Author Topic: Comming  (Read 15542 times)

March 18, 2005, 01:56:23 PM
Reply #20


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moofree that's wrong, if a person with a mic dosn't talk, it's bad. just like if a comm dosn't type, it's bad. Generally it's good to have a mic for communication, and while your giving orders your hotkeys arnt all taken up.

the key is good communication, and a stratgy of such

And mines.

March 18, 2005, 02:07:20 PM
Reply #21


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one pack of mine should be used on IP (maybe obs) but that's only if everyone's rushing out of base

if you designate someone to guard the base while everyone else caps nodes, ur set because the base guard will usually respond to anything that hits the base (until they get fades)
unless that person really stinks at aim, u wont need a pack of mines.

but generally, one pack of mines is a good idea. i've seen way too many games end where a lone skulk runs into an un-mined base when the rine team is across the map, takes out the comm and the IP, and the alien team picks off the rines one by one before they make it back.

March 18, 2005, 04:30:07 PM
Reply #22


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the key is good communication, and a stratgy of such
And mines.
And crazy relocates! Like... relocating into the water under feedwater in bast.
I mean, it's probably not gonna work, but if it does... :o

And who needs IPs? Just bacon every minute or so

Damn I need to stop listening to MrBill
« Last Edit: March 18, 2005, 04:37:36 PM by moofree »

March 18, 2005, 05:49:14 PM
Reply #23


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if you designate someone to guard the base while everyone else caps nodes, ur set because the base guard will usually respond to anything that hits the base (until they get fades)
unless that person really stinks at aim, u wont need a pack of mines.

Note to self.  When LC is my base-bitch have someone ELSE place mines around valuable structures.

March 18, 2005, 07:34:29 PM
Reply #24


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if you designate someone to guard the base while everyone else caps nodes, ur set because the base guard will usually respond to anything that hits the base (until they get fades)
unless that person really stinks at aim, u wont need a pack of mines.

Note to self.  When LC is my base-bitch have someone ELSE place mines around valuable structures.

I see you share our fascination with mine ladders!
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. - Jerry Seinfeld

March 18, 2005, 08:46:53 PM
Reply #25


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I <3 mines.  Whenever I have to place I try to be as evil as possible and place them places I would REALLY hate to have mine if I was the rushing skulk.  Swiftmines make circle strafing impossible  >:D
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

March 18, 2005, 10:17:47 PM
Reply #26


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Corvus is the master of the mass-mine strategy. I remember a few games that he commanded in which he just gave everyone a pack of mines to place anywhere.

March 19, 2005, 01:33:26 AM
Reply #27


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Personally I understand how Tombomb feels.  I'm terrified of comming.  I'd rather play under an incredibly bad comm who gets the whole team raped to the point that gorges are sitting inside the base webbing and spitkilling each marine as they spawn than comm myself.  Because for people who are biased against themselves, it's nothing but frustration and fear.  So I say if you don't want to comm, don't comm.  IF you really are desperate to try, but really don't want to get trash talked (believe me it can be pretty disheartening), then comm some bot games.

Full Metal Alchemist + FFXI - For everyone who remembers that Episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force.  Yes.  It DOES exist.

March 19, 2005, 02:01:39 AM
Reply #28


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Personally I understand how Tombomb feels.  I'm terrified of comming.  I'd rather play under an incredibly bad comm who gets the whole team raped to the point that gorges are sitting inside the base webbing and spitkilling each marine as they spawn than comm myself.  Because for people who are biased against themselves, it's nothing but frustration and fear.  So I say if you don't want to comm, don't comm.  IF you really are desperate to try, but really don't want to get trash talked (believe me it can be pretty disheartening), then comm some bot games.
Oh, trust me, you will get trash talked even if you are a great com.  All you need is one moron who thinks electrifying all your nodes is a good idea because he heard Nem0 say it on the forums.  I don't mind being the rine on a team with a nub com, but seriously, ANY comm is at risk of being thouroughly trash talked, because back seat comms never understand what THE comm is dealing with while they are whining.  

Seriouly, the next time someone is reeming out the com for any reason while I am in game, I am admin calling and trying to get them banned.  It is as bad a llamaish action as any other I can think of.  Gentle advice is great, I have learned tonnes from good coms who saw me do something nubbish and just took the time to explain a better way to do it in game, but this guy is running the game for your team and not getting to see much direct action doing it.  You disrespect him and as far as I am concerned you deserve a ban.
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

March 19, 2005, 07:22:52 AM
Reply #29


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no, there won't be a structured 'comm learning' day.  Just hop in the chair (should be easy seems noone really likes commanding now). And announce that you're learning.  Regs will be supportive.  Heck, I've commanded a few games recently and nobody on my team was mean even though I lead them to a quick painfull defeat.  Its a learning process, don't be scared, and keep trying!
(I think the icon next to your name on the scoreboard might ease that whole thing along - 'round these parts lately, you'll be ejected when they see a fade)

But hey - I agree.  I've commed before and I've failed pretty miserably.  I've screwed up HA trains, I've screwed up jetpack/HMG rushes, I've screwed up three-dozen-siege-cannon-endgames - you an trust me when I tell you that I've screwed up my share of unbeatable marine strategies.

