Author Topic: Ns_richmond_at2 Review  (Read 26917 times)

May 18, 2004, 09:57:33 AM
Reply #20


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noticed something on the map without even playing it yet, on the far left south of the hive it looks like a siege point that u only have 1 way to get into, from the right, and to get there from the hive, u gotta go up right, down, then left to get over there, and that can take some time, it may be too strong of a marine point and can make that hive way to easy to take, might wanna put a vent there, or 2, or just make it plain open, cause marines only have 1 way into hive as it is, and aliens have 2 ways out, but u sorta have to pass the hallway where marines will be camping to get to the vent to get behind em.
"Thank God I'm An Atheist"
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May 18, 2004, 08:34:25 PM
Reply #21


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ok, most of the problems i have are fixed. known bugs are in the attached text file.

golgothaa:  there is a vent in there already, but it runs under teh hall way soy uoi can see it.
any way the map is now availible at

also sorry i havent done the lighting thing yet. but i will get that eventually

May 18, 2004, 08:52:41 PM
Reply #22


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msg when trying to open the most recent ziped file

warning cannot open NS_remix.wad

nevermind ignore my stupidity took me awhile though to put the wad in the right folder.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2004, 08:56:14 PM by Golgothaa »
"Thank God I'm An Atheist"
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May 18, 2004, 09:21:48 PM
Reply #23


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found a glitch, i dont wanna post a pic, so its near the west hive, go just south of the hive, around the crate, then look above the crate, its a small triangular glitch, and its where the wall and the ceiling connect. if u NEED me to post a pic, tell me
"Thank God I'm An Atheist"
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May 23, 2004, 11:16:26 AM
Reply #24


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sweet. thanks i have now fixed that little nasty.

I am looking fo r a bit broader feed back at this point though.
I want to know what you like and dont like what you would change if it was your map.
is the layout good? is the switch in the turbine hall to hard to find?
is crouching as an onos on teh ladder in the same hive too much of  a pain?

does teh map feel amrine or alien biased?  should i

again im to connected with the map itsself to be able to see these things so i need some one else to give me other perspectives.

May 24, 2004, 12:47:13 AM
Reply #25


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Ok, I went and looked at NS_Richmond-a5, and I drew up a list of things that struck me as I ran about. Oh, and be warned, all ye who enter here: BIG POST AHEAD![/color]

First off, some general things:

A) Immediately upon joining the map, the first thing I saw was the readyroom. Very impressive, it looks superb. I like the join aliens/marines models alot. The fade has some idle animations playing, and if it's possible, give the marine some too.

B) About all the “Energy shield” glass, it would be very nice if the textures on the inside of the windows were some kind of texture showing the glass is a force field. I was thinking maybe something blue. (See next post)

C) The button in the generator rooms does show up, but it is not obvious what it is for. It needs some sign or label that says “Main energy shield power” or something.

Ok, with that out of the way, now for specific things that I wrote down as I bounced around the map. (Obviously, see attached minimap)

1) I started in this hive, and noticed two things, the first being that it is very plain (for a mess hall) even though I did see your 2 halves of some tables. The other was that the infestation of the hive basically ends at the door, which is a bit odd.

2) This room is very impressive, and incredibly cool looking. A large, marine friendly room right outside a hive is a very bad thing, though. I really like the room though, and I’d hate to see it changed too much. Maybe bring in some infestation from the hive to grant some cover, at least partially. If not infestation, crates always work.

3) I really like the crew quarters hallway, because it is well done and because it is just one of those things that you would expect to find on a ship.

4) The elevator here is greatly improved over the a2, and it is now obvious that you can use the elevator.

5) The lights ringing this resource node have no source, and that bothers me for some reason. I think an impressive light fixture is in order...

6) The warning light looks less out-of-place with the antennas there, but I think it might look better if the light that spun around it was mirrored on two sides.  (See next post)

7) There is a bit of the void that you can see in this area, on a new piece of infestation where the seams don’t join. Look on my next post for a picture of it. (See next post)

8) Ok, the science lab, while a cool little room, has little to no strategic value, which is a crime for such a place. So, I think it should be connected in someway with the hallway nearby, to give it a purpose. (I drew it in, kind of..) There could be a door on the lab part of the corridor, to preserve the look and feel of a nice little lab.

9) A big confusing area, either the minimap needs to be edited to show that there are not 500 vents in this area (only one running under the ground) or it needs some restructuring.

Alrighty then, that’s the bulk of it. My next post has some pictures for B, #6, and #7

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May 24, 2004, 12:48:43 AM
Reply #26


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Here is the aforementioned Forcefield suggestion, the beacon light suggestion, and the void in one of the hives.

Commanding is like playing StarCraft, only the units curse at you when you lose.
Anything is a weapon if you swing it right.

