Author Topic: Gorge Based Decisions  (Read 3135 times)

June 28, 2004, 01:36:17 PM
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SuicidaL MonkeY

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When i am gorge i usually try to base what i drop on how the game's progressed. For instance we have 2 fades...1 hive..and another hive at 70%...with no chambers protection outside or inside the hive...and i have lets say 80 res. Personally i'd lame the seige spots around the hives first and foremost so the marines can't get through them for a while. The other factor is the fades wanting chambers to live....and i could drop 3 or each no problem...but whats to stop the rines from getin a ninja through near the hive then?....thats where my problems come in lol....

My question to you is, when you gorge... do you have a plan to the gorge's building madness?....or do you just drop some chambers in the hive?..or do you listen to the evolved lifeforms...possibly take them as a factor before dropping something?


not asking about resource towers or hives, just chambers....... :)

June 28, 2004, 02:27:52 PM
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Everytime I gorge, I always have some idea of what I want to do, some goal.  Most of the times, it's at least one OC in the hive room, possibly another one to cover the top of the hive incase a JPer comes, then i make sure that there are DCs up in the hives, at least one in each, and I also make sure there is at least 1 MC in each hive room, easily accessible to everyone.  I'm not too big on OCs though, but i will then continue to place some in siege spots, choke points, etc. Generally, I'd rather spend res on an RT than an OC
« Last Edit: June 28, 2004, 02:28:23 PM by Satiagraha »

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June 28, 2004, 03:12:58 PM
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i usually play gorge more than 50% of the time on aliens, and i dont have a real plan, since each game goes differently, i strategically plan stuff :D by the way the marines are playing, i usually help build up the rts and chambers in the begginings of the game, then when 2 hives are up , redemption gorge ftw :D

lame up random areas that marines might pass through, bile bomb hit and runs and stuff like that.

but about the chambers its usually Defense then movement then sensory  :)
rts first , then maybe ocs at the rt if marines will be coming there soon, then chambers.

June 28, 2004, 10:44:25 PM
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I, too, end up as a gorge more often that not.  I now make the point of saving for chambers right off the hop, in order to encourage evolved lifeforms to show up a little sooner.  That means DCs, almost exclusively.

I only tend to drop OCs if chambers are secure.  I think of hives first, and choke points second.  Although OC walls are most effective, often if the game is res-poor I'll drop one or two just to tie or slow marine advances.
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June 28, 2004, 11:13:58 PM
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Recently I've been perma-Gorging in a lot of games, mostly because it's the most fun ns_ in 3.0 can offer me.

My style is different than most other styles though; I focus on resource nodes first and foremost. Without those resource nodes, there isn't a need to worry about getting any upgrades or hives.

After I get a couple of resource nodes capped, I focus on defending key areas that we'll need to hold with strategically placed offense chambers. This is the fun part of perma-Gorging for me: Placing offense chambers in specific locations so that marines will walk into the area I do not want them to be and get shot down in the process. Sure, putting up walls of lame can slow down Marine progression and expansion, but eventually they think through enough and get a squad to focus on taking out that wall, and they usually do so fairly easily. The way I like to set them up, each offense chamber is protected, in a sense, by at least one or two other offense chambers.

Usually, because of other people helping throughout the game, I don't have to worry about getting upgrade chambers or hives, which is good for me because I can focus my resources more on my own little schemes. Eventually, after we're controlling most of the map in the later game, I'll focus on fortifying certain areas the Marines can relocate to if they plan a rush right, as well as areas just outside their base to lock them in. Overall, I am a very secluded, safe Gorge, and you will not find me at all as a Marine unless you come deep into Kharaa territory to find me. I like to work in the background, away from the stress of the battle.

June 29, 2004, 10:33:23 AM
Reply #5


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i usually attempt 1 of 4 plans when i gorge:

-Beginning of the game to cap as many nodes as humanly possible

-Beginning of the game i might start dropping chambers

-Early/Mid game ill attempt to put up the hive

-Mid/End game ill usually lame up places here and there making life for marines extremely difficult
« Last Edit: June 29, 2004, 10:33:49 AM by -Lancer- »

June 29, 2004, 11:04:34 AM
Reply #6

A Boojum Snark

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I am the fully adaptive gorge, I would say my map is open about 30% of the time when I play (always not just as a gorge), and I just see what needs to be done. Empty RT behind the "front line" of my teammates? cap it. No such RT? Place some OCs strategicly in various rooms, always more than one, and so that they can see each other. Second hive about to finish? I hold off on building so I have res for the new chambers.
I basicly have no plan, I just do whatever needs to be done, which usually leaves me with small amounts of res and the highest score :p

edit: ogm I've actually reached 100 posts O__O
« Last Edit: June 29, 2004, 11:06:58 AM by A Boojum Snark »

June 29, 2004, 11:55:23 AM
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I dont lame up seige spots, i put 1-2 OCS in there against a area where a Marine can only see it / shoot it if he enters the room forcing himself to be shot multiple times. Usually Ninjas run by them easily, so for instance:

Maint. Hive in eclipse. The famous seige spot:

1: This is the uncecessary "prevention" spot. Only do this if you have more then enough res. Its can easily be sniped out by marines, but can do alot of damage if the marines are caught off guard. It also is a First Line of defense, because marines have to take them down before building, so you know where they are.

