Author Topic: Co_spawncamp  (Read 10966 times)

March 29, 2004, 12:16:56 PM
Reply #20


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it's still a beta.
Bob, we're still in beta, nothing is final

Well yes, I was rather aware of that.  ;)
Bob, it's still in Beta.

Bob, you do realise it's still in beta, right?
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March 29, 2004, 12:30:57 PM
Reply #21

That Annoying Kid

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it's important to remeber this *is* a beta

anyone else notice how combat games can regularly last a 1/2 hour, wasn't combat supposed to be quick?
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March 29, 2004, 12:51:59 PM
Reply #22

Black Mage

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blackmage's goide on how to make a combat map sans spawncamping
OR how combat was originaly ment to be played

1x metamod plugin
1x custom map (add more to taste)

metamod plugin:
checks mapname and sv_co_roundtime, if you're on a co_ map and sv_co_roundtime has been exceeded, aliens win

spawns aliens at hive, normally
spawns marines behind an 'airlock' or door or pods or what-have-you
 - only marines can open the door
and make some floating room off in the void to put the cc and an easter egg in

yes, marines could just wait in their room/pods/ship/blob/teleporter/caek but then they would loose. it's harder for aliens to spawncamp because the marines should have their bearings before they figure out where the hell that switch is. alien spawncamping isn't as big of a problem because stock aliens vs t3 (tier 3 - arm3 weap3) marines still have a three-shot-kill weapon

edit: the map could somehow kill the cc after 15 minutes as opposed to a metamod plugin
« Last Edit: March 29, 2004, 12:53:03 PM by Black Mage »

March 29, 2004, 12:58:05 PM
Reply #23

Uranium - 235

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Swear to god, next person to say 'it's in beta'... :p

March 29, 2004, 06:40:06 PM
Reply #24


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Ok, this is kinda what i had in mind. not that i's in paint because i didnt feel like opening up PS.

I havent touched hammer for months, so excuse me if i got some of the stuff wrong, like that push entity thingy. and about the one way floor, ive only tested it for 1.04 builds. i think it should still work for 3.x versions.

one advantage besides the minimized spawncamping, would be to wait above till all marines have respawned, then drop down all at once for a coordinated retaliation, instead of the usual: one spawn, shoots, dies, waits in line to respawn. Of course, waiting above for your teammates means the aliens will have all that time to chew away at the CC.

think of it as a marine readyroom.

(oh, and aliens will get one too, just to be fair.)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2004, 06:46:31 PM by ThoraX »
This is going to be some kind of reunion, isn't it?

March 30, 2004, 09:13:52 AM
Reply #25


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i know of a map that is brutally, garishly, eye bleedingly ugly (it's done after the style of MXC). but apparenlty has been made to stop spawncamping. it's also incredibly confusing. and did i mention it's ugly?

anyhoo, if LB wantsto see screenshots/see the map, just PM me :)
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March 30, 2004, 09:21:08 AM
Reply #26


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NOOOOO!!! Not CO_Pron! MY EYES!!!!

Seriously, although the map is very amusing, it has to be the absolute ugliest map EVER. Not to insult the mapper, of course, the eye bleeding textures are intentional.

I think the best solution for this while still keeping with the accepted style of co maps is maps with large spawn areas. So at least it's not so easy to know exactly where your next kill will spawn in at. Look at, say, co_angst. The size of MS was increased, but all the marines still spawn in that little alcove around the CC/Armory. Having some spawn on the other side of the room or even out in the two halls would help.

I'm (slowly) working on a co map, mostly to learn the mapping tools so I can make a real NS map. But I'm going to try and have enough variations in spawn areas that camping will be difficult.

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March 30, 2004, 11:29:49 AM
Reply #27


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Whats that co map with the GIANT marine spawn? With the cc in the pit.... Yeah that map is like impossible to spawncamp, though I did manage to skulk out 3 spawn kills in a row once ^_^, but the HA guys got me.

I'd like to see Co_Pron in the rotation :D!

Oh yeah, it's still in beta.

*edit* Oh yeah, I've managed to single handedly get the CC down to half ages ago in a 6v6 :p, gg spawncamp h4x olll! Spawn Invul for life!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2004, 11:31:25 AM by StUpId_Fo0L »

I reveal penis I know psychology.

March 30, 2004, 12:06:01 PM
Reply #28


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the big rooms and divided rooms do help to a degree... though the big rooms don't really make it harder for fades to spawncamp, and they probably make it EASIER for lerks to camp =p

March 30, 2004, 12:57:49 PM
Reply #29


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I've read a lot of good suggestions here. The main problem with spawncamping in both NS:C and classic NS relates to the fact that you spawn in the same room as the objective the other team is trying to kill.

To be honest, the majority of the spawn camping that occurs in NS:C games is due to the fact that people never get armor 1 as their first upgrade, and they SHOULD. So long as focus is a kill vs. armor 0, people who go shotgun first (2 levels) are just begging to get leapbited into the void (leap, focus, also 2 levels) In such games, a good skulk can be a fade or onos realllly fast.

You people already reached the basics, though. it's very annoying to get spawncamped, but the spawncamper's alternative is to be the one dying. It's important to keep a close eye on the spawn room so that you don't run off in a group of four, die, and get spawncamped by one skulk waiting in your base.

Remember that UGL NS:C scrims are 4v4. If you watch some demos from those scrims, you will see that a good spawncamp is the only way to win, especially since those games tend to develop with both sides having almost equal levels.

Since a spawning higher lifeform (Fade, Onos) is far less vulnerable than a spawning higher marine (Heavy, Jetpack) due to hive healing, etc.. It's much harder to spawncamp aliens. Hence aliens usually win combat scrims.

Personally, I don't think spawn camping is the worst of NS:C's flaws. :) Whatever, though, we still play it.
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April 06, 2004, 12:53:35 PM
Reply #30


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I REALLY like thoraXs' idea, it has great potential.

I fully support you man.

April 06, 2004, 02:25:10 PM
Reply #31


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sorry but all mods are in beta,  and public ns 3.0 beta is a joke, he didn't fix anything and ran out of time, and released it so he wouldn't lose fan base, and as far as the spawncamping goes, all the top elite clanners love to do it, so thats why its in the game.

April 06, 2004, 04:18:08 PM
Reply #32


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thats why *Ding!* servers can set to invulerbility spawn setting for a second or two.
You are behind the times, that was removed two patches ago.
Actually I've been on pubs that have invul on at spawn. It's available as a plugin somewhere. However, I don't know if I like that idea. I'd rather have hive umbra or something, invul can kill a well organized rush in seconds.
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: why do i have to be a stone? i dont want to be a stone... i want to do some harm.... can i be a exploding stone at least?