Author Topic: Gorge's Guide to World Domination  (Read 6914 times)

December 31, 2004, 12:16:41 AM
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yup remade this for no reason really. its 2 am and i have no idea what i am writing :D hopefully it'll be of some use, though.

Chapter 1. Life as a gorge

A) How should I play combat out?

You'll want to get leap, adren, xeno. gorge with next point, then redempt and cara. sof if you find yourself able to leave the hive(which you should, after all, you're a world domination gorge) and then whatever you prefer, maybe drop sof for focus, depends on your situation.

B) What about classic NS?

Usually you can't count on getting web in classic, so you have to stick back with what you can hold in ocs. start in a common fought-for point(like cargo on tanith) and start building ocs from the start there. if your team goes sens or mcs, make sure to place one nearby where you will be standing, so you can use it to its fullest. once your team gets two hives, get upgrades to go along(you get sof, adren, and redempt[unless they have gl/hmgs, get cara]) push out when you get the chance, stick ocs where you can get more rfk. its just really oc whoring, and guarding the siege points. no chance to get a hive = you keep bb = you can get web. once you have web the fun begins :) go slaughter!

Chapter 2. Fighting

A) How to fight (NS)

Gorges are basically fragile, once marines get armor1+ you're going to have trouble taking them down without ocs. so basically you sit near your guarded position and wait for your teammates to be useful and push out so you can get a new oc setup. eventually you can cover the entire map aside the marine base, and if it isn't the final hive you can get web and destroy :) if it is a hive, you'll have to sacrifice yourself on a bb run if you lack redempt(try to get the mines on this run, then get redempt+regorge on respawn). then you bb run trying to take down whatever you can, and save up res for the hive. if your team got MCs you can do a rush, if not, use it as a distraction and aim for an important structure(advanced armory, arms lab) once you get the arms lab down, you can start domination! marines with armor0 are basically cake, 5 spits they die :D 4 with no armor and 100h, memorize the number  of spits as this is important!

B) How to fight (CO)

When you're finally a gorge in co, use web on any marine you encounter. try to find the solo marines, they're usually easiest to take out. if none are going solo, you'll usually be able to heal the hive for exp between rushes, so do it! free xp is still xp! once you're level 10 you can solo jetpackers easily, heavy armor with some difficulty but still possible. just use web then spit the player down, or healspray once between focus spits if you opted for that.

Chapter 3. WEB!!#$

Ah web, love it, hate it, love to hate it. evil when you're a marine, and your lifeblood as a gorge. web is so overpowered atm its not even funny. could use a minor fix or two, that would really be helpful. but in combat its just silly. NS it isn't as bad, as far as i've seen, due to the fact its over before 3 hives or right when you get it usually :( weldes/gls do crap vs web if you use it correctly. abuse it to its fullest!

never, ever, ever pre-set webs. ever. always set them up when you're engaging a marine, this way you have all of them(limit, after all. per area in co, and overall in ns). shoot a wall behind the marine, then the floor in front. he'll be webbed. shoot the wall/floor next to him, then other side but more towards/away depending on where you shot, try to make it a diagnol line every time. usually the marine will duck, so once hes fully webbed(the next web will draw over him, but not take effect until it can be useful) start spitting. if you get it right, he'll die before he gets unwebbed, unless he gets meds. in which case, when he does, set the webs again. and repeat! adren makes this possible, without it its nearly impossible.

If you kill the marine before he uses up your webs, or you or some other gorge screws up some webs in the area, bilebomb the ceiling. it will destroy any webs attatched to it, near it, whatever. then you're free to use them up again! very important to do this before you engage a marine again, every web counts.

Chapter 4. Hive Defense

Even if you are a domination gorge, you still have to defend. that is the nature of the game, can't do much about that. if you're forced to defend against siege cannons, build a mc away from the sieges so you can perma-healspray the hive. if a marine walks in, web if you have it, then spit him down next to the mc. you'll basically have infinite adren, domination worthy! once the marines make the mistake of beaconing, try to bilebomb the structure that is in the dead center of a bunch of other ones. it seems that if you hit a structure dead on with bb, it will do full damage to everything nearby. so be sure to hit it! if you can, try to distract the sieges(provided the comm is pinging while you're near them BBing) with an oc near their PG, incase someone phases in. run back if marineS start phasing in though, gorges lack a counter to that, even with web :(

Chapter 5. Domination!

