Author Topic: General Tips for NS  (Read 9898 times)

February 12, 2005, 11:57:40 PM
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Here are a few tips, mainly teamplay-based, for NS, to make your (and others') gameplay experience more enjoyable.
- When someone is welding the air, quickly tapping their welder, or turning their flashlight on and off, they might need a weld. Weld them!
- Heavies are not the only units relying on armour; weld light armours as well.
- If you see a node, don't pass by it unless you are trying to be sneaky. Take it down.
- Careful when knifing nodes along with other players... FF is on
- If you have a good weapon and are surely to be devoured by an Onos and have no chance of taking him down, drop your weapon. A teammate might come by and pick it up.
- Cover your teammates, especially those who are vulnerable (reload, GL, builders, welders)
- Spread out when moving, especially through corridors
- When defending a location, stay in a corner - it's safer
- Lure Fades/Onos into the base by making them think that there are no Marines in there; don't open fire until the lifeform is deep in your base. Then open fire, and they won't have time to flee.
- Block lifeforms from escaping by standing in their way, maybe shooting them, or knifing.
- Block lifeforms from escaping by using doors (nancy, origin, maybe others)
- Don't get ammo for a hive rush. Comm drops ammo on the way, if he's half-decent.
- Do not try to degrade your commander; advise him nicely or just follow his orders. Saying "you si nub" doesn't help him or the team.
- If your commander is bad, eject him. Don't try to badmouth.
- If your commander is ejected and you lose, don't complain.
- Don't jump in the chair just to drop IPs and armoury. Chances are, if there are any better comms on your team, they are already way out of base and wouldn't want to go back to jump in the chair. If you go in the chair, stay in it.
- Try not to use voice excessively; sounds are very important.
- Do not give up if you have even the slightest chance of winning.

- When someone is making any sound (chuckle, etc) and you are gorge, heal them.
- When someone is making any sound (chuckle, etc) and you are not gorge, follow them, or look to see what they are doing. They are requesting your attention.
- If you see a res tower, don't pass it by unless you have a more important objective. Take it down.
- Careful when taking res nodes down along with other players... FF is on.
- At the beginning of the game, assign/volunteer for roles. There'll be people who drop a res node, who go fade, who drop the next hive and chambers. Organization is key.
- If you are about to rush anything with a teammate, and your teammate(s) go, follow them, even if you weren't planning to go just yet. Better to go together than 1 by 1.
- When rushing base, kill obs -> armoury (if it's upgraded/upgrading) -> phase gate -> arms lab/IP.
- Be very careful not to block Onos/Fade from escaping; chances are, if they are running away, they are low on health.
- Try not to use voice excessively; sounds are very important
- Sacrifice your life as skulk/gorge for a more important lerk/fade/onos egg that a Marine is shooting at; the finishing egg might have those few seconds needed to finish egging.
- Don't bunnyhop, it looks ridiculous! :angry:
- Do not give up if you have even the slightest chance of winning.

Contribute your own. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines, not teaching you personal skills, but more teamplay things.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2005, 02:57:16 PM by 2_of_8 »
Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end. - Jerry Seinfeld

February 13, 2005, 07:07:56 AM
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- When someone is making any sound (chuckle, etc) and you are not gorge, follow them, or look to see what they are doing. They are requesting your attention.
This is not a universal rule. Some people will chuckle for no apparent reason, or for other reasons than "follow me." Learn to distinguish between the normal chuckle and the "need healing" chuckle. If you pay enough attention, though, give anyone who passes by you a quick spray when you're Gorge. If you hear the telltale "glurg" of healing, heal 'em back to health.

February 13, 2005, 10:45:12 AM
Reply #2


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Chuckling is mainly used to egg the marines on. When an alien chuckles at you as a marine, it is hard to resist going after it sometimes.
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

February 13, 2005, 02:37:10 PM
Reply #3


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Marine -

For the love of bunnies, cover anyone building/welding/carrying a GL. These people rely on you to cover them, not to bhop around aimlessly while throwing your guns in the air.

Do not single file down corridors. Keep somewhat spread out and cover those corners. Single file means you will kill your teammates, or block their fire as appropriate. On a related note, if you can shoot something, don't weave across the entire corridor. People behind you are trying to shoot, and they don't expect you to weave in front of them if you already have an angle in the corner.

Aliens -

Wolfpack as much as possible. If two of you rush the same guy at the same time, chances are he'll only be able to kill one of you - especially if you're both weaving like lunatics.

