... with a horribly swollen right arm.
Hihihi. I went skiing from last Friday to today at Breck, had a great time, until two days ago. Was going down a black when some horrible, horrible person decided to make a combination of a field of moguls, solid ice, and trees. Some airborne screaming of 'oh
' occured, I go sliding into the woods and wake up waist-deep in snow with a throbbing right arm and I'm twisted around a tree.
Long story short, I'm lying in the snow for 10 minutes frozen unable to move, finally someone comes and I flag them down, I get to come down in a stretcher. Basically all I had was one HELL of a beat-up right arm (no break yay) and a mild concussion. Fun fun fun. I can move fingers but wrist rotating action isn't very actiony, and moving the elbow isn't exactly fun.
So ya.