A) Outside the Marine Base

When you finally push the marines back to their base, you can begin domination. setup a sensory outside the base next to some well placed ocs(see next sub-chapter) and two MCs, and 8 dcs. no point in getting more than two mcs really, unless you have insane overflow in a small game. pick your target before you enter(if the marines are all together, pick out how to best setup some webs so if they move they'll get stuck) and throw some spit if you decide to web, or bb if you do not. usually a marine will chase you since you're so cute, then you can sit next to your mcs and permaweb/spit him. once he dies make sure you chuckle, after all, you're invulnerable until they start using those damn exploits they call siege cannons!

B) OC Placement

You don't want to place OCs in direct vision of a hallway connecting to a room. An example would be cargo on tanith; place one oc up on the tank(evolve up there) then one covering one of the entrances(either one from waste side or upper acidic ent, depending on which side doesn't have the hive[it goes there]) then place one in the middle of the room so if someone rushes in they'll die to that+spit. make sure none are visible from the main entrances though! visible = it'll die to lmg, which basically wastes 10 res in most cases(sometimes it will be a pg there, but usually one marine trying to do something)

overall basically, find strange positions for your ocs. keep them away from entrances but tight together enough so that they support each other, and kill any JPers that may fly through with ease.

Closing Statement

Overall gorge is a nice lifeform, but really needs web to be able to kill any marines with armor. its very anti-ninja and anti-base, though, if used correctly. relies on two+ hives to function, with one its mostly an oc setup machine. shotguns and gls basically tear a gorge in half, it lacks the health to withstand very much. but in combat you can really dominate, since you're mostly self-sufficient in the terms of upgrades :) in ns its more team-based, as the game is. fun either way though, imo!

now go dominate :)

December 31, 2004, 12:38:11 AM
Reply #1

Loke The Sleek Peruvian

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Nice guide, can you include how to be a sneaky gorge? That would be useful for me :).

*Sets phasers to Dominate*
I am Sleek.

Are you?

Only in peru would you consider being closer to satan 'winning'... INCA HAX FOR THE WIN!

December 31, 2004, 02:10:27 AM
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One addition I would add to the OC placement is to never under any circumstances put up an OC right by the corner of a wall.  ACII drawing below (the O being the oc and straight lines being walls)...


Basicly what is means it that any smart marine will just sneak right up to the limit of where the OC can still target him and just unload clip after clip of LMG into the without missing a shot until it is dead.  

therefore, if you have a long hallway or a open room, put the OCs in locations where they can't be picked off past thier maximum range, but also where they have as much distance between the closest a marine can attack them from as possible.  At long ranges all the marine weapons drop off in accuracy and will miss a few shots when they attempt to pick off OCs...  OCs however have pinpoint accuracy on any marine stupid enough to stay in thier LOS without a very unpredictible movement pattern.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2004, 02:11:06 AM by SwiftSpear »
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December 31, 2004, 02:11:28 AM
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how sad that I read "george's Guide" and got pissed when i didn't see any of george's replies or topics.    :help:

December 31, 2004, 07:54:22 AM
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Excellent guide.  Very well done HD  <3   Plus, I just love the imagery of a gorge out for wold domination, that's so cute ^_^  They appear so cuddly and innocent, but there are grand mischevious ambitions brewing in their little gorgey heads  :lol:[...]
"One meeeelion dollars!"

Excellent how you mention ninjas. If there's one thing ninjas really hate, it's OCs. Try to run past them and you take a lot of damage (and probably die if the comm doesn't medpack you), try to shoot them and you trigger the alert. And if the gorge is somewhere nearby too, forget stealth.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2004, 07:56:54 AM by lolfighter »

December 31, 2004, 11:35:16 AM
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Excellent guide.  Very well done HD  <3   Plus, I just love the imagery of a gorge out for wold domination, that's so cute ^_^  They appear so cuddly and innocent, but there are grand mischevious ambitions brewing in their little gorgey heads  :lol:[...]
"One meeeelion dollars!"