If you see an onos rushing somewhere, follow him but keep out of his way. Some onos will stomp so that YOU can get the kills and points, so make sure you're there to make the kills, otherwise its a dead onos who wonders where his "team" went.
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

February 13, 2005, 07:08:01 PM
Reply #4


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I play alot of games on both sides... but only thing i really see is rine.

- When defending a pg/siege area/base/anything, take a corner and stay the hell put. Only thing youll do otherwise is get in other people's way and cause problems.
- Allow fades/onos INTO the doorway/hallway/areazone before opening fire. Otherwise, theyll just pop around the corner long enough to take a few hits and run away. They wont die, but youll be out of bullets. And marines are damn tastier when caught humping an armory.
- It's still my patented technique, i dont care who you are, but friggin block those fades. By the time hes ready to run he'll be blinking and half panicked anyway, so if you step in front of him and hes taking heat from behind, he'll most likely be too freaked out to do anything other than blink into your face and die. But be ready to dodge the FF after he goes down


February 13, 2005, 09:11:56 PM
Reply #5


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 - For the love of comm, when the comm drops a pg outside of a hive, DONT hump the armory for ammo, if he's any good he'll drop you some, and go TO the hive, dont run away like a chicken with his head cut of!

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

February 14, 2005, 02:32:37 AM
Reply #6


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[...]If you see an onos rushing somewhere, follow him but keep out of his way.[...]
Bolded for emphasis. Umbraing Lerks and healing Gorges especially need to be wary of this. Sometimes and Onos will need to retreat MUCHO quickly, and if you're blocking him it can mean the difference between a successful escape and a dead Onos. If an Onos gores you to get you out of the way because you're blocking him, don't come running to me crying "friendly fire." I won't listen.

 - For the love of comm, when the comm drops a pg outside of a hive, DONT hump the armory for ammo, if he's any good he'll drop you some, and go TO the hive, dont run away like a chicken with his head cut of!
Absolutely correct, but this is where many comms fail. I'm not saying that you should not go through that PG - au contraire! Phase through as quickly as you can, but if you don't get any ammo, make damn sure that the commander is made aware of how unsatisfied you are with that situation (i.e. yell and holler and make ammo requests until he starts handing them clips out).

February 15, 2005, 02:39:59 AM
Reply #7


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Aliens tip:
- rines who are following skulks or gorges don't take the time to check dark corners or the ceilings.  If you see your buddy hiding in a sneaky spot, try to lure some of those tasty HMGs over his way.
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February 15, 2005, 07:09:17 AM
Reply #8


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Indeed. Ambushes become so much more effective if you have a bait as well. I have gotten several kills on great players like HD and ebnar (who would otherwise trounce me even if I managed to get the drop on them) by attacking them from the side or behind while they were preoccupied.
Gorges are better bait than skulks, because they're slower and cost ten res: Killing a gorge is both easier and more damaging. Marines are more likely to give chase in case of a Gorge. However, marines also become warier with Gorges, because the Gorgelure tactic is more widely used.

February 15, 2005, 05:14:32 PM
Reply #9


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Indeed. Ambushes become so much more effective if you have a bait as well. I have gotten several kills on great players like HD and ebnar (who would otherwise trounce me even if I managed to get the drop on them) by attacking them from the side or behind while they were preoccupied.
Gorges are better bait than skulks, because they're slower and cost ten res: Killing a gorge is both easier and more damaging. Marines are more likely to give chase in case of a Gorge. However, marines also become warier with Gorges, because the Gorgelure tactic is more widely used.

I for one, never follow a gorge anywhere. It's 99% of the time a bait.

on that note, a marine tip:


Nothing is more aggravating as a comm than someone with "a better idea." I'm an open-minded guy, but im not going to change my whole gameplan because OGM NUB COMM U NEED TO DROP SHIRTGUNZ!!!1111

February 15, 2005, 05:24:57 PM
Reply #10


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Yeah, it is bait a lot of the time, but you should be able to kill the gorge before the skulk gets you.
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

February 15, 2005, 08:51:04 PM
Reply #11


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on that note, a marine tip:


For emphasis.

If you're hot stuff, get in the chair. If you arrived late, get in the chair next round.

If you're not in the chair at game start, tough luck, follow through with the comm's orders.

If you joined halfway into the game, then stfu because you've no idea how the last X minutes have went and why the comm is doing a certain strat.

