« on: September 12, 2006, 06:25:36 PM »
Hey kids. Its story time again.
Now once upon a time there were a number of internets, and it was good.
Now, back during that time a number of people from around here used to play on one certain internets, that we now call Slavehackia and for a while there things were all awesomewonderful. But then a dark cloud by the name of Hitting the software limit came over the hills and cast out the sun from this internets. The people of the lunixmonster quickly fled slavehack for greener pastures.
But in recent times, there has been a new, brighter cloud on the horizons of Slavehackia. Going by the name of 3.0. And it was good.
and one Lunixian came out, with a call to arms. He urged his fellow lunixians to go forth, back into Slavehackia and take back the internets that were so rightfully theirs, and then, in his most triumphant moment, he let out a cry that could be heard from miles around, and his voice rang out. "I AM ON THE INTERNETS"
and it was good.