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Messages - Owen

Pages: [1] 2 3
Off Topic / If you were a supervillian...
« on: July 24, 2005, 09:28:34 AM »

« on: June 01, 2005, 03:13:59 AM »
... that is just... zuh

Off Topic / LowCrawler's works of carpentry
« on: May 04, 2005, 02:02:14 PM »
nice couch swing hammock thing

Media / The Offical Image testing thread
« on: May 04, 2005, 07:01:21 AM »
take a squizz at my new sig... it's Platoonarific...

General / The problem, Part II
« on: April 24, 2005, 04:01:00 AM »
FF is a part of The Lunixmonster. Wether or not you love or hate it is a different matter. You'd be talking about getting rid of something that's been there a long time. LM is all about the things that make a game a game. Not quitting, not laming, keeping your shots and bites to the enemy, it's all about skill, not spraying everything. I say it stays

Off Topic / Second Life
« on: March 25, 2005, 11:30:38 AM »
Second Life website

Now I admit it seems rather pointless if you read the site, but SL is kinda cool. You basically have a Avatar that you guide around the virtual world (VERY VERY VERY BIG) and explore. You spend your hard earned cash on clothes, land, cars, anything you want for your avatar. I think of it as MSN messenger on crack, it's good for meeting people, and even better for hanging out with those you already know. My av is sorta like my RL counterpart... only taller, and looks alot sexier

Off Topic / LM Meet (Idea Phase)
« on: March 17, 2005, 10:27:32 AM »
maybe if it was a "sonic and esuna" meet then yeah, i'd go.

game for that... stout all round?

Off Topic / Happy Bday Duckeh
« on: March 14, 2005, 10:47:23 AM »
For your birthday, GrayDuck, we all decided to take a screenshot of us ducking. Eh? Eh?

I can't wait for DHP's birthday.  I wonder what type of creative picture you guys will make for him :p

Thanks again guys.  Now that the dreaded day is done and over I can start feeling better ;)

well... i'm gonna get me a smith and wesson and then... Nevermind

General / Marine tricks
« on: March 14, 2005, 03:28:19 AM »
I'm pro at wiggle walking, I used to do it in the specialists role-playing. I would always out run the guy and he would claim me of hacking.

i never used to run in RP... i'd turn around and cuff them... then beat them a bit, then release

General / Me needz a reservdor slot!
« on: March 14, 2005, 03:21:43 AM »
I don't know what to say because me myself haven't got one yet. I don't mind not having a res-slot yet, It's sort of a cosmetic thing.

No, its more than a cosmetic thing. Well, you wouldn't know that unless you have less than perfect ping. I myself usually have around 90 ping(not bad at all) but I still find that I get kicked every few minutes, sometimes more often.

Conclusion: It's hard to "get more involved" in a situation where every time you start to get into a game you end up kicked.

Post more here, and get on IRC.  You'd be surprised how little playing on the server matters when you're up for a  slot - it's probably the least important of the three.  

Recall that not everybody here was not handed one as soon as they stepped in the door - we know how you feel.

it takes an amount of being there to get noticed, especially without asking or hinting for it.

Off Topic / Happy Bday Duckeh
« on: March 13, 2005, 01:54:38 PM »
bonne anniversaire... or HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Off Topic / Navy Field
« on: March 09, 2005, 05:41:47 AM »
nicity... downloading now.

Name's Owen... will probably try and get a nice ship like the HMS Bulwark or the Ark Royal

Off Topic / Occupation
« on: March 06, 2005, 09:59:49 AM »
I'm Chief Server technician for ASDA/Walmart UK... i sit in the server room and make sure people are buying goods. i can tell what you buy on your credit card, and i know you stole those grapes last thursday.

Off Topic / Mother's day...
« on: March 06, 2005, 09:52:57 AM »
mothering sunday for a reason... coincidentally, it's exactly 9 MONTHS after father's day...

Off Topic / Mother's day...
« on: March 06, 2005, 03:01:28 AM »
Well... being a man of my family, I like to show them how much I love them. Mother's day is no exception. I went home this weekend to stay at the old family home (big and old) to both celebrate mother's day, and get a chance to have a giggle with the old man. The morning has gone good so far. Fry up for breakky, and I'm working on a roast for tea. Flowers were apprieciated... I think, and I know the old mother loved the Baci chocolate I bought her.

So, how about your parents, or even children, did they suprise you with love, or was it a dull day?

Off Topic / Post a picture of you with your SO
« on: March 02, 2005, 01:41:50 AM »
haha bm wins... and yeah everyone notices the pepsi right away .. I also was like "ew shes drinking pepsi (because everyone knows coke owns pepsi :) )

yeah... coke owns pepsi? IN WHAT WORLD?!

Off Topic / My first timeā€¦
« on: February 28, 2005, 08:45:18 AM »
i remember my first Rocky Horror Show... I had fishnets on...

Off Topic / Congratulations IntensityRising
« on: February 27, 2005, 09:19:40 AM »
Mmm.. Trigonometry. The EASIEST unit in math. Ever.

sorry... but i found algebra pretty effing easy

General / What do you do while you play NS?
« on: February 25, 2005, 04:36:42 AM »
I'll drag this away from perversity shall I?

The other day I was multitasking with NS. At one point i was cleaning one of my guns, then eating a sammich, then I had a couple of cigerettes... it slowly progressed through the evening until i was trying to read an article about retinal scanners in some science magazine.

Off Topic / STEAM
« on: February 25, 2005, 04:24:04 AM »
Well according to valve, things like the ever popular ticket error have been solved. So this means that Steam has gone up loads in my estimation. It's very diverse, and as much as I loved WON, Steam's just better.

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