Excellent how you mention ninjas. If there's one thing ninjas really hate, it's OCs. Try to run past them and you take a lot of damage (and probably die if the comm doesn't medpack you), try to shoot them and you trigger the alert. And if the gorge is somewhere nearby too, forget stealth.

And if the comm medpacks, it makes a lot more noise then just the OC shooting.

December 31, 2004, 08:23:45 PM
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All hail the Zone/Field of Lame.

Spread out your OCs so that to shoot at one you will have to suffer 3 or more shooting back. Spacing them out is good, as some marines will think that the big inviting gap means they've a chance to get through alive.

Sadly for them this will not be the case.

At higher levels, toss a few webs around your field so that any passing flies are dealt with. Keep these webs persistent. Don't use too many, or other gorges will be penalised for your greed.

I like to put ZoLs around any route I can expect marines to HAVE to go through. At 10 res a pop you want to make sure your ZoL is actually doing something. Two gorges, a ZoL, and some liberal healspray can make a chokepoint lethal enough to snuff most earlygame advances, and its a good place for skulks to be in order to get some easy kills on weakened marines. Lerks can also lob spore about in order to lure in passing marines.

Mid to end game ZoLs start to lose their potency, but they're good groundwork for alien "forward positions". To this end, try placing upgrade chambers near your ZoLs. DCs are great for blocking corridors, especially if cloaked - many are the marines who thought they had made it through my ZoL only to be stopped by a cloaked line of DC and then shredded by OC fire.

Why ZoLs? WALLS of lame are large easy targets for grenades, launchers, etc. They're also easy enough to get round as from certain angles only 1 or 2 chambers will actually get to fire. With a ZoL, all chambers get a shot and from several angles, making dodging a harder prospect. Throw in a skulk to block the marine from running through and you've got a deathtrap.

WoLs also make marines freeze and call for backup. This is bad, as a pack of marines can tear down most defences you can create. A ZoL is inconspicuous, the marine doesn't know the room is lamed until he is in the trap. ZoLs are well spread out, making grenades fairly useless. WoLs are packed together allowing for the OCs all to be destroyed in one fell swoop - this is bad.

WoLs block both marine AND alien mobility, which can make the difference between an Onos and a BBQ. ZoLs provide some low level cover but don't significantly hamper alien mobility - so no Onos screaming at you for spoiling his game.

ZoLs can be placed in corridors, usually along the following lines
Code: [Select]
|x  |
|    |
|    |
|x  |
Any marine zigzagging down that corridor will face 3 OCs that always have LOS to him. A nearby gorge can throw some spit into it or web (the horizontal line) in order to trap the marine right in the sweet spot. Skulks can hide behind the last OC in the pattern and then bite any marines leaving the gauntlet.
Code: [Select]
__      __
|x        |
|       x |
|        x|
|_x     __|
The above covers a 4 way split - the problem here is that most chambers are visible to at least one doorway, so always try to arrange the OCs with the goal of having the OCs hidden for the side(s) facing the enemy territory. SC chambers can help cloak this sort of thing up. I generally only ZoL rooms as opposed to junctions - to defend a junction you want to be in the corridor leading to the enemy and place your three OC there in the usual pattern where all will be able to fire.

I have personally managed to hold off several average marine advances by DCs and healspam of an effective ZoL. But make no mistake - ZoLs NEED alien supervision, just like turrets need marines nearby to snipe any alien who finds a hole. If you leave a ZoL, chances are its going to be destroyed. If you set a ZoL, treat it like a mini hive - have chambers nearby, healspam any passing aliens, and always always have MC so that frontliners can easily port home to the hive should a ninja get through.

