Author Topic: Explain Your Name  (Read 40833 times)

January 14, 2004, 08:43:05 PM
Reply #20


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well, mines kinda weird, i suppose. but its not weird to me anymore (i've had it 6 years and running)

Its based from the indian (from India, not North America) "Satyagraha" which is a phrase that gandhi used earlier in history, meaning "Soul Force". Such a term was referring to his passive non-violence, but i didn't care about that, i was like "hmm, cool, soul force..." So umm one thing led to another and i decided that the y in it looked stupid, so i changed it to another letter with the same sound, i.  Armed with "Satiagraha", i have been playing HL, Tribes 2, and a host of other games ever since.
By the way, i've only had people pronounce it correctly after many teachings in pronunciation.

Pronunciation Guide for "Satiagraha":
(S-ah)-(Tea)-(Ah)-(Gr-uh)-(Hah)  Each section in () is a syllable and you place the emphasis on the (S-ah) and the (Ah).    People commonly and incorrectly emphasize the the gra and the ha, which is WRONG, so Stop Doing It! :p

We are the shadow that comes in the night and says "ARRR!"
"yarrr I'm gaybeard the butt pirate, and I've come to plunder yer booty!" -TAK

January 14, 2004, 08:46:42 PM
Reply #21

Uranium - 235

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well, mines kinda weird, i suppose. but its not weird to me anymore (i've had it 6 years and running)

Its based from the indian (from India, not North America) "Satyagraha" which is a phrase that gandhi used earlier in history, meaning "Soul Force". Such a term was referring to his passive non-violence, but i didn't care about that, i was like "hmm, cool, soul force..." So umm one thing led to another and i decided that the y in it looked stupid, so i changed it to another letter with the same sound, i.  Armed with "Satiagraha", i have been playing HL, Tribes 2, and a host of other games ever since.
By the way, i've only had people pronounce it correctly after many teachings in pronunciation.

Pronunciation Guide for "Satiagraha":
(S-ah)-(Tea)-(Ah)-(Gr-uh)-(Hah)  Each section in () is a syllable and you place the emphasis on the (S-ah) and the (Ah).    People commonly and incorrectly emphasize the the gra and the ha, which is WRONG, so Stop Doing It! :p
If it annoys you enough I'll call you (Say)-(Shuh)-(Graph)-(Uh) :)

January 14, 2004, 10:09:07 PM
Reply #22

Black Mage

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ok, i used to play that evil mod called cs under a crappy name which shal go undiscussed. one day i did something ... i forget what exactly it was i did but i, for some reason, changed my name to Black Mage (after the Nuklear Power charachter) on a particularly boring jeepathon match, a guy said "do you want to make a clan?" i said sure, and he became "White Mage", jefe and shootbang (you don't know him) joined under the names "Red Mage" and "Fighter" we eventually got a tag [CotM] 'Covenant of the Mages' names after the two cofounders. white mage went awol jefe changed back to jefe after a brief run as monk, shootbang is now shootbang again ... but i never bothered to drop my console down and change my name back. that and the fact that i like the 8-bit theater (nuklearpower == 8bit theater) charachter.

and that is how i am black mage to you now

oh yeah, my old name was something like ... psyk0 ... ugh

this is one of the things i like about black mage:

oh, and if you find me quoting or saying something that makes no sence, it's probably from there ... or it came from the "summoning cube" :p
« Last Edit: January 14, 2004, 10:09:54 PM by Black Mage »

January 15, 2004, 02:33:59 AM
Reply #23


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I still can't believe I had to coach that silly NS Radio DJ to say my name... only took him 11 attempts ><

that's 'aus' like in australia or something =P

he managed 'Ghemeenowsity', 'Jemeenowsity', 'Ghemownosity' and a host of other things that made me shout at him lots ^^;

January 15, 2004, 03:06:37 AM
Reply #24

Uranium - 235

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I still can't believe I had to coach that silly NS Radio DJ to say my name... only took him 11 attempts ><

that's 'aus' like in australia or something =P

he managed 'Ghemeenowsity', 'Jemeenowsity', 'Ghemownosity' and a host of other things that made me shout at him lots ^^;
Lol I've never wondered how to pronounce it... I've always said "Jem-In-Aw-Si-Tee" :p How hard is that? Like Generosity... just different ;)

January 15, 2004, 04:06:54 AM
Reply #25


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yup yup, 'jem-in-awe-city' lol, I tried telling him it was like generosity but he still got it wrong ^^;

~gives u235 a cookie~

January 15, 2004, 04:50:50 AM
Reply #26


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Its a basturisation of Venom and a whole load of letters that looked cool.

