Man that is bad, 4 minutes in and you dont even have a built chamber.
Welcome to lunixmonster. The server where everyone is either too nub to know how to build or too good to want to build. Which reminds me, I need to go nominate a certian regular who has a wonderful habit of dropping all three chambers as soon as the game starts every time he goes alein.
And to he rest of you. When I yell, "who has chambers?" over the voicecom, that is not an oppertunity to ignore me, that is an oppertunity to delegate! If you really don't want to drop upgrades you better have a reason. Silence is NOT FRIGGING GOLDEN!
About the stack, it doesn't LOOK that bad from the playernames, but evidently a few skilled players shouldn't have overestimated some of the names on the alien team and not rushed ebnar.
and 1/4, is THAT why you always join my team if you come halfway into a game? <3