Author Topic: Killing The Gaming Habit  (Read 13437 times)

September 19, 2004, 08:48:19 PM
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Well, ever since getting into high school, my dads been an absolute whore about my studies.  He worked me like a horse to get my marks up, and then breathed down my back for two years to keep them that way.  Now on the third year, i've become self sufficient, and while he doesn't breathe down my neck now, he's become an absolute nazi running his nazi camp.

"These next two years are critical in your life!".  Get a tape recorder and tape that, and then play it to yourself at random intervals 10 times a day atleast and you'll have a similar feeling to what i'm getting + whatever random bs he thinks up at the time.

Needless to say, the first to go were my gaming habits.  So basically you won't be seeing me on the server for a while.  Atleast not on weekdays.  Weekends maybe, but the next time i'm on would probably be the winter break.

I'll still be on irc to harass you guys and share hentai though.
Go, go, go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
aah - Johnny B. GONE
sig images must not exceed 22kb -DHP

Thanks to Bijiy for help on the sig
Japanese Lesbian Kissing ftw
Waffles aer teh lews.

September 19, 2004, 09:09:57 PM
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i quit my gaming habit for 1 month. mainly because my girl is a asain crazed study freak and makes me study. so my grades have actually gone up ALOT :lol:

But now ive started to play games and getting into thehabit again :). But i must say, it was a great feeling to cut the gaming habit  I must say. It feels like you accomplished something. kind've like someone breaking the habit of smoking :)

but anyhow, good luck and see ya around irc!

September 19, 2004, 09:11:02 PM
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Sounds like me, my parents are just coming off a spree that says I can't use the internet at all...I'm not allowed on more than one hour a day (11 to midnight) and not allowed games.  So I understand you perfectly.  Good luck with life.  It's a scary place out there.
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

"I will live to be immortal...or die trying!"

September 19, 2004, 09:11:56 PM
Reply #3


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ive experienced a de-facto cold turkey stoppage of games
due to college
and the lack of time for such activities

...and girls
Virus removed.
Your sig pic contained naughty language. Removed. -lolfighter
I never had a sig pic :p
Then where'd that picture come from?

September 19, 2004, 09:23:23 PM
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Fencing+ work + church + school = No LM skillz.

I'll hop on when I can, but Generals is absorbing a lot of my gameplay time now too.

September 19, 2004, 10:44:33 PM
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Loads and loads of free time here. My parents are happy as long as I keep a B average, which isn't hard with the classes I've got. I'll have less time when I get a job sometime in the next couple weeks, but I'll actually game more then; I don't have much money currently to buy games, so I only buy the games I know I'm going to like, although everything eventually gets old. I've spend more time on IRC and with Photoshop than I have with games in recent months.

September 19, 2004, 11:06:24 PM
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You know, sometimes I wish I actually had something else to do besides play games. I mean, I work, and I've got laundry and I eat occasionally. But when you get right down to it, I don't really have anything else important to do. I'm not sure exactly HOW to feel about that...  :help:

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

September 19, 2004, 11:49:50 PM
Reply #7


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bob, buy a truck!

everyone else, go outside and explore the world sometimes, and i'm talking more then 50k (dunno in miles) from your home... get some scars, get some stories, get a life.

n chicks dig scars.

i used to miss days/weeks in highschool just because i was stuck in some god forsaken mud hole 3 miles from nowhere... just me, my truck, my beer, my gun.

n did i mension chicks dig 4x4's and scars... strange though i'm still single, funny world eh?

/edit i ment a REAL truck not so panzi grocery getter soccer mom SUV crap

see, for details. wewt go BC!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2004, 11:52:29 PM by Seth »
Through the mudd and the blood to the green fields beyond, for ours is not to question why our is but to do or die.

And when we die and die we shall to saint peter we shall tell, just another soldier reporting sir, I've served my time in hell.

September 20, 2004, 12:24:53 AM
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The only "chicks" I've seen that are into trucks, guns, and scars are the air-headed bimbo cheerleaders or the white-trash Britney Spears wannabe's. Thanks, but no thanks, I like a girl who knows the difference between a microwave and a computer. Also, I'm not sure you can get any "stories" by driving drunk with a gun in your lap, except for the 'fun times' had with Bubba back in the jail cell. I'd like to see you walk those 50 kilometers after your license is revoked for driving under the influence; I'm sure that would be a great life.

September 20, 2004, 12:27:36 AM
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Money + jobs + work + always reading some damn book learning something about programming + business trips = get owned by life. Dont even get me started on women...

Legionnaired, lets fence sometime!
Lito, just wait till college. Once you g3t that time management skill down you can game/study/socialize all you want and not skip a beat.