2: The siege spot, this is the dangerous zone for aliens if marines get a phase gate up. I put 2 OCS down the ramp on the angle slightly. Marines can ONLY see this if they ENTER the seige area. Thus no sniping or anything, (especially if the #1's are still there.

and 3: This is for your prevention of Ninjas. (The DC was there so i built an OC on top so the marine couldnt take cover behind it.)
Basically i put the OCS on the rail / on the angles so they can shoot easier, and since FF is on in LM there shots are never blocked by one another. NO marine will be getting by this unless hes medspammed. But by then im sure he wont be unnoticed.

Total res Spent on OCS: 70 (thats alot of res)
Total res spent in areas NECESSARY: 30 (2 on ramp, one next to the OC on top of the DC)

That ends my Maint tutorial / guideline / suggestion post. As for DCS, i put em in vent or on top of hives.

I usually gorge to put up OC spots or Res towers. i dont bother with the dcs/mcs/sc/s let someone else do that ^^.

If you need any more "guidelines/ suggestions" on effective seige/ ninja spots just ask and tell me the area. Ill be more then glad to do what i did above again.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2004, 12:01:20 PM by Diablus »

June 29, 2004, 01:10:44 PM
Reply #8


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for all that res, you could have just went fade and been much better at "stopping the ninja pgs" or whatever you were trying to do. and you could do it with both entrances, of multiple hives.

It also is a First Line of defense, because marines have to take them down before building, so you know where they are.

no they don't. you could just drop the pg before the marines come in, drawing the fire. i believe it's legal on LM, if you end up using that structure correctly later. (i think)

June 29, 2004, 02:31:56 PM
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for all that res, you could have just went fade and been much better at "stopping the ninja pgs" or whatever you were trying to do. and you could do it with both entrances, of multiple hives.

It also is a First Line of defense, because marines have to take them down before building, so you know where they are.

no they don't. you could just drop the pg before the marines come in, drawing the fire. i believe it's legal on LM, if you end up using that structure correctly later. (i think)
You see, with a fade. Chances are your not ging to find that 1 rambo marine. You could try but i highly doubt u can stop every single one when you have bigger problems on your hands. Leave that to skulks you have Res nodes and marine mini bases to kill. Not sit and hide waiting for ninja marines.

If you want to waste the res droppnig a PG, then go for it. YOu still have 2 more lines of defenses to go through. Chances are by the time it takes for everything to go down youll be spotted by a alien who will notify his teamtes immediatly.

And as for the Multiple Entrances on the hives I was simply giving an Example on a small siege area of 1 hive. I didnt bother to cover the other side. OR other hives because it was a Example

June 29, 2004, 04:13:12 PM
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A little hint on dealing with OCs - sit in place and duck while jumping up and down. Your movement throws off the OC's firing system, so the spikes tend to go over you, then under you, then over you, and so on. Works if there's only one or two OCs to deal with. Anything more, you'll need help to deal with them. And skulks AREN'T fooled by duck jumping marines, so watch your back!

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June 29, 2004, 07:56:38 PM
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i love gorging and but every time i go to cap nodes i cap like 3 but always i start losing them to rines how come skulks always just... i dunno rambo i think they should def nodes if like 2-3 go gorge 2 skulks should def and rest should atack

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June 29, 2004, 09:43:14 PM
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Tombomb, punctuation is your friend.  ;)

Bob: Fortunately that won't work on my offense chamber setups because of my tactical placement. For example, on ns_nothing in the hallway between Viaduct hive and Ominous Kismet (I think)  there are a number of metal beams reaching from the ceiling to the floor. I put my offense chambers on the side facing Viaduct hive, and usually they remain well hidden behind those beams until the unsuspecting marine walks by. Of course, two offense chambers is no problem to run by, right? Especially with the turn of the corner right there, they always keep running. Of course they don't expect a couple more offense chambers (one on each side) behind the next set of beams. Finally, if they're able to make it past all that, just around the corner are a couple more chambers.

Now, the only way they'll survive most of that is if they're lucky, or if they've got medspam. In the case of medspam, the commander will be wasting a lot of resources keeping this particular marine alive; a couple more chambers along the railing above Viaduct hive, a few more at the end of the hallway, more in that hallway, a couple down near the resource node at the hive, and a few in the hive "room" itself. I think its safe to say I do a very nice job keeping rambos and small squads of marines out of areas I don't want them in.