It was designed for a Catachan Imperial Guard Commander in Warhammer 40,000 but I kinda adopted the name myself.

Because it looks cool.


January 15, 2004, 06:37:33 AM
Reply #27


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Hmm, I don't know how long I've had this name. I think I've had it a little over a half of a year. I got it when I used to play UT2003 all the time. I figured that I should have a name that would strike some form of fear into my enemies when I did lovely shock combos. So, since my name doesn't mean I love you or something similar, I thought it would work. I decided that I liked it because it was simple and looked fine on screen. Also, most people don't use it for a name on a forum, for example (or don't know what it means, but that's because they're illiterate :p). So are you scared yet? If so it's doing its job.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2004, 06:39:08 AM by Malevolent »
It's twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reason.

January 15, 2004, 07:06:13 AM
Reply #28


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Well look at me, I actually have a real-life nickname.

My name was given to me in spanish class sophomore year because my teacher found out I was moving to Kansas City...from California.  And no, this isn't the kind you pick for yourself like some classes, it was given.  I hung around online with this for a year then changed to Red Mage (see Black Mage's above post), then after that died went back to Jefe, then to monk because I was sick of people mispronouncing my name, and then went back to Jefe....again.

And what kind of name is "Jake"?

*DISCLAIMER*  Do not take the above post seriously.

January 15, 2004, 07:21:38 AM
Reply #29

Dirty Harry Potter

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My nick originates from the 7th grade - i kinda looked like Harry Potter on the Danish book cover....well enough for a bunch of small kids to point at me and say "look its Harry Potter", or something along those lines - i didnt hear it, but my friends told me o_O...that and someday when me and my brother was thinking of a nick a Dirty Harry movie was shown on TV....

the only problem with it, is people who doesnt think in this fashion when they see it:

Dirty Harry + Harry Potter = Dirty Harry Potter.

i think some misinterpret it like im some kinda pr0n HP >_>

this is the .44 Wand, the most powerful wand in the world, so did I fire 5 or 6 fireballs? Now you got to ask yourself one question pal, do I feel lucky? Well do ya punk?

January 15, 2004, 08:24:58 AM
Reply #30


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erm... mine came from my second name with a 'y' thrown in and a load of letters cut off the end. Iv'e had it for close enough 5 years of online gaming. I went through this transitional phase of calling myself just_Pete but reverted back to my old sig as no one knew who I was.

Nothing really interesting  ^^ I was born a LaYkE and i'll die a LaYkE.

January 15, 2004, 08:33:53 AM
Reply #31


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Hmm. Mine's boring, it's just taken from the Final Fantasy series of games. Obviously.

Originally i had a music project known as Phoenix Down, but when i finally learned of another band with the same name, i needed a name quickly, so i chose esuna.
Hint: Use Guided Mode for helpful prompts

January 15, 2004, 09:48:24 AM
Reply #32


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wasn't esuna the name of a car.. ? i thought there was this now-defunct off-shoot american car company that made some nifty looking (if poor quality cars). one of those was called the esuna.

hm.. must google.
"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

January 15, 2004, 09:56:34 AM
Reply #33


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I thought it was just one of those cruddy potions that never got used. Like it refilled 50 points worth of MP and HP or some such? Cure potions were teh best anyway. Next time I need a medikit I'm going to ask the comm for a CURE 3!!!! Anyway, quit making me derail my own thread!

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

January 15, 2004, 10:24:18 AM
Reply #34


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Besides taking issue with having to justify my existence, here goes:

I got into online gaming rather late, somewhere around the beginning of 2001 I think. Of course, I was drawn to CS, being the cool game everyone talked about (yes, this was thirteenth grade. Back then, CS was still fashionable). I used the nick 'Squid Fizzy', one I had used for years and years in high score lists. It could easily be shortened into intials, the first part fit snug into the games that only allowed eight characters, and it could even be divided into first name and last name in the rare case a game required it. How I came up with it I don't know, kind of random.
Either way, I picked up a habit from a friend of changing my name whenever I played really bad (good for servers that logged stats as well). So I picked 'lolfighter' for reasons that should now seem obvious.
I gave up CS sometime around spring 2002 after it became too boring and repetitive to keep my attention. After brief stints with DoD and S&I, I went to a boarding school for grown-ups in the fall of 2002, which forced me to give up online gaming for the time being (do NOT ask me to tell the whole story, it'd take me hours to type). I'd heard a little about NS, and it seemed rather promising at the time. I was home during the winter holidays and gave NS a try (need I say I was hooked?). Anyways, I'd heard that the game was rather complicated and fully expected to suck for a while, so I decided to forego the inevitable and just pick 'lolfighter' for my nick right away. After two weeks of playing the game it was back to the boarding school until mid-may, since when I've been playing NS seriously. The name just kinda stuck.