May 24, 2004, 01:55:51 PM
Reply #27


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all good suggestions. i'll attempt to implement them

the only one im unsure of is teh suggestion about the new hallway. for a while i was contemplating putting a resorce tower in teh room, but i deceided it was too close to crews quarters.  you may be right though, if the rest of you think a hall way would be warrented ill put one in.

in the recreation room (2) would a ping [pong tanble as suggested by sati work well for cover esp if i add some more infestation to it  or should i be thinking of somehting more crazy:)

also the ligthing in power control does need some source, and there is a section on teh cieling which i have beent hinking of changng so illl get to that.

sweet keep teh suggestions coming  they are awesome.

May 25, 2004, 02:59:19 AM
Reply #28


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It's me again, but I don't have such a huge post this time.

I only have a bit to say about the lab. I am unsure if a hallway would be the best way to go about bringing attention or at least use to the lab, because it may mess a bit too much with map balance. A res node would work, but then there would be far too many nodes in that area, and 10 total on the map. That's just a bit much...

Those lights in the resource node room will look very nice when the light source is put in, very nice.

And as for the recreation room, I've got a few ideas. You could drop in something like 'snow drifts' of infestation, that skulks might be able to hide behind, or maybe piles of goo with tunnels... oh, and about the ping-pong table, well, I've always been partial to Air-Hockey.  :p

And I forgot to mention this earlier, but a simple thing struck me as very cool while gallivanting about the map, and it was the terra cotta like floor tiles in the right side of the map. It brought a very nice effect to the rooms, looking new and exciting without looking out of place. Very good work in general. ^_^

Commanding is like playing StarCraft, only the units curse at you when you lose.
Anything is a weapon if you swing it right.

May 25, 2004, 10:15:49 AM
Reply #29


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Why don't you bug jhunz about getting some real playtests run on LM? You never know how good a map is until you get some good trials by fire!

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

May 26, 2004, 06:50:40 PM
Reply #30


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ive fixed some of path;s stuff and got me a job. so yeah. i guess it might be time to start annoying jhunz

June 15, 2004, 09:49:34 PM
Reply #31


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Consider me bugged.  Looks like the plan is for this weekend in the evening sometime.
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June 17, 2004, 10:23:10 PM
Reply #32


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fo those who want the map is is availibele at

and a swicy new picture of power control.

June 19, 2004, 04:50:57 PM
Reply #33


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Minor onos stuck issue in this area...  it should be a quick fix.

June 19, 2004, 09:18:02 PM
Reply #34


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Vent in inspection station 3 needs a ladder - marines get stuck in there
Button in maint access is semi-transparent
Change power being rerouted to forcefields enabled/disabled
Transshipping can be built under lift
You can build outside the crater
Two poles between Air Circ/Power Control probably block onos
You can drop things outside the door near Cargo, the dead end one
The Crew's Quarters res node seems too small
Power Control you can get under the RT
Grate in Recreation weldable/killable?
In lab, the largest thing that hangs down you can see through the top

Dunno if you know about any of those

June 19, 2004, 09:45:23 PM
Reply #35


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here is some missing infestion in dining hive

the vents still don't need to be red it is hard on the eyes

the maps plays well but sometimes you get lost even using the minimap cause the minimap is rather small and some of the areas on it don't connect to others

keep up the good work confused and this map will surely turn out great
er.. which doohickey is the capacitor? and not a FLUX capacitor right?!? cuz then i'd have to put it in my Dolorian..

June 20, 2004, 08:10:38 AM
Reply #36


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When the power is rerouted to put the barriers up, and you're in between one of them, you get stuck, and sometimes when you try to futilely move around, it starts hurting you.
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Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
aah - Johnny B. GONE
sig images must not exceed 22kb -DHP

Thanks to Bijiy for help on the sig
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June 20, 2004, 11:08:40 AM
Reply #37


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And you can click the barrers from the comm view to open them. (but not to close them)

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

June 20, 2004, 11:39:12 AM
Reply #38

Uranium - 235

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Behind the node in the marine spawn, you tried to save faces by nullfacing them, but you can see that area, giving you a hallofmirrors. Looks ugly. Make it smaller so you can't squeeze in there, or simply texture them.

Why is the turbine hive default alien resource node built at the one near the elevator, and not south of it? Try to move them around so the one south of it is closer, and thus, built first.

I fell in the water under Dining hive and was unable to escape.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2004, 11:48:42 AM by Uranium - 235 »

June 20, 2004, 09:55:37 PM
Reply #39


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OK, First off thatnk you all for playing my map.

i hope to have a new version which fixes all the above problems with in the next few days.

-architecture changes: onos stuck issue, dining hive, rts near turbine hall.
-null faces visable / texturing. includes button in maint access, grate in recreation, lab
-issues with windows including stuck problems, comander view stuff, and a better notice   system preferably with sound.
-vent fixes.

@dev/null: i'm unsure how you got under the rt in power control, but if you show me what you mean i will fix it.

however guys i was hoping for feed back in a differnt sort of vein. i want to know what you thought of the map outside of the bugs.

 tell me stuff you liked didnt like bugs i can make trained monkeys find. i want coments about layout, game play, and feel from you guys.

 also if you hated it please tell me and why im not sensitive about it.

would it be cool to have a kind of "story" room availible from the ready room? so you can see aeas get despoiled by  onoses and such like. or is that to extravagant?