Shortly after that post, my power went out, along with my entire neighborhood. I've spent from then until about right now (Power just went on) sitting around my extremely humid airconditionless house, periodically leaving to see how the hurricane was going. We really lucked out. Turns out it stalled over the bahamas, basically raping them until it downgraded to a Cat 2, then hit us. We have alot of big trees, etc, blown over, and some lost shingles (And Jesus do I need to take a bath after I post this), but it could have been alot worse had it not stalled in the bahamas first, so I'm thankful for that. Funny little story:
Power was out for a while now, so my entire block gathered up all the grills around, and cooked all of the meat we had in all of our houses, since it looked like it would all spoil, and we all had a big BBQ. Right after the BBQ, a friend calls and invites me to another friends house, who has power, for some post-hurricane-pre-power gaming. I load up my entire junky large computer into his car and head over my other friends house, where we spend all this time setting everything up.
Roughly 5 minutes into the game-fest, the power at his house went out too. I attempted to walk home, but that strange neighborhood was pitch black, so I got lost for roughly 3 hours (Checking my cellphone). Finally found my way home, turns out the doors were all locked and I didn't have my key. Got to wake up my father and have him unlock the doors at 3 am. Still need to have a friend drive over my computer stuff today.
Edit: And yes, Ivan should be a hurricane, has the potential to strengthen to Cat 5, and according to all the weather people....should be following Frances. Guess I'll be making another thread in a week.