Edit: Once more for the slow among us:
I used 'lolfighter' for when I sucked supremely. I was the 'fighter' you 'lol' at. Get it? Fighter you lol at? Fighter - lol? Lol - fighter? lolfighter? Yes? :rolleyes:
As for the longer story: No. If you find a method of making YOUR spare time MINE, sure, why not? Otherwise, no. Catch me in the right mood on IRC and I might tell you. Besides, I do not tell this story lightly, seeing how it is a central part of what kind of person I am now.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2004, 09:34:12 AM by lolfighter »

January 15, 2004, 11:13:12 AM
Reply #35


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So I picked 'lolfighter' for reasons that should now seem obvious.
(do NOT ask me to tell the whole story, it'd take me hours to type).
for the former statement, no, it's not obvious :o

and for the latter, PLEASE EXPLAIN!!! :D
"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

January 15, 2004, 11:50:46 AM
Reply #36


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Nothing Special over here;

I was originally Qwerty, the first 5 letters on the keyboard on the top row, but one day, things went horribly wrong:  It was taken for several fourms and gaming sites etc.  So i had to change it.

Its basically a bastardidation of "Liddo-kun" from Love Hina, if anyone's read the manga, or seen the anime (OMG! ANIME! Lito = GEEK ^_^! )

how it became my nick is even mroe pathetic, however.  Spare me your flames, but we were all nublets once.  And I happened to be a nublet that played anime trivia, and a question came up about Love Hina, and it asked for the name of the doll (which was, for those who don't know, "Liddo-kun"), but the answer was screwed up and turned out to be "Lito", and it stuck.

the two most common ways i've heard it pronounced are: "Leet-oh" and "Lie-to"  I accept both, however i prefer "Leet-oh" and not for the most obvious reason (1337-o, get it? :D !)

As to why i exist, abortions-on-demand were illegal back then.
Go, go, go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
aah - Johnny B. GONE
sig images must not exceed 22kb -DHP

Thanks to Bijiy for help on the sig
Japanese Lesbian Kissing ftw
Waffles aer teh lews.

January 15, 2004, 12:53:58 PM
Reply #37


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As to why i exist, abortions-on-demand were illegal back then.
Ahhh, I knew this would pay off if I just waited for it. Comedy platinum, man!

Edit: Also, lolfighter... you didn't really explain your name at all. Admins are not allowed an easy out! Tell us all the gory details.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2004, 12:55:41 PM by BobTheJanitor »

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

January 15, 2004, 03:16:31 PM
Reply #38


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Originally I had chosen Necravolvr as my online game, as I was/am slightly obsessed with Magic: the Gathering, and I thought (and still think) this card looks cool as hell. I just dropped out an 'e' near the end, I forget why. I used that name mostly for TFC and other games, and if you see a Necravolvr in a game of TFC, its a good chance its me.

Over time, the name just seemed to get rather old, and it always bugged to have people just call me 'Necra'.

I was part of a friend's TFC clan, and we didn't really do much because it was just a group of friends playing TFC. We used to have a clan member who got kicked out for being inactive for a long time, and his name was Grim. I liked the name, but how short it looks just didn't suit me well, so I added an extra letter to create Grimm. It looks good, sounds good, and slightly hints at my sadistic nature. I've been using it in most games since I adopted it.

I'm still part of the clan with some friends, known as Crimson Guards, and when The Specialists came out, I adopted a new name just to have a change. If you ever happen to see a [CG]Zodiac around, thats me, although its unlikely you'll see me on a TS server (havn't been playing recently). Most of the people that joined our clan call me 'Zod', over voice chat and such, but I don't mind that as much as it still sounds okay.

I have been considering adopting 'Grimmus', the nickname I have been giving by a few of you LM regulars, for any future forums/games/etc. I've never seen anyone with that name, and its generally pretty cool.

January 15, 2004, 06:56:42 PM
Reply #39


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Mine is rather boring and short compaired to other "stores"...  o_O

I was playing CS and heard that people where playing with higher mouse sensitivity then the default (3). I decide to play around with it and didnt wanna screw my stats up (yes at one time i was a stat... well... you know...) so i changed my name... to Mouse. It kinda grew on me...  <_<