the upteenth time.
On the other hand I don't like the short games where one team is left going "WTH?" what just happened?
I like mine to be of 20-30 minute length with epic battles. Not epic pushfights until one side stalls, falls over and then get trampled. Which always happens in the hour long games.
"OK Heavy Armour team, uh 19, go and get that hive! again!"
What I want is those games where the two army meet and it all hangs in the balance. Which never happen in the hour long "epic" games because usually, the teams are so well built up that there never is an "In the balance" section where the actions of a squad depend on the outcome. Rather then who can fling the most hardcore stuff at each other before running out of Res.
Hopefully that made sense....