Over several versions of NS I still have great faith in ZoLs, just be wary of well coordinated marine rushes or holes in your defence.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2005, 03:44:14 PM by Necrosis »
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January 01, 2005, 05:18:54 AM
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Okay, well those are the main things I wanted to add.  Another issue I wanted to address is how HD talked about offense chamber placement strategy, which was all great advice.  However, ideally, if the alien team is really coordinated it would be nice if they could get away without building any OC's or at least very few of them.  Given an alien team that uses teamwork to mount a coordinated defense against marine attacks, offence chambers often aren't efficient expenditures of resources compared to hives, chambers, advanced life forms, and resource towers.  However, it's often the case that a gorge simply cannot depend on his team to help him defend a crucial location, in which case OC's are the only option.  I'm not saying that OC's aren't useful on good alien teams, but I think that sometimes people go overboard with them.

An alien team that doesn't need OC's is a fantasy!  I agree with you that in theory the alein team could work well enough together to prevent the need for offence chambers, but in practice that means that communication between the alien team needs to be good enough that every alien player knows the status of every other alien and every alien stronghold on the map as well as the aproximate location of all the marines at all times.    It just doesn't happen.

A well positioned OC nest with a gorge for upkeep effectively denys the marines the location it is in until they either seige it or GL it...  therefore, a single gorge can deny the marines access to any chokepoint on any map with nothing more than thirty some odd res and a minute of either being left unhassled or being properly defended.  That doesn't nessicarily mean much in some locations, as many locations are either too tempting to NOT siege or have no movement line value to the marines at that point in time, but if you get a good location like that dark hallway in hera close to MS lamed up and then you just put some effort into defending it (it's really easy with that elevator there too...) you effectively deny the marines three nozzles and easy access to half the map!  Any single kharra player that can claim they are doing that single handedly for long periods of time is contributing well beyond what should be expected of them!
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January 01, 2005, 11:22:43 AM
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Bah I try using alt 0160 and it still deletes the spaces. Ho hum.

Well anyhow, OCs are very nice to have for chip damage and choke points.
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
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January 01, 2005, 01:23:07 PM
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res in ocs is res that could be in a lerk/fade.  :(

January 01, 2005, 05:04:33 PM
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res in ocs is res that could be in a lerk/fade.  :(
If its me playing and that res can't be a hive, then it definitely shouldn't be a lerk or fade...

Gorge and skulk and to a limited degree onos are the only alien units I can use with any decency, so my res is better spent on OCs 90% of the time...

That kind of paradox is entirely dependent on the player, but rest assured, if I drop 4 OCs I'm not wasting the res!
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January 01, 2005, 10:00:09 PM
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If you're on LM you've already got enough decent Fades and Lerks, and for many people its a big skill jump to be a competent fade on a better-than-average pub. You cant just fade and walk around the map killing people in two swipes.

Gorge is a bit more sedentary and relies on a bit of wit - tbh I'd rather spend 30 res on OCs that I can protect as a choke point as opposed to go Lerk/Fade and get diced by a marine because I haven't nailed the art of evasive flying/blinkhopsweeping/telekinesis.

Edit - should also be said that I can actually use a fade and lerk, its just so can many more people, whereas few people can actually gorge properly.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 10:01:16 PM by Necrosis »
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January 02, 2005, 12:45:00 AM
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It should be noted that OCs should not be used very often....they are, at almost all tiems, a waste of res.  Any marine with time can eliminate them without so much as being scratched.  

However!  They can be used effectively.

OCs are amazing sentry towers.  Put them places you think ninjas will pass through, overlap firing zones.  Make it so that the enemy must get meds, fight through, or die.  That's the best way I've found for them to be used.  Suffice to say, I build few.

Edit: It should be noted I consider myself a competent gorge, though I'm more or less useless at fade/lerk/onos/skulk.  Suffice it to say, I get a lot of practice?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2005, 12:46:59 AM by Asal »
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
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January 02, 2005, 03:58:05 AM
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It should be noted that OCs should not be used very often....they are, at almost all tiems, a waste of res.  Any marine with time can eliminate them without so much as being scratched.
That is why when you gorge, you stay as close to your OCs as possible at all times, and it therefore goes without saying that you should only be OCing up high traffic spots that through being withheld, seriously hurt the marine team.

