This kinda reminds me of my gorge killing spree on origin. See, origin has this elevator in double res. And I, I was a gorge, sitting up top. I found out this trick by accident, but proceeded to make good use of it and kill many a rine who thought he'd ride that elevator.
See, rines have a tendency to remain in place while they ride that elevator, so they'll usually stand right in front of the switch. I'd keep the elevator up top. When it moved down (the marines had a phasegate there, in fact), I knew there was a rine on his way, so I'd position myself. Then, when I heard the elevator moving up, I'd jump, trying to land on his head. Why? Because that elevator, my friend, is of the instagib variant: It crushes anyone who tries to obstruct it. And it seems that having somebody sit on top of you while it's going up counts as obstructing it. Yes, landing on a marine's head instagibbed him.
Rarely have I had so much fun.