The Kingdom of LoathingFound out about this through a thread stearted by Retales in the Zombie Panic forums. After playing it for quite some time, it dawned on me that it seemed nobody here knew about the game. So, I thought I'd show everyone.
Kingdom of Loathing is a web-based RPG, although it isn't your average, everyday swords-and-sorcery RPG. KoL has a very unique and humorous style and design. For example, the currency for the game is meat, rather than gold or platinum or coins, and the gear ranges from mohawk wigs to chef's hats to mullet wigs to Knob Goblin helms. Each day, your character has a certain number of "adventures", which are essentially "turns", to do stuff. Stuff includes going to a location to adventure in a particular part of an area, such as Degrassi Knoll in the Plains. Going on these adventures can bring you equipment and meat, along with experience for defeating an enemy. There are a handful of classes to choose from when you start out with, which include: the Seal Clubber, Turtle Tamer, Pastamancer, Sauceror, Disco Bandit, and the Accordion Thief. I could go on more about it, but instead I think I'll just tell you that I've had a lot of fun playing it, and I recommend you do to. I'll leave you with a screenshot of my character currently; I have a level 5 Pastamancer, and I'm part of the Zombie Panic clan in-game that Retales created.