Author Topic: The Lunixmonster Werewolf Game  (Read 4227 times)

February 19, 2005, 06:09:34 AM
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The Werewolf Game has been plagueing the NS community for a few weeks now. If you don't know what this is, swing by the NS Forums, Role-Playing Haven, or check out the original thread.

I'm asking whether any of you are interested in giving this a try, with me hosting. A reserved slot is not needed, although I'd request that you have at least fifty posts or so here (special dispensation can be given if you're rarely on the forums, but pretty active in IRC, send me a PM), to ensure that we get active players.

Communication in the game will happen via forums and IRC, so it's best if you can be on IRC for at least a couple of hours a day.

This is not the actual signup, I'm just checking to see whether there are enough interested people to get a game going. Signup will be later. So, is this something that you'd like to participate in?


I'm updating this thread as I think of/become aware of more stuff to add.

All times will be given in GMT. This is not egocentrical (I live in CET, so I'll have to convert to my native time just like the rest of you), but merely to streamline the process of giving out times for dawn and nightfall.

"Days" will span 48-72 hours, although they may get shorter as the game progresses and the pace quickens. "Nights" will be shorter, probably around 18-24 hours.

By the way, I do not recommend being in more than one werewolf game at a time. You most likely don't have time to pay attention to both, and you might confuse the two games with each other.

Signup, if we have enough interested people, will start tuesday or wednesday I'd say.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2005, 02:18:07 PM by lolfighter »

February 19, 2005, 06:17:39 AM
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You know I would be in.

Um, I may try to get a full ruleset for the particular game we are playing up in here, but I want to type up my own rather then just stealing freak's.

We would basicly be playing a slightly modified version of mafia, which is tweaked to better facilitate online play.  Pretty much we would play exactly the same way we played on the NS forums if you have been paying attention there.

For now however it is five in the morning in my timezone and I need to go to sleep.  If you have any interest at all, drop a post in here and I'll see if I can't try and convince you it would be lots of fun.
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

February 19, 2005, 07:27:05 AM
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Just a quick note: Just like in Freak's games, the moderator (me, at least for the first round) would also provide a background story along the way.

February 19, 2005, 11:04:11 AM
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Whats wrong with the one on the NS forums.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2005, 06:22:57 PM by Isamil »

February 19, 2005, 11:23:07 AM
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i have never ever posted the NS forums and i wanna play, thats whats wrong.

count me in

February 19, 2005, 11:30:24 AM
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February 19, 2005, 02:02:47 PM
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Whats wrong with the one on the NS forums.
I'm not in it.

There's nothing wrong with it. But it's only one game, and it moves at a slow pace. Put it this way: TWG is a game with more players than there's room for on the "servers." I'm putting up another "server," so more people can play at a time.

February 19, 2005, 04:15:06 PM
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Whats wrong with the one on the NS forums.
I'm not in it.

There's nothing wrong with it. But it's only one game, and it moves at a slow pace. Put it this way: TWG is a game with more players than there's room for on the "servers." I'm putting up another "server," so more people can play at a time.
Awesome analogy :D
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February 20, 2005, 12:38:45 AM
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I would like in on this.

February 21, 2005, 06:51:35 AM
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So far we have four people interested. Doesn't seem like we'll be pulling this off unless interest suddenly increases dramatically.

February 22, 2005, 10:28:13 AM
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I wants in!

I didn't even look at this thread until I saw Swift's post on the NS boards  :blush:   If we need help filling I'm sure other random NSers would be willing to join up.  I agree it would be more fun if we 'knew' everyone but heck I'd play with strangers just to see how it goes.

Plus I bet other LMers would be in if they new more about what it was.  I for one was put off by the thread topic, I already knew about the werewolf game and didn't really consider clicking in until as I said, Swift's post sent me here.

Word of mouth go go go!

February 22, 2005, 04:25:02 PM
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so im guessing this game has something to do with a werewolf?


sounds cool id be in

February 23, 2005, 08:07:07 AM
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I'll change the topic to something else then. Tell me if you think it's better.

Now there's also another reason why I'm not in's werewolf game: Signup is at one a.m. on a workday. >_>

February 23, 2005, 08:17:32 PM
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Sig size too big, 22kb is the max size, yours is 38kb - DHP (the loser)
MrBill:Ohhhhhhh NooooO!!!!

February 25, 2005, 03:22:58 AM
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Good to see you got in on this last one LF, I hope you have fun...

Anyways, I was going to recommend that if we can't get more than 7 people we can play a TWG mini.  Basicly just 2 wolfs a seer and a gaurdian, no psychic.  The game will go alot faster then the 14 player version on the NS forums, but it can still work with low numbers, provided they don't drop below an average of 5-6...
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL