Author Topic: Rant Of hatered!  (Read 9302 times)

March 19, 2005, 01:44:02 AM
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ARG, I just had the most frustrating game as a comm EVER.  Playing caged I got my team to RL to double and started bunkering it down.  At that point I ordered everyone to go out and get res for the midgame cappage.  EVERY BLOOMING NODE I GOT SOMEONE WOULD ASK ME TO ELECTRIFY!  YOU CAN NOT ELECTRIFY NODES OFF OF AN RL, YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH RES!  So I got 2 obs up while the whole time someone was whining that we didn't have obs while I was pining them (aliens went sensory first) and got my arms lab up with armor one, so focus bites weren't a one hit kill.  Then I just tryed to get my marines to grab as many nodes as possible under ping while I rushed for HA (since HA/HMG absolutly WASTE sensory life forms since they are left lagging in the late game).  At some point some of my marines got a pg up in shipping tunnel, and I decided to try for a shotgun rush instead of rushing for weapons ups 2, but all but maby 2 of the shotguns I dropped ramboed off without phasing, so I decided I wasn't going to waste any more res worring about a failed pg rush, expecially since I don't remember even seeing one single shotgun kill for about 5 dropped shotties.


So around this time my armory was finished upgrading the proto lab was finished and HA was upgrading.  Someone asked for a GL so clear out some lame somewhere, I don't really remember where, maby MS, since I remember that location kindof going back and forth all game.  I don't really know if that GL ever went to use, I don't remember seeing any GL kills or seeing nade explotions, but 2 minutes later they had lost it somewhere, and no one reported its down location.  Anyways, I had now finished upgrading HA and was ready to rush.  I dropped 2 ha shotties jsut to pressure the aliens and about a minute later I had the res for a big march.  I dropped 5 HA/HMGs, no one picked them up... I dropped one more... still no one picks them up.  I literally had people spawning and ramboing out of base without touching the HA, after I told them to get them.  On top of that someone is whining that HA/HMG are useless because I didn't get them high weapons ups.  WELL GUESS WHAT, THE ALIENS WENT SENSORY FIRST AND YOU HAVE 6 HA/HMG ON THE GROUND IN DOUBLE RES, THE CENTER OF THE FRIGGING MAP!

So I beacon the marines and drop a PG in rine start.  If they are going to be rambos, then I am going to beacon them.  Of course everyone started whining about being beaconed from thier AWESOME NINJA HIDING SPOTS... THAT I DON'T FRIGGING CARE ABOUT BECAUSE ALL THE HIVES ARE A 30 SECOND MARCH FROM OUR BASE!  eventually they get the pg up and pick up the HA, and then proceed to all run off in totally different directions.  I heard from the aliens later that the largest group of HA that stuck together was 3, half is not a good ratio on an RL tech rush IMHO.  The HA that did stick together headed off towards the northernmost hive (don't remember what it is called).  I don't know why they decided not to weld to sews or vent, but I wouldn't really have been so annoyed by it if they had stuck together and made progress rather then ramboing off anyways.

So about 3 minutes later all my HA are dead AND I HAVE 2-3 PLAYERS ON MY TEAM BLAMING ME FOR LOSING THE GAME FOR THEM.  THEY EVEN TRYED TO VOTE EJECT ME AND I WAS CALLED A NUB COMMANDER ABOUT 300 TIMES!  I swear I had never been so pissed off in my life.  I let the game go to the finish, recycled everything but the ips hoping for a lucky RL ninja, but none of them lived that long.  I probably ranted in game about it for about 5 minutes before I realized that I was too mad to play and was just wasting the slot, so I left and decided to make this post to vent.


Ok... *breaths* seriouly, sorry if I offended anyone, just had to get this out of my system, and honestly posting helped alot.  Anyways, enjoy this violent and generally out of character post because I probably won't be making alot like it any time soon.
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

March 19, 2005, 03:51:43 AM
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i believe i was in part of that game.  i think i left because that backseat comm was REALLY annoying.  Don't blame you at all for wanting to rip his head off, grind it into paste, and force it down his throat with the remaining pieces of his lower limbs.
"That's a rather tender subject.  Another slice anyone?"

