I probably only scored a couple hours maybe 5 or 6... Haven't played much lately. Meh.
NS has become tedious... All rounds feel the same. So I boot up one of the beta vuilds in search of something new
Ohhh the betas. Can't forget those.. When they first opened up to CMs, well, for starters I had a CM icon. As of recently I don't. No explaination, waiting on a responce from Flayra... no sign of it returning. Second of all, when I first started playing the betas, in combat you spent more time alive and fighting than you spent dead and smashing your head on a wall. Now its.. yeah. Dead. head + wall. NS mode in the betas is.. well, unbalanced to crap. The nancy rebuild was a bit of a let down... and that hurt. Don't get me wrong, I didn't expect it to be great.. and yes, the past is veiwed with Rose coloured glasses and all that junk. But when I boot up the old Nancy, its lighting works. Its not bland and boring. Subspace is yellow, not green. Port is green with red highlights.. not green. Mother was always green.. but they could have tried to make it more interesting that just green.
In general, someone tell me when a good game is going.. or when NS stops sucking.