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Messages - esuna

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Off Topic / Play, Play, Play
« on: January 21, 2004, 07:13:39 AM »
Other than playing i'm studying for my lovely degree in graphic design, play Magic: The Gathering, as well, and get hideously drunk.

No proper job right now, and i'm working on my last web design contract.... bugger.

Off Topic / Fanboyism
« on: January 21, 2004, 07:11:17 AM »
Methinks too many people are getting annoyed at the amount of non-gamers claiming to be gamers.

I sit there and watch a tv show called Gamezville, for any of you UK Sky Digital owners, you'll know the one i mean, it is a shining testament as to what the problem PC gamers see with console gamers. The show's presented by "The Boyz", two chirpy young urban males sporting the latest fashions and spouting the latest buzzwords and "street lingo". As you can image, by this time the bile is already starting to rise.

The show is advertised as being the ultimate gamer show, covering "PC, Consoles and Mobiles".... wait, you're including cell phone games on a show about games?...

As much as i dispise that program and everything it stands for.... who cares? Y'know, just because a load of braindead morons are playing games you don't want to play, so what, they're not harming you, leave them be.

I sit and play my PS2 virtually every day, usually Tony Hawk's Underground, and i usually have friends over for some multiplayer, always on the PS2. I have 5 networked PCs in the house, i could quite as easily have set up some LAN gaming, but you know what, sitting in the same room with friends geeking off playing a fun little game is a hell of a lot more fun.

Consoles are fun, if you don't like them, please, shut the hell up about it, they're not going to go away because you want them to.

Off Topic / What Is This? Manga? Or Something
« on: January 20, 2004, 07:08:19 PM »
Code: [Select]
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib>

int main()
    char cNiteowl[] = "Nub";

    if (!strcmp(cNiteowl, "Nub"))
        cout << "Niteowl is a " << cNiteowl << "!!!111oneone" << endl;
        cout << "Hmm, appears Niteowl isn't a nub" << endl;

*EDIT: Bah, code was wrong. :)

General / So Many Newbies...
« on: January 20, 2004, 12:07:53 PM »
Here you go, the back of the case. :D

Off Topic / What Is This? Manga? Or Something
« on: January 20, 2004, 12:02:36 PM »

course, i can't tell the difference between manga to anime to what the hell ever. but some of you lunixers might like it.
Manga = comics.
Anime = animation.


General / The Stats Are In!
« on: January 20, 2004, 06:53:10 AM »
I wonder what my stats would be if you added together my nicks:

Busty Wench
Cap'n Fondlebeard
Complete Newbie
Talentless Nub
Professor Touchmywang MBE

EDIT: More nicks
Combat Egg
I Love My Brick
Tommy Tommy Tommy

Among others... :D

*EDIT: Isn't there a stat for "most used nicknames", i'd surely win. :D

General / Comming On Hera
« on: January 19, 2004, 11:00:01 AM »
Well, i've just got off a game on LM.

I joined marines and there's me (named "Nub", hehe) and some other guy, so reckoning he wouldn't get in the chair, i decided to take up the position.

Straight off the bat i threw down an IP, TF, Armoury and shortly later an obs. I drop a welder and ask someone to weld through to cargo. Eventually we get a whole team together of 7-8 people.

When cargo was finally welded to we dropped the RT, electrified then moved to vent, on the way dropping and electrifying Maintenance. When we get to vent we drop the node, phase and TF, elec the node and a small handful of turrets. So that's 4 elec nodes with relatively no opposition.

There is a reason for this lack of opposition. Seeing how people think that Reception and Holoroom are the main parts of the map, i had 3-4 marines or so constantly pushing for Reception, with which they faced heavy opposition. I told the marines that anyone going to Reception wouldn't get health or ammo. They were cannon fodder, a decoy. Yes they were dropping like flies and every Kharaa on the face of the map was pushing toward them.

Meanwhile on the other side of the map, i move my marines to upper reception, drop a PG, TF, RT and a handful of turrets. Once that was secure then it was over to the siege point in processing, again a TF, Sieges, Turrets, Phase and Obs. By this time we had level 2 weapons and armour and MT. Things were going well.

Data Core dropped with relatively no resistance, so once that was cleared up i dropped Processing's node and electrified it. So that's 6 electrified nodes, res was pouring in.