*Warning: Content May Not Be "G" Rated.  And it may be morally reprehensible, to boot.

March 19, 2005, 04:24:04 AM
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I had someone tell me I was a really good comm later today, I don't remember who it was, but it totally changed my mood around, thanks alot whoever you were  <3
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

March 19, 2005, 06:53:29 AM
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Judging by what you wrote though, you had a damn clear idea of what you were doing.  How could you be faulted for that?  It makes no sense.  They didn't follow your orders, so how could they know whether your orders were good enough.  That sort of logic just doesn't pass go I'm afraid.

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March 19, 2005, 07:24:48 AM
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wow swift. i feel for ya, i've commed games where my rines dont listen either, it's very frustrating.

question: by the looks of it, u had a team without any regs on it.. were there any? just to clarify

anyway, u tried ur best, and made all the right calls as comm, so don't get annoyed over it, your team let u down, not the other way around

it sounds like maybe i should've joined this game lol, maybe you woulda had something.. if u have even one reg on u can ask him/her to order the marines to follow them, i'm usually good at that :p

anyway, if they're not listening to u, best bet is to use ur mic, and dont scream but raise ur voice and be stern, and tell them you will keep beaconining until they move in a group somewhere, because it seems u had the res
they have no right to say that u lost the game for them, because if they did, just tell them what u've done and how close you are to winning if they will only freaking follow their orders, it sometimes puts the game into perspective for them.

by the looks of it i assume u had a 2-hive lockdown, since sensories were the only chamber listed, and at 1 hive, sens are useless against HA/HMG rushes
should've just beaconed and said something like
look, we have both hives, we have most of the map, we're on the verge of winning this game if you guys would just get together and rush that last damn hive, we don't need any ninja PGs because we're already knocking on their door, we just need to RUSH with our HA AS A GROUP. If you guys won't, i'll keep beaconing. you want to eject me, go ahead and lose the game yourselves, or march in together and win.

something like that. anyway hope this never happens again, but there will always be idiots  v_v

March 19, 2005, 09:01:52 AM
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Poor swift, I feel your pain.
Here's a very helpful tip: beacons work magic for getting Marines to follow orders. Really. One beacon might not be enough... about 30 res - and you can get ALL your marines to go to your waypoint. If they don't, beacon again. 45 res, and there should be no way that they're not following orders. Of course, in the process, they might try to eject you - and if they do, then it'll be their undoing, as you can simply report this to an admin.

And yes, a stern voice helps. Don't start yelling, as that'll put the marines on a defensive position from you, and they'll disregard any argument you make. Keep calm and peaceful, yet insist on them doing whatever you want them to do.
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March 19, 2005, 09:19:54 AM
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Vinegar Ninja

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theres a reason why when someone complains about the com, I go "no one likes a backseat com" and then they start aruging with me, and eventually insult me, and I kick them and we have a merry little game :D

March 19, 2005, 09:37:05 AM
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Well from the sounds of it, the players were either new, idiots, or had only played CO. If I was you, I would have just quit midgame, so good job putting up with it for a whole round.
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March 19, 2005, 10:19:34 AM
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If it is as bad as it sounds, you could of got an admin Swift. It'd seem they were blatantly breaking the "listen to the comm" rule.
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March 19, 2005, 10:42:01 AM
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its like toddlers... stay calm, stay polite, but when necessary be firm. I dont yell... often.... but when i do its because the game is in jeopardy due to one or two marines.

you seem like you did well, swift, wether that plan was good or not (i tend to look down on RL jobs) the simple fact is you had a plan, which is a helluva lot more than many many many comms can say. Hats off to you.

and just a reminder, say "please"

"will someone please build the obs?"

"squad 3 please head toward biodome"

it helps

March 19, 2005, 01:27:55 PM
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I had a friend that used to com like he was was a flight attendant giving the safety speech.
Everyone listened to him.

Of course this was back in version 2, so we didn't have to worry about combat kiddies ramboing it up.

March 19, 2005, 01:43:53 PM
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Speaking of getting your marines to follow orders, anyone know how I can break my sound card "Zero7 Style," so my mic sounds like James Earl Jones?