There's an awful tendency for some marine players to start whining about not getting this, or that, or how certain set ups dont work. FINE. Get in the chair. Some people are learning to comm on our server, so you have to respect that. If you don't like the comm, leave and come back later. Do not continually backchat him because its not doing you any favours, and I dare say some would give you a warning for derogatory comments to your fellow players.

GG thanks.
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

February 15, 2005, 09:44:22 PM
Reply #12


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- Use doors to your advantage, especially in nancy. A closing door at the last moment can make the difference between a live fade and a dead one.
- If there is no closing door, use your body mass to your advantage. Step in the doorway if a fade or onos is about to run, but drop your gun if the onos stomps you.

- When biting a heavy as a skulk - if you're trying to weaken it, finish it, kill it - jump or just strafe left and right as you do it. This can confuse the average heavy, giving you a couple extra bites, if not a kill.
- Use the walls if you're a skulk in a corridor. If you just run at a marine, jumping around, he'll probably shoot you down. You can run along the wall, moving up and down as you go. You'll probably still get shot, but you might live longer.
- If you're a skulk, you're completely expendable, unless it's early game, the spawn queue is long, or you're in a building hive, standing by to bite it. If there are marines getting ready to siege out a hive, might as well attack (though an uncoordinated, suicide rush might just extend the spawn queue).
- In a battle where a fade or onos is involved, as a skulk, you can try to dodge around the gunfire and bite the marines' ankles. Just don't get in the fade's way.

February 16, 2005, 01:06:03 AM
Reply #13


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a quick Alien statement
-If there is a egg being shot in the hive and its seconds before he hatches try and get into the fire of the gunner, sure you die but you saved a egg, i ahve saved 2 onos and a few fades by doing this, and it works....sure killing him is easy but chances are he might get those finishing shots off before death

February 16, 2005, 07:36:45 AM
Reply #14


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Light marine ramboing/ninjaing around, and you get ambushed by a Skulk and a Fade? Try and kill the Skulk, you'll get a little rfk at least. No way you're gonna be able to kill that Fade on your own.

Allow me to emphasise as well: Badmouthing the comm - No. You don't badmouth him, you don't backtalk, you don't flame or whatever. If the commander is not performing to your satisfaction, you tell the other marines why you think so (short and to the point, and WITHOUT flaming), then start a vote to get him booted from the chair. If you can't get him out that way, and he isn't actually breaking any server rules, you either shut up or leave the server.
Me, I'm not very quick on the bantrigger, but be a prick to the commander and you shorten my fuse by quite a bit. I know how hard and stressful it is to be a commander, and I won't tolerate you making his job even harder.

On a related note: The commander has dibs on the CC, even if he ejects for a moment. You don't go and steal the CC from the commander. Period.

February 16, 2005, 08:45:01 AM
Reply #15

That Annoying Kid

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alium tip

learn to bunnyhop *proficently*
MAC DRE: Cold Crest Creeper, a rapper that would dip-n-yoke quicker than he could pimp-n-smoke, flows  that hit your ears harder than Ike hit Tina. Forced to serve a Nickle but would never drop a Dime.
K.C watch out cause the Bay's down like four flats on a Cadilac.

February 16, 2005, 02:13:43 PM
Reply #16


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If you boot the commander, be ready to get in the chair. If I see you boot a comm who's doing his best, then you run off and let someone else comm, then I will give you hell.

Furthermore, if you boot a comm and then subsequently lose, then I will also give you hell because its not the first guys fault that you won't follow his plan.

Corollary - If you jump in the chair, drop whatever, then hop out and say "I don't want to comm", then I WILL kill you. If you don't want to comm, DO NOT GET IN THE CHAIR. Better the game end swiftly than have it dragged out, which is no fun for anyone.
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
Holy_Devil: cheater

February 16, 2005, 04:31:52 PM
Reply #17


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- As a skulk, see if you can get up over the marines' heads in a close battle. I've confused a few this way.

- Watch your heads. Aliens can come from above, too.

February 16, 2005, 08:14:04 PM
Reply #18


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Here's a tip:  Stax with barney.  Gauranteed win.  I promise.  (I hope he breaks all the fingers on his mouse hand.)

(Very very very vey very very very badly.)

(Better yet, may they just fall off in his sleep.)

February 17, 2005, 06:37:18 PM
Reply #19


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Here's a tip:  Stax with barney.  Gauranteed win.  I promise.  (I hope he breaks all the fingers on his mouse hand.)

(Very very very vey very very very badly.)

(Better yet, may they just fall off in his sleep.)
Does he ever play aleins?  I've only ever seen him rine (which he pwns at BTW)
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