Never OC up a room and expect the structures to defend it.  It's a waste of res because patient marines will just take it slow and one by one kill all the OCs and unpatient marines will ninja by them and PG on the other side.  Both of those things are impossible however with gorge support on his precious OCs.  Even with only skulk support the former is still entirely possible, although ninjaing no longer is...
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January 02, 2005, 10:41:40 AM
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That is why when you gorge, you stay as close to your OCs as possible at all times, and it therefore goes without saying that you should only be OCing up high traffic spots that through being withheld, seriously hurt the marine team.

Never OC up a room and expect the structures to defend it.  It's a waste of res because patient marines will just take it slow and one by one kill all the OCs and unpatient marines will ninja by them and PG on the other side.  Both of those things are impossible however with gorge support on his precious OCs.  Even with only skulk support the former is still entirely possible, although ninjaing no longer is...

Except, when you're with your OCs, you're where you are no longer needed.  You are in a place where you can do little to nothing for the team, and therefor are a waste of your res.  When I gorge, if I'm not running somewhere, I know I'm missing something, or not doing something right.  I'm no fan of standing still, and as a flimsy little fatty, I live by that.

P.S. It works well, too.
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

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January 02, 2005, 12:57:12 PM
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I used OCs to good success today against rad on Hera. Rad's strat is to take proc and siege out the hive there, then divide and conquer the aliens with phase tech and HA. I placed 2 OCs, later up to 4, inside Processing to cover all the walkways. The result was a system by which LA would have to be under fire at all times. One push was easily thwarted this way, and a second HA push was kept inside the node room until we could get an onos in there to stomp them out.

Dropping OCs in the heat of battle can be effective too. We had to put up the archiving hive, and Rad got the first HMG push moving there. We kept them in systems, but they started building sieges. A few OCs near the PG and TF meant that while I was getting them up, I was a distraction for our fades, and afterwards the OCs would fire on the structures and players trying to build them. I got few kills from them, but the extra strain on res, and the guns that fired on them while skulks ripped up the HMGs made a big difference.

January 02, 2005, 01:05:59 PM
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In most maps to successfully choke off an area you need to lame up at least 2 corridors - I generally pass my time running from corridor 1 to corridor 2, healspraying and/or replacing chambers.

As NS is a team game, you can hopefully count on one or two skulks passing through your choke point and biting marines, or ideally flanking the marines and hitting their rear while they're worried about OCs.

On low skill servers (or against mentally deficient comms) OCs can get a lot of mileage. On average skill servers, OCs are good for stopgap defence in the hive, or small forward bases which have a lot of alien traffic. On high skill servers, OCs are effectively useless..
Necrosis killed Holy_Devil with pistol
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January 02, 2005, 02:42:37 PM
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In most maps to successfully choke off an area you need to lame up at least 2 corridors - I generally pass my time running from corridor 1 to corridor 2, healspraying and/or replacing chambers.

As NS is a team game, you can hopefully count on one or two skulks passing through your choke point and biting marines, or ideally flanking the marines and hitting their rear while they're worried about OCs.

On low skill servers (or against mentally deficient comms) OCs can get a lot of mileage. On average skill servers, OCs are good for stopgap defence in the hive, or small forward bases which have a lot of alien traffic. On high skill servers, OCs are effectively useless..
Not useless, they just don't work as anything asside from gorge defence any more.  The fatty is a fragile creature of his own standing, but with even one OC up his effectiveness agianst marines jumps dramaticly.  The higher the skill the server, the less OCs go up in WOL's and the more they go up in gorgenests.
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January 02, 2005, 04:25:03 PM
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Maybe its time you give us a Lerk's Guide to World Domination. Reveal your secrets to us.

January 02, 2005, 05:22:55 PM
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Maybe its time you give us a Lerk's Guide to World Domination. Reveal your secrets to us.
I don't think lerks plan on dominating the world. They only piss off Marines and their medpack-spamming comm.
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