March 19, 2005, 01:51:34 PM
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Backseat coms... not just nubs but people who think they know better. Observe how many backseat comms have never been driving seat comms.
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March 19, 2005, 05:05:18 PM
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wow swift. i feel for ya, i've commed games where my rines dont listen either, it's very frustrating.

question: by the looks of it, u had a team without any regs on it.. were there any? just to clarify

anyway, u tried ur best, and made all the right calls as comm, so don't get annoyed over it, your team let u down, not the other way around

it sounds like maybe i should've joined this game lol, maybe you woulda had something.. if u have even one reg on u can ask him/her to order the marines to follow them, i'm usually good at that :p

anyway, if they're not listening to u, best bet is to use ur mic, and dont scream but raise ur voice and be stern, and tell them you will keep beaconining until they move in a group somewhere, because it seems u had the res
they have no right to say that u lost the game for them, because if they did, just tell them what u've done and how close you are to winning if they will only freaking follow their orders, it sometimes puts the game into perspective for them.

by the looks of it i assume u had a 2-hive lockdown, since sensories were the only chamber listed, and at 1 hive, sens are useless against HA/HMG rushes
should've just beaconed and said something like
look, we have both hives, we have most of the map, we're on the verge of winning this game if you guys would just get together and rush that last damn hive, we don't need any ninja PGs because we're already knocking on their door, we just need to RUSH with our HA AS A GROUP. If you guys won't, i'll keep beaconing. you want to eject me, go ahead and lose the game yourselves, or march in together and win.

something like that. anyway hope this never happens again, but there will always be idiots  v_v
No I couldn't get any hives locked down, between sensory and the fact that all my marines were rambos I couldn't get any of them in a hive long enough to build structures.  It doesn't change the fact however that the aliens at one point in the game had 6 full equipped HA to contend with, and thier fades and onos would all have had to choose between celerity OR regeneration/carapasc, so my marines should have had no problem taking down at least one hive and lots of high eves if they had stuck together.  The counter to sensory first is obs, lots of pings, and then tech as fast as you can.  You need to beat the aliens in tech because by choosing a strong early game, they have chosen to suck it up and have a weak late game.  A sense first team who has let the marines get heavy armor should lose the game.
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

March 20, 2005, 01:07:00 PM
Reply #14

That Annoying Kid

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swift man, thats a painfull story to read.

You did everything right to the best of your abilities, keep that in mind.
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March 21, 2005, 07:29:46 AM
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I backseat comm quite a lot. :o

March 21, 2005, 09:02:25 AM
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last night this dude was back-seat comming Newborn.  Worse than I've ever heard anyone do it - giving the rines orders and telling newborn what to drop where and when and what upgrades to get etc.  It got to the point that I'd consider this guy a mic spammer because he was ALWAYS talking (even if it was game related) and I could barley hear newborn's voice.

At risk of being a nazi I simply said (not admin_say) - umm newborn doesn't need a backseat comm. - nothing changed.  Eventually I privately asked newborn if this guy was getting on his nerves (because if he was I could at least force him to tone down on the mic usage) - but newborn said he didn't see a problem with it - so I left it be.

Me asking newborn about it must 'brought it to his attention' because soon after I could tell he did get crabby at this back seat comm.  Newborn finally said very tersely 'I have it - I know how to command, I don't need your help' or something like that - and the dude took the hint and shut up.

As for me - I like to choose someone on my team to help me command.  But there is a difference between me asking player X to help guide me along, verses player Y taking it upon himself to tell me what to do.

March 21, 2005, 01:01:26 PM
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yeah theres nothing worse than having a backseat com :)

March 21, 2005, 01:39:11 PM
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yeah theres nothing worse than having a backseat com :)
I think I'd put backseat drivers before it.
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March 21, 2005, 03:36:52 PM
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Psh.. backseat driver's before backseat comms? come on.. putting people's lives in danger on the road and bringing upon everyone in the car the possibilty of death is nothing compared to annoying a commander in an online game.

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Everyday you're here is torture to my heart; reminding me of how you'll never be mine..
..I'm going to miss this feeling.