Author Topic: New Admin  (Read 4431 times)

February 19, 2005, 11:30:15 AM
Read 4431 times


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This just in:
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<Two_of_Eight> hey LF. update the site with new admin
<lolfighter> Hehehe.
<lolfighter> ?
<lolfighter> Explain yourself, quarterman.
<dubbilex> I think he means PB, lf
<lolfighter> So what do you want? An Announcement?
<lolfighter> I'll give you a deal: You write it, I publish it.
<Owen`> damn... my stitches are itchy as today
<dubbilex> I have worked painstakingly on this announcement.
<dubbilex> this is it, verbatim:
<dubbilex> "We would like to welcome Plaguebearer to the admin staff."
<lolfighter> I was going to give quarter the chance, but sure.
<Two_of_Eight> "Nobody wants him to admin, in fact, we all hate him, but elbee decided to make him admin anyway'.
<dubbilex> maybe something jocular, like "let's help break him in"
<Two_of_Eight> kekles
<lolfighter> Hmm.
<Two_of_Eight> hehe no we all wub you
<lolfighter> No, too incisive. Try again quarterboy. [Ed. Note: I changed my mind]
<dubbilex> and then finish it off with a smiley
<Owen`> oi
<Owen`> i was a jock

Raw and uncouth uncut!