Finally i asked for a push on Archiving. So walking around the back of Holoroom, stopping briefly to knife their RTs, we moved to the room outside Archiving and dropped a PG, Obs and TF. Finally the aliens twigged what we were doing and very nearly took down the PG, we lost the TF, but in the meantime i had researched level 3 weapons and armour and HA. So time for the big boys to come out to play. Kitting up 3 or 4 marines with HA/HMG and welders they managed to get through and beat the Kharaa back then building another TF and sieges to destroy the OCs that were causing them a problem or two.

After making sure that Archiving was secure i dropped an armoury and told them to fill up and walk in. Which they did. The hive took a battering from the HMG fire and it was close to death when "Team One Wins"..


Bloody quitters.  :angry:

So in the RR i asked what happened and apparently i was "taking too long" so the aliens decided to quit. I'm really sorry if i was making sure my tactics were solid and trying to make sure that we stand a great chance of winning. But don't deprive me of this victory that is so hard to come by. A marine win on Hera with no relocation, no Holoroom and no Reception.

*EDIT: Kudos for you marines that played, you played hard and you played well, we deserved the victory.

*EDIT 2: I might add, this is my first time comming in quite some time, there was no insubordinance, no lamers and everything went as well as could have.

General / So Many Newbies...
« on: January 19, 2004, 09:34:04 AM »
Pfft HL nubs...

*Gets all nostalgic for the Doom editing days*

But anyway, yeah, the influx of nubs is just getting unbearable. I find it hard to play an entire game without having to shout at some smacktard or just leave the game because it's getting ridiculous. It's not that i hate new players, it's just i hate new players that think they know everything, but are obviously new.

Is it possible to make a plugin that autokicks on certain words? I mean, it'd be cool to see people getting kicked for saying "nub comm", "f*g" or "dougan".

Off Topic / Pet Peeves
« on: January 18, 2004, 04:32:26 AM »
- people who ask for helps, but when you try to help them you get no progress at all because they don't understand anything - and they kinda expect that you can just "*pow* teach me".
I think that could just be summed up as "-Dumb people.".

But yeah, that's another pet peeve of mine.
  • I hate to teach people. I don't care if they're the fastest learner in the world, if they don't get it right first time, it just pisses me off.
  • Kids.
  • People that claim to "hack" or "crack" and have only achieved in accidently finiding a password to some obscure site, and then claim to be thirteenthirtyseven.
  • People that say "When i was younger..." and are only just passed puberty.
  • People that don't listen to my opinion when i clearly know more than them. I know this one sounds pretty arrogant, but when it comes down to certain things i do know more than a lot of people, one such thing is web design. I get annoyed when people don't listen to my clear, thought out, honest and actually sensible critique. For those of you who know my website critiques on the NS forums, you'll see what i mean. I don't type out huge essays taking apart websites for the fun of it you know. :)
  • Other people being lazy. I'm lazy myself, half the time i can't be bothered to do something for myself, why the hell would i do something because someone else is too lazy to do it themselves?

Off Topic / The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
« on: January 18, 2004, 04:24:53 AM »

[size=8]Click to be making ENLARGING![/size]

Off Topic / Explain Your Name
« on: January 15, 2004, 08:33:53 AM »
Hmm. Mine's boring, it's just taken from the Final Fantasy series of games. Obviously.

Originally i had a music project known as Phoenix Down, but when i finally learned of another band with the same name, i needed a name quickly, so i chose esuna.

Off Topic / Happy Birthday Lolfighter!
« on: January 12, 2004, 06:36:51 AM »

General / Hostile Intent
« on: January 08, 2004, 05:32:09 AM »
Well, you're just a hater.
Perhaps, but you have 10 minutes to tell me one major thing that this game has that is 'revolutionary' or 'unique'.
Tension.  The tense feeling that you can get playing that intense.

Seriously, to believe that, it must be intense to wake up in the morning, or open a door, or go to the bathroom.

There's a great difference between "slow" and "tense", HI verges on slow, but falls horrifically into the classification known as "tedious". I refer you to the game Project 0, or the later Rainbow Six games with multiplayer, or NS even, if you want real tension.

Nothing in Hostile Intent is new, at all. The whole idea is CS, the ironsights was done in RO, the lack of HUD was created by some lazy git, and the bugginess... well. What do you know, there IS something unique. It has more bugs than your average Lithtech game.

Off Topic / Music
« on: January 06, 2004, 02:15:39 PM »
Yay Esuna you too like j-pop and j-rock? You probably heard of gackt or porno graffiti? Finally someone in this forum that likes j-pop and j-rock unless they're ashamed to admit it , like my some of my friends are.
Yeah, mainly the J-Pop i do listen to is the likes of Aiko, Garnet Crow, Ayumi Hamasaki or Triceratops.