Of course, I don't comm very often because I can't take the crippling and otherwise morally defeating losses, but the only way to get better is to practice until it doesn't hurt anymore.

PS:  And have a microphone - that really helps.

March 19, 2005, 07:27:57 AM
Reply #30


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as for the losses, it helps to be friendly with your team, or at least have a few regs who'll tell you that you did good, and you tried ur best, and then you can apologize for the loss ask your team what happened for comming tips

it's still a loss but it isnt "morally crippling" :p

March 19, 2005, 08:07:44 AM
Reply #31


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thanks all for all the support and tips ial be sure to remember them when i try again next time ! <3  :)

Thanks Dubb & Satiagraha for teh sweet hook up of Sig and Avatar
(Quote) Tombomb

March 19, 2005, 10:22:17 AM
Reply #32


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Yeah, you did do an ok job when you commed. You just weren't fast enough. Just learn the hotkeys, and listen to your marines a little more.
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March 19, 2005, 02:47:36 PM
Reply #33


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I blame all my loses on the fact that my marines cant kill enough skulks,

If 3 skulks rush 1 marine, by golly he better kill them or go back to basic and learn to shoot!


Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

March 19, 2005, 03:02:29 PM
Reply #34


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Well the marine should usually at least get one of the skulks (especially if it's a hallway).
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

March 19, 2005, 07:45:25 PM
Reply #35


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(I think the icon next to your name on the scoreboard might ease that whole thing along - 'round these parts lately, you'll be ejected when they see a fade)

Huh?  You're saying the constie icon gets me more respect?  That most certainly isn't true.  Or perhaps it is true, but the fact that I lack the ability to take a piss standing up more than counters it.  If I even attempt to try to command a team that doesn't have regs on it - I get laughed out of the chair.  I'd never ever ever be able to command a pub game elsewhere (again, unless the team knew me).  I would say if anything tips the scales in my favor on LM it would be my admin status.  Even 'pubbers' who don't know me soon learn that I'm an admin and all of a sudden I get more respect than your average joe-schmo reg or other pubber.  I also disagree with that thought process.  Everyone on LM deserves the same amount of respect - and if someone is truely disrespecting, you do need to get an admin to put them back in line.

Oh, and PS:  I slotted the comm last night early on in a game on Nancy and I won!!!!  2 comm wins thus far :D

March 20, 2005, 08:05:51 AM
Reply #36


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If all else fails, drop lots of mines and make words.
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

March 21, 2005, 06:53:40 PM
Reply #37


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I have commed twice since I started playing last Sunday. I take a bit of pride in the fact that the second time I commed I saved the game for us. Our base was being killed, we got a comm chair up somewhere else while our first was dying, and I jumped in and dropped like mad (spawns, weps, defenses, etc.). Our new base became very fortified and eventually we overtook the aliens. YAY  :D

"Why aren't you wearing your eyebrows??"
Everyday you're here is torture to my heart; reminding me of how you'll never be mine..
..I'm going to miss this feeling.

March 21, 2005, 07:27:15 PM
Reply #38


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I commed 1 game today, one of the first few on 3.0f, and won :) Yay.
ns_nothing, first hide was viaduct. I did a crazy rush on nodes - by about 3 minutes into the game, we have ~6 nodes, and a phase gate + electrified RT in power silo. At ~5 minutes, aliens are about to put up cargo hive, but a nice ninja of mine went there and killed the gorge. I believe he repeated the same thing a few minutes later - this way, aliens had no 2nd hive.
I attempted a SG rush on viaduct at about 4 minutes, failed. PG was still up, aliens didn't have time to kill it. I beacon, everyone phases back, and this time I siege. 3 sieges - and game's over :)
It was pretty easy; not much resistance from aliens.
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. - Jerry Seinfeld

March 27, 2005, 01:20:49 PM
Reply #39


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Generally on LM you can get away with medding the players you know that play well. Find out what the regs can use, make them use it.

IE giving Ebnar an HMG is a good thing for the marine team.
Giving me a GL is also a good thing.

Look at the top of the scoreboard, but also take into consideration other things. Like who is defending your nodes, who's building the stuff in base that everyone walked by, etc. It irks me when I'm at the top of the board, and I've been running all over being the comm's nodewhore, and I miss out on shotties or hamgees. Keep your reliable marines happy.

Oh, and HOLD YOUR NODES. That is absolutely key.