Author Topic: Teh PRO comm strats.  (Read 5468 times)

January 06, 2005, 06:15:52 PM
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Don't think seiging is fun? Can't stand seeing your team win without a fight? Well you've come to the right thread.

I will, for the low price of NOTHING! (which is a bargain compaired to our Something price) Tell you the finest points of how to win, (or loose, depending on how you wish to end) with the most style possible. It will impress any gorge near by! Work's great on dates! Hell, base one for a friend, it makes a great gift!

 The first Strat, Is MY personnal favorite, and a guaranteed win if done properly, yes. You guessed it.

Elect. TF. Strat. (winnable)

Note: There are many ways to do this strat, don't let my reality hinder YOUR imagination!

* First things to build, are an IP, TF, RT, and if your feeling nice, even an ARMORY.
*Elect your first TF, get another RT, you don't need to elect your Rt's until your enemy team begins attacking them.
*Send your marines towards the empty hives. Cap them, and elect them both asap. CRUCIAL STEP TO WINNING!
*If you havnt built an armory yet, Now would be the time. Get an observatory and phase tech, and pg both hives. and Lock them down with a extra tf that is elect.

From there, you can do what ever suits your team, get more rts (suggested) rush the hive. Even build an arms lab and research cat packs! If you are having fade troulbe, drop shotties, and build 2 tfs that are elect next to every node. Even though it my still be killable, most fades will think "Holy ^^, if they can do that to nodes, I'd hate to see they weapon!" *BIG mistake on Mr. Fade's part*

Mine Strat (Not won to date.)

*First, get an IP and ARMORY and RT
*Drop all your res worth of MINES and place them all over the MS. Remember, your trying to reach a "carpet" effect"
*Try to get more RTS and lock down hives

You should not have to build anything more in base except many another IP as all res should go to mining.

PG Strat. (Not won to date.)

*Build IP, ARMORY, OBS. and research phase tech.
*If you don't think its needed for humping, Recycle the ARMORY and get your marines to run around the map randomly
*Dispense PG's equally to a Marine. Remember 1 Marine = 1 PG, if not more!
*Build 2 PG's in a hive.

You Should cap RT's, and have a pg next to each. Don't be stingy on RTs. More RTs = MORE PGs

If you find your self with 2 lock down hives, and a lot of res. Continue to merge this Strat, With the following.


*Build a primary base, and then 2 others in each hive.
*Make sure there is an arms lab/obs. in at least 2 hives each.
*Cap res and hope they dont onos rush you.

These's are the basics of my favorite games. Remember, Don't let this stop you from "winging" it. You May upgrade your strats to contain 2 in one! (elec. Tf + Mine strat). There is a limitless possibility to Crazy strategys. Their best used when the marine team is stacked, and you feel like evening the odds!

How to kill a fade you ask?

Everyone knows Fade < Welders. To the max, first sighting of a fade, drop 20 welders and get your marines to rush wave after wave of men killing the fade with your 1337 welder hacks. Welders also are much more effective at rushing hives then Shotguns!
« Last Edit: January 06, 2005, 06:16:43 PM by Mr.Bill »

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

January 06, 2005, 06:43:36 PM
Reply #1

Vitamin Lead

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LOL Ima gonna try that Elec TF Strat. Although, my favorite elec strat is barring all entrances to MS with multiple elec TF's (worked best in 2.xx when u could stack buildings in each other) so that even fades get charbroiled. That way, LMG's can take out higher life forms as they are already weakened and there's no need for you to "drop me a shirtgun comm!" Besides, your team is so amused with the whole fiasco that they mess themselves laughing....


January 06, 2005, 07:15:27 PM
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Yes, welders are always the answer. And they're so versatile.
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January 06, 2005, 07:27:47 PM
Reply #3


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I think the offensive capabilities of the welder are overpowered.
Nice post, Billy.
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January 06, 2005, 10:00:23 PM
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And with this we get just the tiniest peek into the giant monkeyhouse that is the genius of Mr. Bill.  We definitely have to try more mine carpets.

And, I recall one game where multiple PGs in MS kept the marines alive for a long time.  Just kept phasing out of reach.  I think Owl was the comm, but I really don't remember.
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January 07, 2005, 08:15:11 AM
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I've won with a Mine-Strat before :blink:

... I think.  Or maybe I just dreamed it.  In any case, it was awesome.  Can anyone confirm this?  :p

January 07, 2005, 10:03:02 AM
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Elect. TF. Strat

Your marines wont have upgrade when the fades come out, so even with shotguns they will die to anyone half decent. Two hive locks down are (sadly) effective tactic for pub games. However a redemption ono will make fast work of the pg, then a couple more rushes will take both tfs down too.

If they dont go DC first they are screwed however.

January 07, 2005, 07:17:35 PM
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Hey now everyone knows there is only one com strat out there now-a-days.

Step 1: Immediately upgrade armory

Step 2:

Step 3: Victory

January 07, 2005, 08:11:57 PM
Reply #8


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The dual-base strat is a good one.  Helps on maps where you want to hold the territory and the res.

But you forgot one bill.


1).  Build cc outside hive

2). Carpet floor with all the ip's you can get your hands on
(this servers 2 purposes-
1, aliens are afraid to enter the room beacuse the randomly spawning rines play a kind of jack-in-the-box where if you get hit you die, and
2, it means the aliens have an unholy time taking out the ip's.

3).  Rush the hive with whatever you have yuor hands on.

I'm not precisely sure, but i beleive this may have worked ONCE. a VERY long time ago
Very.  Like 1.04-era.
Kodiac teh Pirate Bear
One part comm, one part cheerleader, 3 parts cuddly bear

January 07, 2005, 09:48:07 PM
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I knew I forgot one today, I was doing it on tanith today in MS, good fun.

but I saw ip rushing work, get outside of hive, cc, ips, and kill, it works

And chaos, Depending on your marines, you can still get upgrades, usually by fade time I have armor 1 weapons 1 or on the way, drop some random shotguns, most of the first fades (this is like 4/5 times this happens) die within their first attack.

Hows my comming? PM!

For the win

January 07, 2005, 11:40:48 PM
Reply #10

Vitamin Lead

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That was fun earlier.... 8 IP's FTW!!!11one.

The goal of that strat is to c how many IP's you can get to fill up MS.

January 08, 2005, 02:19:34 AM
Reply #11

Vinegar Ninja

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most fun idea ever.
1. get in com chair
2. yell
3. yell louder
4. froth at the mouth from all the yelling
5. win.
6. get kicked by console for yelling too much
7. see the doctor about getting new vocal cords.

January 08, 2005, 08:53:33 AM
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Sounds like Niteowl.