Man, i suck. :D

Off Topic / Music
« on: January 06, 2004, 10:49:57 AM »
Welcome to The List. It's probably not too widely known, but i like a stupid range of music. I'll try not to go into sub-genres too much, but i inevitably will.

Hardcore Dance
Traditional Ska
Chamber Music
Classical Music
Avant Gard
Prog. Rock
Death Metal
Black Metal
Old School Hip-Hop (NWA / PE, etc)
Drum n Bass
Hard House
Happy Hardcore
Digital Hardcore
Goth Metal
Power Metal

Well, without going into too much detail, that about covers it.

To give an idea of some bands, recently i've had the following CDs on rotation in my car:
  • Hepcat - Push 'n Shove (Traditional Ska)
  • Give 'Em The Boot 1-3 (Punk + Traditional Ska compilations)
  • The Berzerker - Dissimulate (Death Metal)
  • Goteki - O/S (Futurepop / EBM)
  • Bal-Sagoth - Battle Magic (Black Metal / Power Metal / Fantasy... stuff)
  • Bonkers X (3CD Hardcore Dance compilation)
  • 25 Ta Life - Strength Through Unity (Hardcore)
  • Dropkick Murphys - Live On St Patrick's Day (Punk)
  • Sublime - Sublime (Ska / Punk)
  • Darkthrone - Soulside Journey (Death Metal)
Yeah.... I like too many different types of music.....

Off Topic / Pet Peeves
« on: January 06, 2004, 07:02:54 AM »
hey esuna, two things

1) yer name and yer avatar make me think you are  a girl. but i'm 99% sure yer not. just an fyi :)
2) what sorta sound stuff do you do?
Pfft, i'm positive you've heard me over voice comms. If i am a girl, i'm a girl with a husky voice. :D

And i do a bit of sound really. I've had a buggerload of experience live mixing and some recording experience. I used to work in a theatre doing lighting and sound, so it helps to know. Other than that i'm a vocalist in a hardcore / metalcore band, play a stupid amount of instruments (well, used to), have attended music school in the past and i make ambient, noise and electronic dance music. :D

Off Topic / How Old Are You?
« on: January 06, 2004, 07:00:34 AM »
21 years old and i don't act it one bit. :D

Off Topic / Pet Peeves
« on: January 05, 2004, 08:27:43 AM »
Gawd, i have too many really.
  • I hate people that don't turn lights off, it really bugs me trying to get to sleep with the landing light on. Or if i go to the toilet and see there's a light on, i'll go downstairs and use the other toilet, only to find that someone just left the light on.
  • Not getting spare time to myself. Even if i'm spending time with my girlfriend or close friends, i need my own space from time to time.
  • People who ask "Are you mad?" when nothing's wrong, and keep asking, until FINALLY they've made you mad by asking.
  • Other drivers.
  • People that mess with my stuff. Things like playing with the knobs and sliders on my sound desk.... stuff like that.
  • "Txt Spk".... I can understand why you'd do it on a cell phone since you only have a limited space to type your message, but on the internet when you have all the time in the world, it just makes you look damned lazy. People might argue for doing it on IRC, but... er.... SHUT UP. I can type as fast using whole words. It's not exactly difficult.
That's just off the top of my head.... Maybe more later.

Off Topic / Why Do Mappers Have More Hd Failures?
« on: December 22, 2003, 05:59:29 PM »
Hmm, odd that any recent ones would go missing. After all the ns_nancy drama, i thought mappers would get a bit more paranoid. I mean, i have my maps backed up on 3 seperate computers of 4 unique hard drives.

You can never be too sure. :D

I'd not heard about co_daimos dying, such a shame, a really fun map. Hopefully Flayra does have the .rmf / .map backup, it would be a terrible balls-up if he hasn't got it, especially since it's required for map submissions.

General / Your Comming Style
« on: December 21, 2003, 06:16:05 AM »
I can sum up my comming style in one word. "Poor".

I get aggitated, i expect the marines to follow each and every word i speak, and as we all know from comming pubs, this never happens. It frustrates me intensely to have people not following orders and it throws my concentration off of what i should be doing.

Also, a lot of people disagree with the fact that i usually get upgrades for all of the marines over buying specific weapons for people. Call me dumb, but i prefer for the marines to all do the most damage possible as opposed to one marine doing a lot and the rest being screwed against a carspace skulk.

I may try comming again one of these days, but it won't be pretty.

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