I've been into serious airsoft for several years now, and if you actually want to play around with friends in a field or something, you're better off getting an electric rifle. Loads more expensive, but much more satisfying. The spring rifle you picked out will feel lighter and cheaper, and shoot one piddly shot at a time just like a spring pistol would. Of course, if you're just shooting around in the backyard, that may be exactly what you want. You also don't have to buy a battery or charger that way.
We used Airsoft Atlanta for a long time here, until they stopped shipping to Canada. It's still illegal to import airsoft (as a replica firearm) in Canada, so I suppose it was a sensible choice. They always screwed up my friends' orders, but never mine, so I suppose I like 'em.
If you do decide to stick with a spring-powered weapon, I'd reccomend a TM pistol. They're probably the most solid, and spring weapons in the sub $100 shoot with similar power and accuracy, pistol or rifle. Look for something called hop-up, with puts a backspin on the BB that increases range. Most products will have it.
See, I can't ever talk about airsoft without rambing on. Terrible thing.