Well, I don't even know if LB will run maps modded by ripent, but I might as well make them because its fun to play with.
Anyway.. could someone make me a lunixmonster image? Here are the requirements:
256x256 or less + dimensions must be divisible by 8
256 colors, with last one being the transparent color
readable from a distance
I'd prefer no background, instead make the background transparent.
Has to have "Lunixmonster.org" somewhere on it.. maybe make the .org a different color?
It's going to be transformed into a SPR file, and *hopefully* put on all the NS maps LM.org runs
Lets see some cool ones
Edit: Maybe one with the rules listed?
and it doesnt have to be the last transparent.. if you've ever made HL spr files before, it can be any I can do in SprWiz.exe