Yeh if it's already out of warranty I wouldn't be too worried. Laptops aren't terribly hard to work on, they're just tiny. Most likely your CPU fan access will be under the keyboard. First look for nice easy ways to pull the keyboard off, might just have tabs holding it in place (some do, if you're REALLY lucky). If not, start taking out every screw you see (probably all from the bottom). If you think it likely that you'll forget where they go, either write it down or draw yourself a diagram or something. I wouldn't worry too much about them. Almost every laptop I work on I end up with an extra screw or two. As long as you can pick it up and shake it without bits shooting off, you're fine.
Once you get into it and see where the fan is, pull that puppy out and slap the new one in in the same manner. This is where screws might be more important. Usually the heatsink is held down by screws, so make sure you put it back down snug. Not so tight as to snap the CPU into bits (seen that happen once, I lol'ed) but enough that it's got a firm hold on it. Err on the side of tightness. Then just reverse the process of taking it apart, and try it out. If anything breaks or catches on fire, blame BM.
Oh also most laptop components are hooked up by tiny ribbon cables. They usually use little connectors that have a part that slides out to unlock the cable and slides back into place to lock it down. It's pretty simple when you see it. So you can avoid snapping your keyboard or touchpad cable in half when you get to that point. But don't worry, the little ribbon cables are quite tough. I haven't snapped one yet.