it would seem to me i encounter more and more geeks on IRC who have not gone through some of the Geeks Rites of Passage i assume anyone who is geeky enough to BE on IRC would have experienced.
it's a set, if you will, of media consumed, acts taken, whatnot, that sorta define you as a geek. now, i've seen the geek quiz, and admittedly, some of that is pretty hardcore (like programming in Assembly). so here is my list of things geeks should have at least heard of, ideally, have done
add what you think is missing.
actually, this is mostly just media
-LOTR, the books
-LOTR, the movies, thus far
-Star Wars, pre-Jar jar
-LOTR animated series
-enjoy logic puzzles/programming/puzzles
-have played D&D at LEAST once
-think the term "windows 3.11 tiled windows rox" is kinda funny
-Battlestar Galactica
-Dr. Who
-Monty Python
-HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy
-Isaac Asimov
-know who JRR Tolkien, Terry Brooks, and Robert Jordan
-Forgotten Realms
-The Gunslinger Series by Stephen King
-Dune, the books
-Dune, the movies
-Red Dwarf
-Rowan Atkinson and all his silliness
-has a doomed/cancelled/ended SciFi series (Firefly, Babylon5, Space Above and Beyond, FarScape)
-attributes "Revenge is a dish best served cold" to the Klingons
-knows how effective a two fisted punch is
-secretly wishes (s)he contributed/contributes to the linux kernal
-if not a coder, wishes (s)he knew how to
err, i'm sure i'm missing something here help me out