To anyone who cant game because they have to study, study hard and you can game "later". I once knew a guy who gamed 6 hours a day but also studied for about equal time and did well in his classes. Gg that bastard.

September 20, 2004, 01:37:24 AM
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<snip>, your sig image is, or rather was i suppose, 48kb, max size is 22kb. - DHP
<zing>, your mom is, or rather was i suppose, 200kg, max size is 100kg LOL - clashen

September 20, 2004, 05:39:45 AM
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Grimm : I a B Average? How lucky :( My parents go crazy is my average in any course falls below 91% I've already got the basic time management skills going. Work my ass off in school. Get Home, finish whatever homework I got. Then game like no bloody tommorow. HUZZAH!
... *Sigh* When I Get A Sig That's NOT Consider Fan Service, I'll Put It Here
Winnar ! (Knives)
Poofle Pwn!

September 20, 2004, 05:42:04 AM
Reply #12


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You know, sometimes I wish I actually had something else to do besides play games. I mean, I work, and I've got laundry and I eat occasionally. But when you get right down to it, I don't really have anything else important to do. I'm not sure exactly HOW to feel about that...  :help:
Hell, you're married. Time to get janitorlings.

September 20, 2004, 09:10:21 AM
Reply #13


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yup yup!  killing the gaming habit comes easy once you get more important things to do.  school, work, women, work, money, work, spending, work, women, school, and work.  oh, and of course, the stuff that never gets done in between, like chores around the house etc.

god i can't remember the last time i got a chacne to sit down and just play computer games for hours.  must've been sometimes this summer or something.

aka "mary"  thanks to Mr. Bill.
aka "let me stab your face"  if i'm feeling like starting a knife brigade or 3
"Drop Bill at JHunz. Build Bill, research relocation upgrade. WIN!"

September 20, 2004, 09:26:40 AM
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nuuuuu lito  :(

September 20, 2004, 09:27:56 AM
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You know, sometimes I wish I actually had something else to do besides play games. I mean, I work, and I've got laundry and I eat occasionally. But when you get right down to it, I don't really have anything else important to do. I'm not sure exactly HOW to feel about that...  :help:
Hell, you're married. Time to get janitorlings.
i pray every night bob does not. the idea of janitorlings haunt my dreams.

September 20, 2004, 10:17:16 AM
Reply #16

Doobie Dan

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Lito, give me your dad's email.  I need to tell him to let up on the anti-gaming because it's rotting your soul and making you turn to hentai.
God, it's so creamy.

September 20, 2004, 10:28:12 AM
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Lito, give me your dad's email.  I need to tell him to let up on the anti-gaming because it's rotting your soul and making you turn to hentai.

Thats a bad thing?  ;)

September 20, 2004, 11:21:49 AM
Reply #18


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I'd ignore the truck advice ><

To be honest life is just about enjoying yourself.  Getting boozed out on your own in the middle of nowhere is about 50 steps below playing games... why?  Because you're drinking beer in a truck XD
With games you can kill dragons, blow up planets, explore places that couldn't exist in RL... it's all good.

I'd like to try caving though.  I hit a roleplay club every saturday to do some table gaming with a big bunch of people and it's fun.  It's social and it's gaming, what more could you ask for? ^^

Don't forget; games aren't a waste of time.  They're a piece of entertainment; if you have time to wittle away sitting brainlessly infront of a TV (somehow deemed acceptable in society rather than noted as a blatant waste of life) you have time to better spend having a giggle on a game.  If you're watching TV at least do it with friends or something and make sure it's a decent movie/series =3

Also you can get into the games industry so it's not just a hobby it's a potential career  ^_^

September 20, 2004, 01:07:38 PM
Reply #19

Black Mage

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lito's post --> [snapback]29242[/snapback]

sounds like my dad. my responce: i got a laptop in my room for irc and i'm writing this during an essay/test over "brave new world"

jr/senior years are important? odd, i don't recall learning anything useful last year and have yet to do anything with the few bits of random trivia picked up last year. however, putting up the gorgerush server i've learned about:
a bunch of other things i forgot to mention

all of which i may be asked to work with in this place called "the real world" lets see fscking ap calculus do that.

in conclusion: meh, i guess i still have to go to school (as useless as it is) but i'll still find time to hop on irc and play ns (any maybe learn something not pointless) and the secret project of dewm will go forward. (lito, i need to talk to you about the secret project of dewm. find me on irc)

edit: three years of advanced computer courses have not taught me how to touchtype, excuse the typos :p
« Last Edit: September 20, 2004, 01:08:40 PM by Black Mage »